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Search: Political Philosophy

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Political direction in Al-Manar interpretation (Discussion and analysis for a group of political issues)

ﺽﺮﻋ) ﺭﺎﻨﳌﺍ ﲑﺴﻔﺗ ﰲ ﺮﻀﺧ ﺩﻮﻤﳏ / ﷲﺍ ﺪﺒﻋ ﺓﺩﻮﻋ ﺒﻋ ﺓﺩﻮﻋ .ﺔﻴﻨﻳﺪﻟﺍﻭ ﺔﻳﺩﺎﺼﺘﻗﻻﺍﻭ ﻡﻮﻠﺳ ﺮﻀﺧ ﺩﻮﻤﳏ / ﷲﺍ ﺪﺒﻋ ﺓﺩﻮﻋ Political   direction   in -­‐‑ M Aan.lﺎﻴaﻛrﺮﺗ iﻝn ﻮtﺒeﻨﻄrpﺳrﺍeﺔﻌtﻣaﺎtﺟioﺓnﺍﺭﻮﺘ(ﻛD ﺩiﺐscﻟuﺎﻃs ... ،siﺔoﻴﻨﻃnﻮﻟﺍaﺡ nﺎdﺠﻨﻟﺍ   ﺔaﻌnﻣﺎaﺟlyﻦsﻳﺪisﻟﺍ ﻝ ﻮ ﺻfoﺃrﲑﺘﺴ  ﺟaﺎﻣ   group   of   politicalﻡﻮ iﻠsﺳsueﺮ)sﻀﺧ ﺩﻮﻤﳏ / This   research   aims   to   study   some   of   the   political-­‐‑ M  iasnsaures   i n itnerp

Political Parties, Elections and Election Systems by Etem Aziri

differences between them. Classification of political parties according to the author, can be based on different criteria ranging from philosophy and political, to the political programs of up to parliamentary ... treatment of political parties as a global phenomenon. In 2004 published the book "Political parties and democracy", while two years "Sociology of political parties" - in modified version. This book differs

Leo Strauss: An Intellectual Biography by Daniel Tanguay

The book ends with concluding remarks of the writer about the whole Leo Strauss’s thought. Although Leo Strauss’s philosophy is very complex especially in terms of so many different titles and ... twentieth century political philosophy but also enable to us with critical outlook about modern political philosophy and its problems. Apart from Introduction, the book consists of four main titles about Leo

La escritura científica en las disciplinas: análisis del metadiscurso interpersonal en artículos científicos de química, biología y filosofía

Halliday's interpersonal metafunction and Hyland's metadiscourse. Based on a qualitative analysis methodology, we analyze a corpus made of three series: A series (philosophy articles); B series (biology ... : Analysis of the Interpersonal Metadiscourse in Chemistry, Biology, and Philosophy Scientific Articles A escrita científica nas disciplinas: análise do metadiscurso interpessoal em artigos científicos de

Cruces textuales del discurso bíblico y el discurso político en el género columna: claves para su procesamiento

This article addresses some text intersections between the Biblical and political discourses taking place in the journalistic discursive genre of ‘Opinion Piece', based on a contingent political and ... Political Discourse in the Genre of Opinion Pieces: Clues to Process Cruzamentos textuais do discurso bíblico e o discurso político no género coluna: chaves para seu processamento 0000-0003-2642

Cruces textuales del discurso bíblico y el discurso político en el género columna: claves para su procesamiento

This article addresses some text intersections between the Biblical and political discourses taking place in the journalistic discursive genre of ‘Opinion Piece', based on a contingent political and ... Political Discourse in the Genre of Opinion Pieces: Clues to Process Cruzamentos textuais do discurso bíblico e o discurso político no género coluna: chaves para seu processamento 0000-0003-2642

The Fadaıl Al-Qu'an Genre and Its Socio-Political Significance

, and dissemination of mushafs. Another group of traditions implicitly manifest an increasing concern with the religious and socio-political implications of, among other issues, assigning greater ... implications. Reflections of Socio-Political Concerns in the Literature The first three centuries of Islam were its most intellectually, theologi? cally, and politically intense. That some of the theological

Albanian Book and Libraries in Kosovo

in Kosovo by the 14th century was followed with a long interruption due to socio-political circumstances. The linguistic structure of the book in libraries by the middle of the sixties of the 20th ... the political and cultural position of Albanians was also reflected in view of the growing number of publications in Albanian and network extension of libraries also changing their cultural status. In

