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Search: Political Philosophy

85 papers found.
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There is only one más: Spanish que/de comparative alternation

spellout . Dordrecht: Springer. Baker , Mark. 1988 . Incorporation. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Bale , Alan. 2008 . A universal scale of comparison . Linguistics and Philosophy 31 : 1 - 55 . https ... : Indefiniteness and islands . Linguistics and Philosophy 43 : 427 - 472 . Chierchia , Gennaro. 1998 . Reference to kinds across language . Natural Language Semantics 6 ( 4 ): 339 - 405 . Chomsky , Noam. 1957

La profesionalización de la Filosofía en la Argentina a través de sus revistas: Notas para la confección de un corpus hemerográfico

publications that are relevant for the study of the local professionalisation process, using academic, political and cultural issues. To begin with, we revise how this professionalisation has developed in ... periods of the publications, from the first university magazine to current professional journals. And thirdly, this study will enable the identification of different theoretical and political stances in

Greek non-negative min, epistemic modality, and positive bias

. Giannakidou , Anastasia, and Alda Mari . 2018 . The semantic roots of positive polarity: Epistemic modal verbs and adverbs . Linguistics and Philosophy 41 : 623 - 664 . 9235 ... . Hans J. Eikmeyer and Hannes Rieser , 38 - 74 . Berlin: de Gruyter. Kratzer , Angelika. 1989 . An investigation of the lumps of thought . Linguistics and Philosophy 12 : 607 - 653 . Kratzer , Angelika

Detecting variable force in imperatives: A modalized minimal approach

This paper draws attention to various environments in Greek which show that imperatives convey possibility and not necessity as widely assumed in the literature. The interaction of imperatives with other operators reveals the presence of an existential operator. At the same time, however, it is shown that imperatives cannot be analysed as invariably conveying possibility. Instead...

Sequence of tense and cessation implicatures: evidence from Polish

, Universitätsstr. 150, 44801 Bochum, Germany Abusch , Dorit. 1997 . Sequence of tense and temporal de re. Linguistics and Philosophy 20 ( 1 ): 1 - 50 . Altshuler , Daniel. 2008 . Narrative effects in Russian ... . Ryan . 2016 . Past time reference in a language with optional tense . Linguistics and Philosophy 39 ( 4 ): 247 - 294 . Bochnak , M. Ryan , Vera Hohaus, and Anne Mucha . 2019 . Variation in tense and

Exceptionally optional negative concord with Turkish neither...nor

This paper presents a novel account for the optionality of negative concord observed with neither...nor coordinations, in an otherwise strict negative concord language—Turkish. I argue that the apparently optional negative concord is a surface phenomenon that can be traced back to a structural ambiguity arising from the type-flexibility of coordination operators. The semantic...

La otra voz de la Historia de las Bibliotecas: Una proyección desde la Argentina y América Latina

in the library training. A series of topics are suggested to approach this analysis from the Cultural History perspective and its encounter with the Political History. Finally, some fundamental

Portions and countability: A crosslinguistic investigation

We examine three constructions across several languages in which a mass noun is embedded in what appears to be a count environment, but the construction as a whole remains mass. We argue that the discussed phenomena—“Q-noun” constructions like lots of water, bare measure constructions like kilos of sugar, and pluralised mass nouns in languages like Greek and Persian—all involve...

Person effects in agreement with Icelandic low nominatives: An experimental investigation

Studies, Bielefeld University , Universitätsstraße 25, 33615 Bielefeld , Germany 1 Linguistics & English Language, School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences, University of Edinburgh , 3

Honorifics without [hon]

Honorifics without [HON] Ruoan Wang 0 0 Department of Linguistics and Philosophy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology , Cambridge, MA , United States of America Honorifics are grammaticalized

El expendio de libros de viejo en la ciudad de México (1886-1930): En busca de un lugar entre pájaros, fierros y armas

Ciudad de México. Finally, the article explores how secondhand books trade was linked to political, cultural and economic processes of the city.

A Research Exemption for the 21st Century

strengthen the long-standing common law research exemption in American patent law. I have written elsewhere about the political economy of the research exemption in American patent law from 1970 to the present ... law from 1970 to the present day, with an emphasis on analyzing the political coalitions that have historically argued in favor of or against such exemptions, and the economic arguments they often

Indefinites and free choice

, correlatives, and disjunction . Linguistics and Philosophy 32 ( 2 ): 207 - 244 . Alonso-Ovalle , Luis, and Paula Menéndez-Benito. 2010 . Modal indefinites . Natural Language Semantics 18 ( 1 ): 1 - 31 ... Philosophy 21 ( 5 ): 433 - 476 . https://doi. org/10.1023/A: 1005494000753 . Dayal , Veneeta. 2004 . The universal force of free choice . Linguistic Variation Yearbook 4 ( 1 ): 5 - 40 . https://

El bibliotecario como profesional de la información: horizontes laborales más allá de la biblioteca

The article shows the results of a research aimed at describing what the main trends in work placement of graduated librarians with a degree in Library and Information Science, Faculty of Philosophy

Multiplicidad y ambivalencia: nuevas articulaciones en Bibliotecología y Ciencia de la Información

-political entanglements in the realities of our field. Finally, on the basis of the previous issues and within the frame of our postmodern societies, a series of conceptualizations and thoughts are ... identity and training; reflection on epistemological, ethical and axiological aspects of the librarian theory and praxis; and the sometimes hidden topic of socio-political entanglements in the realities of

Two grammars of A’ingae glottalization: A case for Cophonologies by Phase

Spanish is prevalent, especially among younger genera tions. Despite economic, ecological, and political pressures experienced by the C ofán, their language attitudes towards A’ingae are uniformly positive

On the nature of role shift

coordination in ASL. Semantics & Pragmatics 6(Art. 4): 1–44. Davidson, Kathryn. 2015. Quotation, demonstration, and iconicity. Linguistics and Philosophy 38(6): 477–520. https

N-effects are not-P-effects

mediocre performers before the current singer. Tha {#e / esan / #e fhèin} uabhasach math air seinn. be.PRS 3SG.M 3SG.M.EM 3SG.M.ANA very well at sing.VN ‘He’s singing very well.’ We’re watching a political ... pronouns: A feature-geometric analysis . Language 78 ( 3 ): 482 - 526 . Katzir , Roni. 2007 . Structurally-defined alternatives . Linguistics and Philosophy 30 : 669 - 690 . Patel-Grosz , Pritty, and Patrick

Las revistas argentinas de filosofía: visibilidad en bases de datos internacionales

reference as regards the research/ bibliography relationship, some quantitative methods to determine indicators of representativity, visibility and vacancy of Argentinean journals in Philosophy are applied ... Argentinean journals in Philosophy are applied. The research examines data available in both single-discipline and multidisciplinary international and Latin-American bases. Matters arising as a result of our