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Political Parties, Elections and Election Systems by Etem Aziri

differences between them. Classification of political parties according to the author, can be based on different criteria ranging from philosophy and political, to the political programs of up to parliamentary ... treatment of political parties as a global phenomenon. In 2004 published the book "Political parties and democracy", while two years "Sociology of political parties" - in modified version. This book differs

Leo Strauss: An Intellectual Biography by Daniel Tanguay

The book ends with concluding remarks of the writer about the whole Leo Strauss’s thought. Although Leo Strauss’s philosophy is very complex especially in terms of so many different titles and ... twentieth century political philosophy but also enable to us with critical outlook about modern political philosophy and its problems. Apart from Introduction, the book consists of four main titles about Leo

Pederi-i Şefik’ten Müstebit Hükümdara: 1876-1914 Yılları Arasında Yayımlanan Çocuk Gazetelerinde II. Abdülhamid İmajı

propaganda tools for regimes, the contribution of the periodicals for raising the ideal generation, their roles in political socialization and indoctrination of children and the varying meaning of patriotism

İpek Yolu İktisadı ve Paralarının Gelişimi

the Han Dynasty led to significant economic developments. The important forces of the period that are active or contributed on the Silk Road have come face to face or side by side for political or ... . The economic and political history and development of the Silk Roads, which is an international commercial network, can be understood through these funds. These funds can be traced in the oasis cities

“There Are the Pyrenees!” Fortifying the Nation in Francoist Spain

political borders, embedded in—and relying upon—geographical features. This article examines a late example of this trend: the fortification of the Pyrenees border that the Spanish dictatorship carried out ... political border with France—into a truly physical separation. Today, the remaining fortifications are material ruins of the Spanish isolation after the Second World War, when the Francoist regime closed in

Gana’nın Sosyal ve Siyasi Tarihinde Kadınların Rolü

it is difficult to be a woman in a place where the belief in witchcraft is widespread and there are “witch camps”. This study examines the position of women in the social, economic and political ... women in the social, economic and political histories of Ghana, through a period of cultural and political changes, from colonialism to date. Ghanaian women made a significant contribution to the politics

Albanian Book and Libraries in Kosovo

in Kosovo by the 14th century was followed with a long interruption due to socio-political circumstances. The linguistic structure of the book in libraries by the middle of the sixties of the 20th ... the political and cultural position of Albanians was also reflected in view of the growing number of publications in Albanian and network extension of libraries also changing their cultural status. In


this, the concept of Turan, begining to be popular while gaining a political content, is contemporary with Balkan Wars. Loss of Balkans, accepted as the presence philosophy of the empire, and consecutive ... . The concept of “memalik”, expressing the lands under the rule of Ottoman Empire in the classical age, had changed parallel to the political and social developments, besides this, “the idea of “homeland

The Muskrat’s New Frontier: The Rise and Fall of an American Animal Empire in Britain

. Thirty years ago, John Sheail foregrounded alarm-raising scientists’ efforts to engender political action and provided a detailed account of the Destructive Imported Animals Act’s passage and provisions ... . Moreover, eradication took place before animal rights emerged as a social and political force, which might have complicated the campaign’s prosecution. The rapidity of the muskrat’s self-directed

Organizational practices and the establishment of the logic of equivalence: the Circuit Beyond the Standard Boundaries from the perspective of the Political Discourse Theory

. Palavras-Chave: práticas organizacionais; resistência; Circuito Fora do Eixo; Teoria Política do Discurso ABSTRACT One of the most important political tasks of critical studies about organizations is ... political discourse theory (PDT) has emerged as an alternative to understand the processes of resistance experienced by counter-hegemonic organizations, bringing to light alternative practices of organizing

Siyasal Bilgilenme ve Çift-Yönlü Siyasal İletişim Bağlamında KKTC’de Sosyal Medyanın Demokrasi Açısından Önemi

This study aims exploring the importance of using social media in political communication as a provider of political information and as a channel for two-way political communication between the ... Science Quarterly, 81/3, 2000, s. 869; Brian Krueger, “Assessing the Potential of Internet Political Participation in the United States: A Resource Approach”, American Politics Research, 30, 2002, s. 493. 2

Bağımsızlık Döneminde Azerbaycan ve Özbek Şiirinin Ortak Gelişme Özellikleri

and genes, religious and linguistic associations, parallel themes and ideas formed by a similar socio-political situation.BakhtiyarVahabzade, MammadAraz, Jabir Novruz, Halima Khudayverdiyeva

Bağımsızlık Döneminde Azerbaycan ve Özbek Şiirinin Ortak Gelişme Özellikleri

and genes, religious and linguistic associations, parallel themes and ideas formed by a similar socio-political situation.BakhtiyarVahabzade, MammadAraz, Jabir Novruz, Halima Khudayverdiyeva

Bağımsızlık Döneminde Azerbaycan ve Özbek Şiirinin Ortak Gelişme Özellikleri

and genes, religious and linguistic associations, parallel themes and ideas formed by a similar socio-political situation.BakhtiyarVahabzade, MammadAraz, Jabir Novruz, Halima Khudayverdiyeva

Sovyet Propaganda Afişlerinde “Doğu” İmgesi

incorporating they’re the new order. Propaganda posters were used as a socio-cultural, economic and political means of communication by societies and may show some changes simultaneously with historical and ... of Social and Political Change, Londra: A&C Black, 2010. Özer, Yerke. “Maksim Gorki’nin 17 Ağustos 1934 tarihindeki Sovyet Yazarlar Birliği Birinci Kongresinde Sunduğu Bildiri”, Halk Biliminde Kuramlar

Issues and Trends in the Provision of Public Library Services in Nigeria: A Literature Survey

The philosophy, orientation and nature of public library are routed in the responsibility of disseminating diverse and current information services to the members of its community. Waller and Mcshare ... , and often are members of both a library system/network and a political community. The library in New London, Connecticut, for example, is supported primarily through city taxes and is clearly a

Issues and Trends in the Provision of Public Library Services in Nigeria: A Literature Survey

The philosophy, orientation and nature of public library are routed in the responsibility of disseminating diverse and current information services to the members of its community. Waller and Mcshare ... , and often are members of both a library system/network and a political community. The library in New London, Connecticut, for example, is supported primarily through city taxes and is clearly a

Güney Azerbaycan'ın Çağdaş Edebiyatında Habip Sâhir

there by the means of his teacherTakihan Rafat, who was one of the important political and literary figures of thatage. Sahir studied university in Turkey, came back Iran and taught in universityfor a ... identity and his influences on south Azerbaijan and Iran contemporary literature. n the followings we overviewed the impact of Iran political social events on the life of poet. At the end we gave some

Mehmet Emin Buğra'nın Mektuplarında Türkistan'ın Sesi Dergisinin Çıkarılması Süreci

in July 1956 and which had to withdraw from the publication life due to financial troubles, political pressures that were applied by China, difficulties in finding articles, and Mehmet Emin Bugra’s

Anadolu’daki Zühdî Halk Edebiyatının Ahmet Yesevî ile İlişkisi

poets hasn’t been certain. However, it has been understood that Hüdayî has been affected by Yesevî’s philosophy and utilized him as a source in writing Zuhdi poems. In our paper, very brief analysis on