Messianic Legitimacy: the case of Ahmadiyya and Mahdiyya Movements

popularity and doctrinal flexibility, paving the way for eventual political power in Sudan. ... , Department of Philosophy of Religion The ?Ahmadiyya ?anMdah d?iyya ?are ?contemporary ?Islamic ?messianic ?movements ?emerging ?in ? the ?late ?nineteenth ?century ?during ?a ?period ?of ?general ?Muslim

Involucramiento, participación política y tipología del consumo de medios en Colombia

more accessible spaces for political participation. This study is intended to analyze two dimensions of the use of the Internet and social networks: entertainment and active political Internet uses (APIU ... : entretenimiento y active political Internet uses (APIU), para identificar su impacto sobre el involucramiento político y la participación política de los colombianos. Los resultados sugieren que los usos activos

Política y redes sociales en Argentina. El caso de los candidatos presidenciales de 2011 en Twitter

The transformations of the mass media and the emergence of new media have generated new social practices. The object of study of this work is the digitization of political discourse. We will use ... -semiotics, of political theory and mediatization theory and convergence. The corpus is formed by the accounts of the candidates for president in the argentine election of 2011. We aim to detail the ways of

Política y redes sociales en Argentina. El caso de los candidatos presidenciales de 2011 en Twitter

The transformations of the mass media and the emergence of new media have generated new social practices. The object of study of this work is the digitization of political discourse. We will use ... -semiotics, of political theory and mediatization theory and convergence. The corpus is formed by the accounts of the candidates for president in the argentine election of 2011. We aim to detail the ways of

Política y redes sociales en Argentina. El caso de los candidatos presidenciales de 2011 en Twitter

The transformations of the mass media and the emergence of new media have generated new social practices. The object of study of this work is the digitization of political discourse. We will use ... -semiotics, of political theory and mediatization theory and convergence. The corpus is formed by the accounts of the candidates for president in the argentine election of 2011. We aim to detail the ways of

Política y redes sociales en Argentina. El caso de los candidatos presidenciales de 2011 en Twitter

The transformations of the mass media and the emergence of new media have generated new social practices. The object of study of this work is the digitization of political discourse. We will use ... -semiotics, of political theory and mediatization theory and convergence. The corpus is formed by the accounts of the candidates for president in the argentine election of 2011. We aim to detail the ways of

Política y redes sociales en Argentina. El caso de los candidatos presidenciales de 2011 en Twitter

The transformations of the mass media and the emergence of new media have generated new social practices. The object of study of this work is the digitization of political discourse. We will use ... -semiotics, of political theory and mediatization theory and convergence. The corpus is formed by the accounts of the candidates for president in the argentine election of 2011. We aim to detail the ways of

Política y redes sociales en Argentina. El caso de los candidatos presidenciales de 2011 en Twitter

The transformations of the mass media and the emergence of new media have generated new social practices. The object of study of this work is the digitization of political discourse. We will use ... -semiotics, of political theory and mediatization theory and convergence. The corpus is formed by the accounts of the candidates for president in the argentine election of 2011. We aim to detail the ways of

Involucramiento, participación política y tipología del consumo de medios en Colombia

more accessible spaces for political participation. This study is intended to analyze two dimensions of the use of the Internet and social networks: entertainment and active political Internet uses (APIU ... : entretenimiento y active political Internet uses (APIU), para identificar su impacto sobre el involucramiento político y la participación política de los colombianos. Los resultados sugieren que los usos activos

Involucramiento, participación política y tipología del consumo de medios en Colombia

more accessible spaces for political participation. This study is intended to analyze two dimensions of the use of the Internet and social networks: entertainment and active political Internet uses (APIU ... : entretenimiento y active political Internet uses (APIU), para identificar su impacto sobre el involucramiento político y la participación política de los colombianos. Los resultados sugieren que los usos activos

Involucramiento, participación política y tipología del consumo de medios en Colombia

more accessible spaces for political participation. This study is intended to analyze two dimensions of the use of the Internet and social networks: entertainment and active political Internet uses (APIU ... : entretenimiento y active political Internet uses (APIU), para identificar su impacto sobre el involucramiento político y la participación política de los colombianos. Los resultados sugieren que los usos activos