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Richard Rorty’de Liberalizm ve Dil Arasındaki İlişki

and reduces philosophy to a technique of criticism. Accordingly, Rorty follows a trend from political philosophy to politics. He rejects the constituent effect of traditional rationalist philosophy ... . Öğr. Üyesi|Assist. Prof. Dr. İzmir Demokrasi Üniversitesi, Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi, Felsefe Bölümü, İzmir-TÜRKİYE Izmir Democracy University, Faculty of Science and Letters, Department of Philosophy

John Stuart MILL'de Demokrasinin Meşruiyeti

highest number of people in the area of political philosophy at the same time. Defining goodness as an action ensuring to provide the greatest happiness for the highest number of people, MILL argues for a ... Gümüşhane University, Faculty of Letters, Department of Philosophy , Gümüşhane- Turkey Utilitarianism; Liberty/Freedom; Democracy; Liberalism THE LEGITIMACY OF DEMOCRACY IN JOHN STUART MILL GİRİŞ MILL

Thomas HOBBES'un Geleneksel Siyaset Felsefesine Karşı Çıkışı

Aristotle, who has been one of the most important system philosophers in the classical Greek philosophy, argues that the man is a political entity (zoon politikon) because of its nature and there is ... THOMAS HOBBES'S OPPOSITION TO TRADITIONAL POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY KARŞI ÇIKIŞI 0 Celal YEŞİLÇAYIR 0 0 Anahtar Kelimeler: Aristoteles , Zoon Politikon, Thomas HOBBES, Non-Zoon Politikon 1 Res. Assist

Habermas’ın Sosyal Bilimler Eleştirisi

theory, epistemology, political philosophy and communication are at the center of many discussions and arguments. Habermas has criticized the approach to social science of positivism in “On the Logic of ... ). Contemporary Hermeneutics: Hermeneutics As A Method, Philosophy And Critique . London: Routledge Cevizci , A. ( 2012 ). Felsefenin Kısa Tarihi . İstanbul: Say Yayınları. Çiğdem , A. ( 2008 ). Akıl ve Toplumun

Platon, Aristoteles, Jaspers ve Heidegger’e Göre Hayret Kavramı

This study will focus on the concept of wonder that is effective in the emergence of philosophy. Plato, Aristotle, Martin Heidegger and Karl Jaspers

Sühreverdî’ye Göre Arınmanın Felsefesi “İnsan Felsefesi ve Etik Yönüne Dair Bir Değerlendirme”

contradictory. One of the philosophers who attracted attention with his metaphysical philosophy, which centered on human beings, was Suhrawardi. Suhrawardi brought a new approach to the Islamic world of thought ... Felsefesi ve Etik Yönüne Dair Bir Değerlendirme” 0 Anahtar Kelimeler: Sühreverdî , İşrâkîlik, Arınma, İslam Felsefesi, Nefs, Etik The Philosophy of Treatment According to Suhrawardi - Bu makale

Oy Verme Modelleri Bağlamında Siyasal Rızanın Görünümü

Understanding and directing voters’ voting behaviors to be in power in representative democracies, which is the most common form of government of our age, has been one of the fundamental political ... . Çalışma sonucunda politikacılara ve gelecekte “siyasal rıza” konusunda çalışma yapacak olan araştırmacılara birtakım öneriler getirilmiştir. - political consent level. When they have a high level of

Moğol İranı’nda Ticaret

The factor of trade which emerged as a part of world history, with the beginning of people’s production, has influenced the history and human activities in political, social, military, civic and

Political Parties, Elections and Election Systems by Etem Aziri

differences between them. Classification of political parties according to the author, can be based on different criteria ranging from philosophy and political, to the political programs of up to parliamentary ... treatment of political parties as a global phenomenon. In 2004 published the book "Political parties and democracy", while two years "Sociology of political parties" - in modified version. This book differs

İslam Hukuku Açısından İltimas Olgusu ve Adil Yargılamaya Etkisi

Favor; In cases such as being appointed to the task, promotion in office, getting a tender, it is used to mean benefiting through kinship, friendship, acquaintance, political affinity and nepotism

