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Search: Political Philosophy

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Political direction in Al-Manar interpretation (Discussion and analysis for a group of political issues)

ﺽﺮﻋ) ﺭﺎﻨﳌﺍ ﲑﺴﻔﺗ ﰲ ﺮﻀﺧ ﺩﻮﻤﳏ / ﷲﺍ ﺪﺒﻋ ﺓﺩﻮﻋ ﺒﻋ ﺓﺩﻮﻋ .ﺔﻴﻨﻳﺪﻟﺍﻭ ﺔﻳﺩﺎﺼﺘﻗﻻﺍﻭ ﻡﻮﻠﺳ ﺮﻀﺧ ﺩﻮﻤﳏ / ﷲﺍ ﺪﺒﻋ ﺓﺩﻮﻋ Political   direction   in -­‐‑ M Aan.lﺎﻴaﻛrﺮﺗ iﻝn ﻮtﺒeﻨﻄrpﺳrﺍeﺔﻌtﻣaﺎtﺟioﺓnﺍﺭﻮﺘ(ﻛD ﺩiﺐscﻟuﺎﻃs ... ،siﺔoﻴﻨﻃnﻮﻟﺍaﺡ nﺎdﺠﻨﻟﺍ   ﺔaﻌnﻣﺎaﺟlyﻦsﻳﺪisﻟﺍ ﻝ ﻮ ﺻfoﺃrﲑﺘﺴ  ﺟaﺎﻣ   group   of   politicalﻡﻮ iﻠsﺳsueﺮ)sﻀﺧ ﺩﻮﻤﳏ / This   research   aims   to   study   some   of   the   political-­‐‑ M  iasnsaures   i n itnerp

Political Parties, Elections and Election Systems by Etem Aziri

differences between them. Classification of political parties according to the author, can be based on different criteria ranging from philosophy and political, to the political programs of up to parliamentary ... treatment of political parties as a global phenomenon. In 2004 published the book "Political parties and democracy", while two years "Sociology of political parties" - in modified version. This book differs

Leo Strauss: An Intellectual Biography by Daniel Tanguay

The book ends with concluding remarks of the writer about the whole Leo Strauss’s thought. Although Leo Strauss’s philosophy is very complex especially in terms of so many different titles and ... twentieth century political philosophy but also enable to us with critical outlook about modern political philosophy and its problems. Apart from Introduction, the book consists of four main titles about Leo

The Fadaıl Al-Qu'an Genre and Its Socio-Political Significance

, and dissemination of mushafs. Another group of traditions implicitly manifest an increasing concern with the religious and socio-political implications of, among other issues, assigning greater ... implications. Reflections of Socio-Political Concerns in the Literature The first three centuries of Islam were its most intellectually, theologi? cally, and politically intense. That some of the theological

Albanian Book and Libraries in Kosovo

in Kosovo by the 14th century was followed with a long interruption due to socio-political circumstances. The linguistic structure of the book in libraries by the middle of the sixties of the 20th ... the political and cultural position of Albanians was also reflected in view of the growing number of publications in Albanian and network extension of libraries also changing their cultural status. In

Messianic Legitimacy: the case of Ahmadiyya and Mahdiyya Movements

popularity and doctrinal flexibility, paving the way for eventual political power in Sudan. ... , Department of Philosophy of Religion The ?Ahmadiyya ?anMdah d?iyya ?are ?contemporary ?Islamic ?messianic ?movements ?emerging ?in ? the ?late ?nineteenth ?century ?during ?a ?period ?of ?general ?Muslim

A need for certainty

agreement ministers in the final days of the Johnson in order to resolve political issues relating to government there was a long hiatus before trade between Northern Ireland and the rest of these posts were

Renaissance revisited

apart from France’s political scrum, scientists say that the new higher education and research minister Sylvie Retailleau (pictured) will have to repair the damage left by her predecessor Frédérique Vidal

Issues and Trends in the Provision of Public Library Services in Nigeria: A Literature Survey

The philosophy, orientation and nature of public library are routed in the responsibility of disseminating diverse and current information services to the members of its community. Waller and Mcshare ... , and often are members of both a library system/network and a political community. The library in New London, Connecticut, for example, is supported primarily through city taxes and is clearly a

Issues and Trends in the Provision of Public Library Services in Nigeria: A Literature Survey

The philosophy, orientation and nature of public library are routed in the responsibility of disseminating diverse and current information services to the members of its community. Waller and Mcshare ... , and often are members of both a library system/network and a political community. The library in New London, Connecticut, for example, is supported primarily through city taxes and is clearly a

Politics should listen to science, not hide behind it

about them must guide and motivate the political decisions taken by governments. We can ask science what possibilities we have, given our current knowledge. We cannot ask science to decide for us. I ... government, when disagreeing with the choices made. When I hear political leaders saying that they will do what science tells them to do, I worry. This is the wrong message. A more reassuring message from a

Materials at the heart of the COVID-19 pandemic

political developments during the pandemic, in March 2022, the Royal Society organized a conference on ‘The Science of COVID’, bringing together experts from academia, industry and government1. The meeting

Looking deeper into zeolites

interest, if successful, it can help solve an industrial problem. The philosophy established in our institute since its foundation was to cover from the ‘intellectual’ part to the proof of principle. Perhaps


, zorunlu varlık, mümkün varlık, eleştiri   Usage Style of Notion of Existence in Ibn SÄ«nâ and Criticism of ShahristânÄ« Abstract Ibn SÄ«nâ's philosophy has been exposed different assesment and criticism


himself and his philosophy and, in the second section, with the main epistemological and political reasons of this conception of him. I ' m not, however, concerned here with making a comparison between the ... a guide for division and hierarchical classification o f the sciences, leading up to the First Philosophy, metaphysics25. A l - F a r ? b ? has not only epistemological but also political


himself and his philosophy and, in the second section, with the main epistemological and political reasons of this conception of him. I ' m not, however, concerned here with making a comparison between the ... a guide for division and hierarchical classification o f the sciences, leading up to the First Philosophy, metaphysics25. A l - F a r á b í has not only epistemological but also political

Information Retrieval and the Philosophy of Language

natural language. Because of this, the discipline of the Philosophy of Language should have some bearing on the problems of document representation and search query formulation. The philosophies of Austin ... Retrieval theory has begun to be influenced by past and present theory in the Philosophy of Language.513 The rationale for this shift is clear: the more we understand about how language works, the better we

En Marche!

difficult to overstate the magnitude of political change in France of late, or where it might lead. But the election in May of Emmanuel Macron, a forward-looking progressive and fervent European, may ... greening society. In barely a year, Macron assembled a vast grassroots centrist movement, La R?publique en Marche! (LREM), which in June completed Macron?s demolition of the French political landscape by


. Ibn Khaldiin; War; Peace; Philosophy of War and Peace; Political Philosophy - S U M M A R Y ? Odaklan?n?z, tarlalar?m?z bize yetmez olunca, kom?ular?m?z?nkini ele ge?irmek isteyece?iz. Onlar da bizim ... ko?ma ve onlara kar?? ?efkatli olma duygusunu yerle?tirmi?tir. Ge? nelde insanlarda akrabal?k ba?? do?al olarak vard?r. Bu ba??n gereklerinden biri Bk. Fauzi M. Najjar, "Siyasa ?n Islamic Political