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Basic Values Transform Political Interest into Diverse Political Values, Attitudes and Behaviors

play in politically interested adolescents’ political values, attitudes and behaviors. A cluster analysis of 857 Swedish upper-secondary students (50.8% girls, Mage = 16.62, SD = 0.71) identified ... attaching high importance to others' welfare or not transforms youth's political interest into diverse attitudes and behaviors. The cluster group of politically interested adolescents who attached low

Civic Education, Teaching Quality and Students’ Willingness to Participate in Political and Civic Life: Political Interest and Knowledge as Mediators

Civic education is generally assumed to play a key role in youth’s political sophistication. It aims to equip young people with the necessary competencies and skills to effectively participate in ... participate in political and civic life. However, few studies have examined the relative importance of different facets of teaching quality within civic education as well as mediating factors for fostering

Why Some Adolescents Are Open To Their Parents’ Political Communication

This study examines the conditions that make adolescents open to their parents’ attempts at political socialization. Based on a reformulation of the perceptual accuracy argument, that parents

Cultural Stress Profiles: Describing Different Typologies of Migration Related and Cultural Stressors among Hispanic or Latino Youth

stress profiles were derived using socio-political stress, language brokering, in-group identity threats, and within-group discrimination as indicators. The study was conducted in two sites (Los Angeles ... ) political stress (i.e., impact of anti-immigrant rhetoric, fear of deportation, or termination of immigrantfriendly policies such as the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program,), (2) Language

Pakistani healthcare professionals’ perceptions of communication with patients and their relatives about hereditary breast cancer: a qualitative study in a LMIC

highlighted the need for interventions to support intrafamilial communication about HBC. Much research and political support are needed to address patient, social, and systemic-level barriers to facilitate ... BRCA 1 and 2 genes for BC patients and their first-degree relatives, but only via private health services. Political intervention is needed to provide equitable access to genetic testing for all patients

Perceived Teacher Discrimination and Depressive Feelings in Adolescents: The Role of National, Regional, and Heritage Identities in Flemish Schools

and mental health. Multiplicity is often approached bi-dimensional (heritage and national identities) yet this study highlights the importance of regional identity. Regions are distinct socio-political ... political parties that are built around sub nationalism/regionalism or research that focuses on regional identification and prejudice towards other regions within a country. Such research on the importance of

Xiangyu Tao Receives Emerging Scholar Best Article Award, 2023

. ( 2022 ). Civic education, teaching quality and students' willingness to participate in political and civic life: Political interest and knowledge as mediators . Journal of Youth Adolescence , 51 , 1886

Ethics of artificial intelligence in prenatal and pediatric genomic medicine

. For some, public and political concern about AI, plus its fast pace and relative novelty, could heighten distrust and simultaneously increase the desirability of transparency and openness in high-stakes ... responsibility gaps with artificial intelligence: why they matter and how to address them . Philosophy & Technology 34 ( 4 ): 1057 - 1084 . 1007/s13347-021-00450-x Scott IA , Carter SM , Coiera

A Longitudinal Mediation Analysis of the Interrelations among Exclusionary Immigration Policy, Ethnic Identity, and Self-Esteem of Latinx Early Adolescents

undocumented workers. This phenomenon contributed to the ‘Latino threat narrative’, which continues to pervade national political discourse around immigrants in the U.S. Senate bill 1070 Arizona was a site of ... state as inhospitable as possible for immigrants and anyone perceived to be foreign-born, regardless of their actual citizenship status. Indeed, by 2014 the state was ranked by political scientists as the

The function of law in political and social conditions of pluralism in the reception of Hannah Arendt

. In o th er words, th e political space, u n lik e in th e philosophy, th e m in d only is not enough for som ething to be considered for th e tru th . We need also some social conditions, am ong w hich ... re tu rn in g in th e A re n d t’s d e lib era­ tions. It is philosophy political p ractice of a n c ie n t Greece. T he a u th o r trie s to find th e re a still u n co n ta m in a te d source of

Interparental Conflict and Early Adolescent Depressive Symptoms: Parent-Child Triangulation as the Mediator and Grandparent Support as the Moderator

versus sociality and individuality: on Confucianism as “consanguinitism” . Philosophy East and West , 234 - 250 . Luo , N., Van Heel , M. , & Van Leeuwen , K. ( 2020 ). Perspectives of early adolescents

Developmental Interplay between Ethnic, National, and Personal Identity in Immigrant Adolescents

ethnic background. Finally, the findings that emerged are discussed with attention to the socio-political climate in the receiving nation. ... may inspire or hinder identity development in other domains. The Role of Socio-Political Context The relationship between developmental processes of immigrant adolescents’ personal identity domains as

“What if” should precede “whether” and “how” in the social conversation around human germline gene editing

Françoise Baylis writes, ‘the political consensus on heritable human genome editing—such as it is— inclines toward an outright ban, and if not a ban, at least a moratorium’ (Baylis 2019a) . Although the ... Iltis AS , Hoover S , Matthews KRW ( 2021 ) Public and stakeholder engagement in developing human heritable genome editing policies: what does it mean and what should it mean? Front Political Sci 3

Protective Factors for Antisocial Behavior in Youth: What is the Meta-Analytic Evidence?

, C. , & Tremblay , R. E. ( 2001 ). Early parent training to prevent disruptive behavior problems and delinquency in children . The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science , 578 ... / 009385480102800300. Damon , W. ( 2004 ). What is positive youth development? Annals of the American Academy of Political & Social Science, 591 , 13 - 24 . Deković , M. ( 1999

Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Change Efforts for Young People in New Zealand: Demographics, Types of Suggesters, and Associations with Mental Health

“Sexual Minority” in social, cultural, and political contexts . Paideusis: Journal of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society , 22 ( 1 ), 81 - 90 . New Zealand Human Rights Commission ( 2020 ). PRISM ... as the cultural and political contexts of each country. Younger adults have reported a higher prevalence of change efforts than adults and older adults in studies in the Southern USA (Higbee et al

Constitutionalisation of political changes in Poland during the years 1989-2011

r in g th e y e a r s 1989-1992 The year 1989 was distinctive for a political transform ation in Poland and other countries of E a ste rn and C entral Europe. It was in th is year th a t the first

Trajectories of Parental Warmth and the Role They Play in Explaining Adolescent Prosocial Behavior

). Stata Statistical Software: Release 17 . TX: StataCorp LLC . In. Taylor , L. K. , Merrilees , C. E. , Baird , R. , Goeke-Morey , M. C. , Shirlow , P. , & Cummings , E. M. ( 2018 ). Impact of political

The Place and Position of Political Parties under the Slovak Legal System

nowadays, has its origin in the second half of the 19th century which was significantly influen? ced by the development of the parliam entary movement and the spread of the right to vote. Political parties

New year, new goals for the journal?

, ethical, and political problems caused by differences in representation between population groups in genomic research and biobanks, with African populations being the most under-represented. While this is

Addressing Adolescents’ Prejudice toward Immigrants: The Role of the Classroom Context

associated with more support for human rights, increased levels of political efficacy (Knowles & McCafferty-Wright, 2015) and civic knowledge (Alivernini & Manganelli, 2011) , civic engagement (Manganelli ... information about political and civic issues (Lin, 2014) , they display less negative attitudes toward outgroupers. This has been confirmed in a recent study highlighting that – at the classroom level