Şüpheden Kartezyen Düşünceye Giden Yol

about Cartesian sense of being and knowledge. These problems and discussions were evaluated in our introductory study by taking into consideration social, political and scientific developments in his ... , Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi, Felsefe Bölümü, Türkiye Uludağ University, Faculty of Science & Letters, Department of Philosophy , Turkey Öz Bu çalışmada Descartes'ın 'metodik şüphe'si bağlamında varlık

Toplam Kalite Yönetimi Bağlamında Kaizen Felsefesinin Örgütlerin Maliyet, Verimlilik ve Kalite Düzeylerine Etkileri

market, which is becoming more and more difficult. In this paper, the effects of Kaızen philosophy and total quality management approach and practices on productivity in businesses are theoretically ... Japanese Philosophy and System for Business Excellence . Journal of Business Strategy, September , 36 ( 5 ), 3 - 9 . Monden , Y. ve Hamada , K. ( 1991 ). Target Çiştin and Kaizen Costing in Japanese

Dede Cöngî Siyâsetnâme’sinde Kadının ve Valinin Siyasal Görevleri: Hukuk-Siyaset İlişkisi Üzerine Bir Karşılaştırma

The relationship between law and politics is one of the basic problems of philosophy of law. Lawman's judgement to give under political influences is not only a problem of philosophy of law, it is ... , Felsefe Bölümü , Muğla-Türkiye Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University, Faculty of Letters, Department of Philosophy , Muğla- Turkey Dede Cöngî; Siyâsetnâme; Qadı (Judge); Governor; To Give Judgement

Kant’ın Ebedi Barış Teorisinin Özgünlüğü

It is known that Kant, who made important breakthroughs with the works he wrote in the history of philosophy, has put forward important ideas about the establishment of lasting peace. It is ... Gumushane University, Faculty of Theology Philosophy and Religious Studies , Gumushane-TURKEY ORCID: 0000-0002-3132-920X 1 Anahtar Kelimeler: Kant , Ebedi Barış, Özgünlük, Evrensellik Kant; Eternal Peace

Meşrutiyet Dönemi İran Şiiri ve Şairleri

poems reflecting the current situation of Iran, a country dominated by other states and where the central government had lost its power. The purpose of the poetry that gained a political aspect was to ... protest against political powers. In this period, influenced by political and ideological developments in Western countries, the poetry was on a new path. Poets, as political fighters rather than being just

Yeniçağ Felsefesinde Duyulur Niteliklere İlişkin Dört Mukayese: Hobbes, Descartes, Locke ve Berkeley

the Early Modern Age through the tradition of Scholastic philosophy. Following the distinction made by Galilei between primary and secondary qualities, we examined the comparisons of Hobbes, Descartes ... M avi Atlas Four Comparisons on Sensible Qualities in Early Modern Philosophy: Hobbes, Descartes, Locke and Berkeley Anahtar Kelimeler: Bilgi Felsefesi, Yeni Çağ Felsefesi, Duyulur Nitelikler

Necib Mahfuz’un Kahire Üçlemesi’nde Türk İmgeleri

 Cairo Trilogy (1957 and 1958) depicts Egyptian life between 1917 and 1944 within the framework of the realism movement. The novel details family life, gender relationships, political events and the

Muhammed İkbâl'in Benlik Felsefesi

In the thinking of Muhammad Iqbal, it is vital to know his self-philosophy in order to make an account of God and the universe. Because he make all their explanations through self-philosophy when God ... Üniversitesi , Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi, Felsefe Bölümü, Artvin , TR Artvin Çoruh University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Philosophy , Artvin, TR ORCID: 0000-0002-2918-6131 Muhammed İkbâl'in

Siyasal İletişimde ‘’Araç’’ Öncelliğinden ‘’Mikro Hedefe’’ Uzanan Yaklaşımlar: Yapay Zeka Teknolojisinin Mikro Hedef Kitlenin Belirlenmesinde ve İletişiminde Kullanımı

through these methods is now seen as an unbounded problem for both political parties and voters. In this study, first of all, the research traditions of political communication evolving from the medium, to ... targeting are focused on. With this study, it is aimed to make a limited contribution to the elimination of the deficiency in the Turkish literature on micro targeting. Keywords: Micro targeting, political

Kâtib Çelebi Kalemiyle Mercator Atlası'nda Osmanlı Devleti ve Türkler

same time includes historical, geographic, political, legal and legendary information about the whole world, starting with Europe. In this context, some information about Turkish history, geography