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Fârâbî Felsefesinde Toplum Teması

Abstract The Second Teacher Abu Nasr al-Fârâbî (872-951)  attaches a special importance to the theme of society in his philosophy. It can be said that the Islamic philosopher Fârâbî is a theoretician ... Hitit Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi / Journal of Divinity Faculty of Hitit University 2651-3978 FÂRÂBÎ FELSEFESİNDE TOPLUM TEMASI THE THEME OF SOCIETY IN AL-FÂRÂBÎ'S PHILOSOPHY 0 İntihal

Wıllıam James'in Çoğulcu Evren Perspektifinde İdealizm Eleştirisi

By postulating different and even opposite propositions, realism and idealism, which have been among thinking systems to understand the universe throughout the history of philosophy, have constituted ... Candidate, Ankara University, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Department of Philosophy and Religion Sciences Ankara , Turkey Öz Felsefe tarihi boyunca evrenin anlaşılması

Economic efficiency of Colombian agricultural companies: an empirical study of stochastic production frontiers

and intangible assets, aspects that provide competitive advantages for medium and large companies; therefore, we suggest to improve the political-private strategy of business management with incentives

Pragmatik Argümanlar ve İnanç

This is a translation of the article by Professor of Philosophy Jeff Jordan's "Arguments Pragmatic Arguments and Belief". This article,  was published in Journal of  American Philosophical Quarterly ... Philosophy. Ve bk: Bonjour, “Externalist Theories of Empirical Knowledge”, Midwest Studies in Philosophy içinde, Volume V: Studies in Epistemology, ed. French, P., Uehling, T. ve Wettstein, H. K. (Minneapolis

Milli Tarihin Yeniden İnşa Sürecinde Sabitler ve Değişkenler: Bağımsızlık Öncesi ve Sonrası Azerbaycan Tarihçiliğinde Osmanlı İmajı (Tarih Ders Kitapları Çerçevesinde)

of creating political and cultural identity beyond recording of the vital events of the political, social and cultural life of the nations. During the last century national historiography in Azerbaijan ... through the military, political, economic, social and cultural interaction with other nations. In this context, in terms of national historiography of Azerbaijan, Turkey was one of historically important

Sources of conflicts in the execution of projects in companies of the oil sector in the Eastern Coast of the Lake of Zulia state

differences in philosophy and perception of how work should be done, as well as conflicting personal goals. Robbins & Judge [2], the origin of most conflicts is the transmission of poor communication, this ... , union and labor problems with the workers, by the doctrines or political inclination of some leaders. That is why the daily performance of companies, conflict situations of various nature and intensity

Analysis of the impact of eco-design on the circular economy: a bibliometric analysis of publications in Spain

main objective of the EU is to be climate neutral by 2050 and, in addition to having proposed a law that turns this political commitment into a legal obligation, to achieve this objective it will be ... conditions or under what philosophy or thought those goods have been produced. In addition, since Asia is responsible for a large volume of production over the world total, it would be interesting for Spain to

Sustainability and future of the oil and gas industry: a mini-review

an unstable policy and legal framework that ultimately, weakens a country’s political commitment towards energy policies; they downplay the investments needed to motivate research and development ... to reasonable amounts which now leads to O&G companies to be flexible and adapt their business models considering the changing regulatory environment owing to the political compliance pressures. These

Hukukun Temeli ile İlgili Yaklaşımlar

The question of which intellectual factors have impact on the formation of legal institu-tions constitutes one of the basic subjects of legal philosophy. While some of the legal theoreticians argue ... religions in particular played an effective role in forming the legal systems. Still some others suggest that the sources of legal systems are the secular authorities who hold political power de facto. This

Selçuklu İktidar Mücadelesi Ekseninde Rey Şehri

There have been important developments for the States which prevailing throughout the Kho-rasan and dibal in the XI. century which Great Seljuk taken place in the scene of history. Political events

Tümevarım Meselesi -İbn Sînâ Merkezli Yeni Bir Okuma-

The purpose of philosophy is to achieve happiness. Logic is just like a key leading man towards this joy in philosophy. Logic helps us to reach knowledge on a standart of rationality and coherence by ... plays a great role in philosophy. The scientific method ‘induction’ in the new age philosophy was brought to agenda by Bacon but later it was refuted by many philosophers like Hume and Popper. Before

Problem of Possible Rational Metaphysic According to Ibn Khaldun

asserted that knowledge on the physical world, daily work, issues about nature philosophy, debates about the alm al-umran, principles of political philosophy, movement of planets and effects of stars are all ... , Faculty of Theology, Department of Islamic Philosophy Ordu , Turkey 0000-0001-8549-7746 The claim which human is a being that comes to the soul and body and origin of the soul comes from the

Problem of Possible Rational Metaphysic According to Ibn Khaldun

asserted that knowledge on the physical world, daily work, issues about nature philosophy, debates about the alm al-umran, principles of political philosophy, movement of planets and effects of stars are all ... , Faculty of Theology, Department of Islamic Philosophy Ordu , Turkey 0000-0001-8549-7746 The claim which human is a being that comes to the soul and body and origin of the soul comes from the

William Alston'da İlâhî Bilginin Doğası ve Zaman

I n the contemporary philosophy of religion, William P. Alston has proposed one of the most important views on the nature of divine knowledge. The basic reason for the view, which can be called as ... Asst. Prof. Hitit Üniversity Divinity Faculty, Philosophy and Religious Sciences Copyright © Published by Hitit Üniversitesi, İlahiyat Fakültesi - Journal of Divinity Faculty of Hitit Üniversity

Hicrî Beşinci Asra Kadar Kuzey Afrika’da Hanefîlik

Hanafite continued to exist in the region until the fifth century, came to an end due to many influences, such as political preferences, the mihne event, and the negative activities of Malikī jurisprudence ... until the fifth century, ended due to many factors such as political preferences, mihne incident and illegitimate studies. In terms of state policy, there are three decisive factors in the disappearance

Stabilization of clayey soils using asphalt emulsion and steel filings for subgrades

"cradle to cradle" philosophy. One of the alternatives proposed in this research is the use of asphalt emulsion for the improvement of the subgrade, since both its production and application are

Technology management. Design and manufacture of a heatsink

evaluated to choose the most promising one, with which you can proceed to the prototype construction stage. This work philosophy allows significant savings, not only in time, but also in resources, by

Bir Felsefî Tefsir Örneği Olarak Muhammed Hâdimî’nin İbn Sina’ya Ait İhlâs Sûresi Tefsirine Haşiyesi

exegeses in which evidences are commented by the rules of philosophy and logic/dialectic. This commentary puts forth how Qur’an could be understood by the philosophic and rational sciences. It also presents

Bir Şehrin Serüveni: Büyük Selçuklular Döneminde Merv’in Siyasî Tarihi

  cities were being rebuilt and developed, on the other hand they were being destroyed during  the political instability periods. People who lives in these cities on one side was feeling the rich  in wealth