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A Paper Tiger? Prosecutorial Regulators in China’s Civil Environmental Public Interest Litigations

environmental violations. Three factors that influence regulatory motivation are employed to analyse the change in regulatory models: the ambiguity of the law, the top-down political pressure for regulation, and ... 2003 to 2018: ambiguity of the law (legal factor), top-down political pressure for regulation (political factor), and organizational cost of regulation (organizational factor). We find that the vertical

The party path of the Brazilian political transition

The text examines the role of political parties during the term of the Brazilian military regime from two perspectives. In the first, the parties are seen as objects of policies pursued by the regime ... puts the focus of analysis in the part that the parties played in Brazilian political transition. Keywords: the Brazilian military regime, political parties, political history     Introdução

A Tale of Two Trade Powers: Balancing Investor-State Dispute Settlement and Environmental Risk Between the European Union and United States in a Changing Political Climate

Press (bepress). ? A TALE OF TWO TRADE POWERS: BALANCING INVESTOR-STATE DISPUTE SETTLEMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL RISK BETWEEN THE EU AND US IN A CHANGING POLITICAL CLIMATE ... for the provisions? inclusion, and then examine the risks associated with the evasion of regulation by investors, faults in political insulation, and flaws within the arbitration process. It will also

What Invoking the King´s Name and Royal Justice Meant (and What it Did Not): Popular Royalism in Late Colonial Charcas

representations, and political practices that invoked the King´s image. It draws from various historical events such as the Tupac Amaru and Katarista indigenous rebellions, popular protests in the city of La Plata ... all the material and symbolic attributes associated with government officials and bodies, it could be deployed to convey compliance to the existing political order as well as to subvert in radical ways

Political centralization and financial development in Imperial Brazil (1853-66)

In the middle of the 19th century, in Brazil, there was in progress a conservative project that aimed political centralization in the capital and expressed itself in several plans: legal, military ... . Cf. VILLELA, André Arruda. The Political Economy of money and banking in Imperial Brazil 1850-1870. London, London School of Economics and Political Science, 1999. (Philosophy, Thesis of Degree of

Political centralization and financial development in Imperial Brazil (1853-66)

In the middle of the 19th century, in Brazil, there was in progress a conservative project that aimed political centralization in the capital and expressed itself in several plans: legal, military ... . Cf. VILLELA, André Arruda. The Political Economy of money and banking in Imperial Brazil 1850-1870. London, London School of Economics and Political Science, 1999. (Philosophy, Thesis of Degree of

Herança romântica e ecologismo contemporâneo: existe um vínculo histórico?

complex genealogy that combines elements of different intellectual and political traditions. The influence of the Enlightenment vision on modern ecologism, for example, is becoming each time more evident ... SPAPENS, P., Sharing the World: Sustainable Living & Global Equity in the 21st Century, London, Earthscan, 1998.         [ Links ] DOBSON, A., Green Political Thought, London, Routledge, 1995

Monteiro Lobato, Juan P. Ramos and the Role Played by Folkloric Enquiries in the Cultural and Political Nation Building

This article aims at analyzing the perspectives and actions of two Latin American intellectuals, in the years 1910 and 1920, concerning issues of nation and “popular culture”. On one hand, it refers to the Brazilian writer Monteiro Lobato, who idealized the “Saci” Enquiry developed by the newspaper O Estado de S. Paulo, in 1917, among its readers. On the other hand, to the...

Adventures and Strategies of Reason On the Historicization of Epistemology in France

Bachelard, of certain aspects of Kant’s philosophy, especially those concerning the historical formation of the criteria of rationality of the different sciences.Palavras-chave : history of sciences ... frequentemente o excluem das suas análises por considerarem-no bastante embaraçoso, já que estaria em desacordo com o caráter “puro” da razão, avalia Yirmiahu Yovel em seu Kant and the Philosophy of History


, bedensel gelişim, doğru yaşam.   ABSTRACT Aristotle's View Of The Education Aristotle planned an education from which is necassary for his realistic philosophy and shaped this philosophy doctirine according


, bedensel gelişim, doğru yaşam.   ABSTRACT Aristotle's View Of The Education Aristotle planned an education from which is necassary for his realistic philosophy and shaped this philosophy doctirine according


, bedensel gelişim, doğru yaşam.   ABSTRACT Aristotle's View Of The Education Aristotle planned an education from which is necassary for his realistic philosophy and shaped this philosophy doctirine according

Responsible Shale Gas Productions: Moral Outrage vs. Cool Analysis

The relatively sudden boom in shale gas production in the United States using hydraulic fracturing has provoked increasingly intense political conflict. The debate over fracking and shale gas ... necessary to guide policymaking. Recognizing this, policymakers must resist political pressures and work that much harder to ground their decisions in empirically-demonstrated facts – namely, those produced


. Because philosophy does not include common opinions everybody agrees on. It has a logical and non-epistomological basis. Although it seems an individualistic and subjective approach, philosophical


. Because philosophy does not include common opinions everybody agrees on. It has a logical and non-epistomological basis. Although it seems an individualistic and subjective approach, philosophical


. Because philosophy does not include common opinions everybody agrees on. It has a logical and non-epistomological basis. Although it seems an individualistic and subjective approach, philosophical


-style, science and philosophy on the one hand, it has put a totally new human model on the other side. The most severe criticism to the volues of modernity has been within itself. Jürgen Habermas is one ... HABERMAS Modernism is one of the great social transformations Europa has lived. While modernism appeared as a new understanding in life-style, scienee and philosophy on the one hand. it has put a


-style, science and philosophy on the one hand, it has put a totally new human model on the other side. The most severe criticism to the volues of modernity has been within itself. Jürgen Habermas is one ... HABERMAS Modernism is one of the great social transformations Europa has lived. While modernism appeared as a new understanding in life-style, scienee and philosophy on the one hand. it has put a


-style, science and philosophy on the one hand, it has put a totally new human model on the other side. The most severe criticism to the volues of modernity has been within itself. Jürgen Habermas is one ... HABERMAS Modernism is one of the great social transformations Europa has lived. While modernism appeared as a new understanding in life-style, scienee and philosophy on the one hand. it has put a

The sources of political space: electoral techniques and deliberative practices in Italian cities (12th to 14th centuries)

For those who research, in the usual practices of the Middle Ages, remains of a space of political mediation, the world of the Italian communes of the XII-XIV centuries offers a privileged laboratory ... Medieval political thought. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999.         [ Links ] 27 FRATI, L. (éd.) Statuti di Bologna dallanno 1245 all’anno 1267. Bologna 1869, tomo I, v.1, p.68: "         [ Links