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Search: Political Philosophy

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Hazard jako fakt społeczny (współczesne odsłony)

have been characterized. The title issue was presented in the context of the philosophy of Georg Simmel, who claimed that in modern societies money has become one of the most important causes of

Geneza i konsekwencje globalnego kryzysu finansowego 2008 roku. Simmlowskie inspiracje

The article analyzes the causes and effects of the global financial crisis that appeared in 2008 in the context of considerations undertaken by Georg Simmel in the Philosophy of Money. The German

Grandparenting in the United States

Grandparenting varies enormously in the United States and here we discuss that growing diversity. Relying on exchange and reciprocity, feminist, and political economic theoretical perspectives, we ... reciprocity; feminist; and political economic theories. Many scholars link intergenerational support to exchange and reciprocity theories (Casper, Florian, Potts, & Brandon, 2016). Families tend to exchange and

Contradiction and inconsistency of the liquid modernity in terms of the culture

traditional and modern super-pattern. The essence of social contradictions Contradictions in philosophy, logic and other sciences are treated as discrepancies or paradoxes which then become a  subject of many ... political institutions. Selected areas of contemporary social contradictions The most apparent contradiction connected with the society is that the whole masses of people are excluded from the market of

Reflexivity and internal conversation in self-help literature - a tentative examination

the social in the field of sociology, philosophy and, occasionally, anthropology. Research is still in progress and at this stage a number of self-help books, as well as articles from “Charaktery” – a ... philosophy in general – argue that the ultimate goal of the pursuit of the true self is to discover one’s unity with the world. While such concepts represent a  notable deviation from the tendency to fully

Czy naród może przeprosić? Uwarunkowania i charakterystyka zbiorowych aktów przeprosin

. , Wright M. ( 2011 ), Apologizing for historical injustice: Emotion, truth and identity in political discourse . „Discourse & Society” 22 ( 5 ): 507 - 531 . Austin J.L. ( 1993 ), Mówienie i poznawanie ... i polsko-żydowska przeszłość i pamięć w debatach publicznych . Poznań: Wydawnictwo Poznańskie. Forrest P. ( 2006 ), Collective guilt, individual shame, „Midwest Studies in Philosophy” , XXX: 145 - 153

Dwie drogi krytyki neopozytywizmu

, Franz Brentano ABSTRACT The most important critical arguments against neo-positivism were put forward by two great philosophical currents: critical realism (K. R. Popper) and analytical philosophy (G. E ... . Moore, B. Russel, L. Wittgenstein). These currents had the same roots – the philosophy of Austrian thinker Franz Brentano. I shall try to show that analytical philosophy built in Lvov-Warsaw School (the

Friendship in Later Life: A Research Agenda

for Political and Social Research to conduct a search of studies that included middle-aged and older adults. We then examined each data source for friendship variables and, for those that included ... hear from?” “Please compare your political views with your close friends’”; “How important is your role as friend?”; “Rank your quality of performance in your role as a friend.” “How satisfied are you

Some Things I Have Learned About Aging by Studying the Life Course

resources or “generation gaps” in values and attitudes, or cooperation among age groups when they have a common stake in social and political issues. These points make it clear that age is a property of ... conditions, high rates of poverty, high rates of infant and child mortality, violence, or political and economic upheaval. Old Age is a Highly Precarious Phase of Life Being able to count on long life is not

Some Things I Have Learned About Aging by Studying the Life Course

resources or “generation gaps” in values and attitudes, or cooperation among age groups when they have a common stake in social and political issues. These points make it clear that age is a property of ... conditions, high rates of poverty, high rates of infant and child mortality, violence, or political and economic upheaval. Old Age is a Highly Precarious Phase of Life Being able to count on long life is not

Kontynuacja sporu o metodę w filozofii realistycznej i realizmie krytycznym

KRYTYCZNYM Continuation of the dispute over the method of realistic philosophy and critical realism ABSTRAKT Filozofia realistyczna kwestionuj?c idealizm, racjonalizm, konstruktywizm lub solipsystyczny ... Lockwooda d???cego do integracji system?w spo?ecznych z ide? konfliktu spo?ecznego. S?owa kluczowe: metodologia, morfogeneza, Margaret Archer, John Searle ABSTRACT Realistic philosophy by questioning

Precarity, Inequality, and the Problem of Agency in the Study of the Life Course

many consequential social movements, whether the fascist and other political movements in Europe in the early 20th century or the progressive social movements launched in the 1960s and 70s. In addition ... application of collective agency in establishing social economies can readily be identified, and may apply to specific segments of the life course. One community with a long tradition of political engagement in

Cross-national Differences in Intergenerational Family Relations: The Influence of Public Policy Arrangements

) bring a new perspective to the individualism–familialism divide in Europe, stressing a country’s experience with political independence in the development of liberal attitudes toward the family. They ... argue that a longer history of self-determination and political autonomy brings greater opportunities to build civic values and social trust. In turn, the higher levels of social trust generate greater

Cross-national Differences in Intergenerational Family Relations: The Influence of Public Policy Arrangements

) bring a new perspective to the individualism–familialism divide in Europe, stressing a country’s experience with political independence in the development of liberal attitudes toward the family. They ... argue that a longer history of self-determination and political autonomy brings greater opportunities to build civic values and social trust. In turn, the higher levels of social trust generate greater

Making a better world: The feminine touch

, economic, cultural, artistic and political. In this way you make an indispensable contribution to the establishment of economic and political structures ever more worthy of humanity. [ John Paul II, 1995 ... highest pinnacle of political struggle, i.e. war, through centuries have represented the highest aspirations of the male members of societies. Until today the provision of national security in most states

Arab American Cognitive Aging: Opportunities for Advancing Research on Alzheimer’s Disease Disparities

, politically and culturally, they are often marginalized by mainstream America (Naber, 2000). At a political level, Arab Americans may report unique identities based on national origin, religion, and ethnic ... , migration within the most recent wave was often set in motion due to political unrest (Samhan, 2014). For immigrants from the Arab world, the time period in which migration occurs draws attention to

Kontynuacja sporu o metodę w filozofii realistycznej i realizmie krytycznym

KONTYNUACJA SPORU O METODĘ W FILOZOFII REALISTYCZNEJ I REALIZMIE KRYTYCZNYM Continuation of the dispute over the method of realistic philosophy and critical realism - objectivity of the cognitive ... ), Filozofia nauk przyrodniczych , Warszawa: Aletheia. Hodges , H. A. , ( 1952 ), The Philosophy of Wilhelm Dilthey , London: Routledge and Kegan Paul Ltd. Hughes , H. S. , ( 1958 ), Consciousness and Society

Social work failure? The issues of social work developments in postmodernity

change bad laws, prejudicial political decisions and discriminatory climate in the society” [ Janebová, 2010 : 35–37]. In the case of social work, we see that instead of problems’ reasons we address ... provide social objects (clients) with articles (benefits and services) to meet certain social needs. Through social work we realize a broad range of socio-political intentions, because it causes rising

Pojęcie zaufania w społeczeństwie nowoczesnym i ponowoczesnym

), Modernisation and Postmodernization. Cultural, Economic and Political Change in 43 Societies . Princeton: Princeton University Press. Jan Paweł II ( 1999 ), Fides et ratio [w:] I. Dec, Na skrzydłach wiary i

Making a better world: the femine touch

: Thank you, women who work! You are present and active in every area of life —social, economic, cultural, artistic and political. In this way you make an indispensable contribution to the establishment of ... economic and political structures ever more worthy of humanity. [ John Paul II, 1995 :2] These words were written by St. John Paul II in 1995 and despite being 20 years old, they have not lost their