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Search: Political Philosophy

124 papers found.
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Our Vice-Presidents Among Their Books

only vice-president who could be called a professional writer was Theodore Roosevelt, the author of 23 books of history, biography, natural history, political philosophy, and essays. In addition ... readers. Political leaders like publicity. It does them little good unless the historical background is there to support the publicity. No one ever loses by reading history, great literature—and even

Risky Asymmetry in the Automotive Cosmos

Mercedes-Benz, in spite of geopolitical insecurities and a volatile semiconductor market, the global demand for vehicles remains robust; nevertheless, due to the unstable political situation and ongoing

The David Middleton Reed Collection of Chinese Studies

Reed collection was begun in 1977 when Harold L. and Virginia Middleton Reed donated a library of 538 volumes owned by their late son, David Middleton Reed, a budding scholar of Chinese philosophy at ... , brings to the reader the gamut of traditional Confucian philosophy. The last work in the kernel library is the Tz’u hai (Sea of words) (T’ai-pei: T’ai-wan Chung-hua shu chü, 1967. 2 volumes). This is the

The Opportunity of Chemical Recycling

closed-loop systems and obtain new recyclable materials from waste. I firmly believe that our industry must put sustainability at the core of its philosophy in order to be successful in the future. The

From Positivism to Realism: The Philosophy of Gustav Bergmann

esth etic, political or o th erw ise, are all in th e sam e boat; since th e " tr u th " of su ch sta te m e n ts c a n n o t be d e te rm in e d in a " scientifically re sp e c t­ able" m a n n e r, th

Interplay of All Drive Types

expertise is confronted with a dangerous mixture: Political decision-makers prefer not to listen to the scientists, while in a media world that is geared toward entertainment or among the general public

Architectural Decisions as the Basis for Sustainable Mobility

significant architectural advantages that have a relevant influence on sustainability. This requires a different component and system design philosophy. Cooperations within the automotive industry, but also in

Driving us over a Cliff

and create a global network. Anyone who ignores this will be driving the environment, the mobility system and the economy over a cliff. Unfortunately, the leading political decision-makers do not seem

Lurching Toward Liberalism: Political and Literary Reminiscences

n d political view s? O r d o n 't y o u w o n d e r, o r are y o u afraid to w o n d e r? Is it p o ssib le th e re 's a "lib e ra l" o r " c o n s e rv ativ e" g en e in th e g e n e pool? I'm su re ... Bureau, a n d th e Harlan Tribune. B ut th e y carried little sig nificant political n ew s. I s u p p o s e I h e a rd political talk at m eal tim e, o r occasionally w h e n a n e ig h b o r d ro p p e

Twins in My Cradle: Arthur Davison Ficke, Iowa Poet

towards a public career in literature. His father, Charles A. Ficke, was the richest man in eastern Iowa and a political leader of the German community in Davenport.2 C. A. Ficke had been born in Germany ... , philosophy, or science was wholly unknown: to talk of such things stamped a student as a “highbrow” and was regarded as a contemptible affectation. . . .” ADF to Lucile Morsch, editor of the Iowa

Meta-analysis on the Market Development of Electrified Vehicles

. HEVs/MHEVs serve as a transitional solution between ICEVs and BEVs. In addition to political regulations, the main reasons for the increasing growth of electrified vehicles are decreasing Total Cost of

The Coronavirus, Immissions and the Combustion Engine

. As a general principle, it is good to keep cars out of city centers and create pedestrian zones. However, attempts are now being made to use the measurements for political purposes, because things are ... 5 cars under any circumstances.” CHANGING THRESHOLDS For the traffic researcher Matthias Klingner, this is relevant from both a practical and a political perspective. His conclusion is that it is

Robert Boyle: Pioneer of Experimental Chemistry

d to g ain h is s u p p o rt for th e cau se of th e P arlia m e n ta ria n s b u t, as h e w a s to d o th ro u g h o u t h is life, Boyle seem s to h a v e av o id ed tak in g a p u b lic political ... Principles of Philosophy b y D escartes becam e a so u rce of in sp iratio n . To tw e n tie th -c e n tu ry ex p erim en talists it is stra n g e to recall th a t B oyle's m arriag e of p h ilo so p h y a n d

Effective Actions

sustainable way of achieving the Paris targets and ensuring the competitiveness of the European automotive industry. It is astounding that the political policymakers are only slowly coming to this logical

The EU versus the Automotive Industry

diesel engines and the emissions they produce have been subject to social and political condemnation. Courts all over the world are handling an enormous number of cases concerning claims made by consumers

George Francis Train and the Woman Suffrage Movement, 1867-70

tu rn for th eir political in flu en ce called th e n a m e a "w o e fu l m ista k e " for b e in g fo reig n a n d d e scrib ed T rain as "excitable a n d v isio n ary to th e p o in t of in s a n ity ... philosophy—that the safety of the nation dem and ignorance rather th an education at the polls— have paralized [sic] the w om en them selves. T he ed ito ria l w e n t o n to d e ta il th e s u p p o rt S ta

The Dada Archive

Chicago to Madison Avenue. The style of political protest which came to the forefront in the late sixties—mock trials, Yippies, Guerrilla theater—can readily be traced back to the actions of the Dadaists in ... sound poetry. Richard Huelsenbeck punctuated the proceedings with a continual drumbeat. It would be hard for us to find much that was overtly political in the early Dada performances and publications, but

The Search for Smith Wildman Brookhart: A Pilgrim's Progress

-u n iv e rsity C o n so rtiu m for Political a n d Social R esearch, in A n n A rbor, M ichigan, p ro v id e d a p rin to u t w h ic h listed e v e ry re c o rd e d v o te d u rin g B rookhart's y ... . B ro o k h art b e lie v e d th a t th e s e g ro u p s o u g h t to jo in in a political a n d eco n o m ic co alitio n to p ro te c t th e ir o w n in te re sts. A n d w h e re th e y w e re p o w e