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Search: Political Philosophy

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Reinventing Black Womanhood: Alternative Media and Identity Discourse in the 2019 Chicago Mayoral Race

to examine the multiple identities of Black women and how such identities determine their representation in socio-cultural and political spaces. The findings from this study show that agency is a major ... ., 2019) . Lightfoot eventually emerged as the winner. Lori Lightfoot’s Black woman identity sets a new tone for the city’s political climate as well as the Black community. It showed a vigorous attempt to

Inauthenticity, Delusion, and Victimization: Interrogating Affective Rhetoric Targeting Trans* Youth

has continued to ground anti-trans* activism in the United States. Gender Affirming Healthcare-as-Sterilizing: A Slippery Slope Broader cultural and political discourses around gender and sex/uality ... with trans* identities, but KP-0401 takes one step further to implicate not just youth, but their parents, into this “drift” and the negative affects it contains (p. 65). The political/social/legal

Eflâtûn ve Aristoteles'in Politikaya Dair Görüşleri Açısından İbn Haldûn'un Mukaddime Metni

In this study, Ibn Khaldun's work al-Muqaddima is investigated in the context of basic Ancient texts which are relevant to the political philosophy. Firstly, whether Aristotle's book Politics is ... Aristotle‘s views. Key Words: Ibn Khaldun, al-Mukaddima, Political Philosophy, Plato, Aristotle, Politics, Republic. Bu çalıĢmanın amacı, Ġbn Haldûn‘un Mukaddime adlı metninin, öncelikle iki Antik Yunan

Positive Philosophy in the View of Risale-i Nur

This study try to discover the positive philosophy in al Nour Letters which created by Saeed al Noursi. Although these letters tried to ignore the philosophy and to stay that in a negative way, So

With Action Comes Reflection

., & S. Kahn (Eds.). Activism and rhetoric: Theories and contexts for political engagement (pp. 38-48). Routledge. Pelias, R. J. (2013). Writing autoethnography: The personal, poetic, and performative as ... political engagement (pp. 159 - 172 ). Routledge. https://doi. org/10.4324/9781315144535 Bell , L. A. ( 2019 ). Storytelling for social justice: Connecting narrative and the arts in antiracist teaching (2nd

We Don’t Do That Here: Investigating and Expanding Instructional Communication by “Transing” the Communication Classroom

instructional communication and education researchers investigate methods of improving teaching and educational systems at large, many of these investigations neglect to attend to the socio-political context of ... their sexualities in educational spaces. Importantly, however, factors constraining one’s ability to engage in strategic self-disclosure are highly dependent on both socio-political context and the

“Everybody Better Care”: A Qualitative Exploration of Environmental Documentaries and Psychological Distance

political debate. Surveys revealed that viewing the content increased concern and that portrayals of local impacts left viewers feeling motivated to get involved (Banchero et al., 2021) . The above ... /su14105774 Bieniek-Tobasco , A. , Rimal , R. N. , McCormick , S. , & Harrington , C. B. ( 2020 ). The power of being transported: Efficacy beliefs, risk perceptions, and political affiliation in the context of

Listen When She Speaks: Young Women on Arriving at Reproductive Rights Opinions

rights are inextricably bound up in both personal choice and the restrictions of the law, it follows that opinion will likely be shaped by a combination of political holdings, contemporary discourses, and ... , opinions on reproductive rights among this group that are not inferred from political election outcomes are harder to find. One aim of this study is to listen critically to women as they discuss the

Trans-Centered Acceptance within a University: Offering a Model of Acceptance Created By and Centered Around Trans Student Experiences

of LGBT Youth , 15 ( 2 ), 106 - 131 . 2018 .1429979 Harding , S. ( 2004 ). A socially relevant philosophy of science? Resources from standpoint theory's

Queering Creativity: Why maximalism matters

Creative studies has been a growing field that is often focused on either the psychological or social process. However, each of these approaches tends to erase the role of identity or political ... a risky and overtly political project. Minimalist aesthetics are interested in nuancing interiority, making the internal external for audience interpretation. Speaking on the historical trajectory of

Hip Hop Music and Communicative Messages: Non-white Resistance of Marginalization Experienced in America

includes any institutional, social, and political barriers that prevent equality. Twenty-six non-white participantswere recruited and asked to listen to and watch music videos for three contemporary hip hop ... and combat structural violence. Structural violence includes institutional, social, and political barriers that prevent equality. Twenty-six non-white participants were recruited and asked to listen to

Göstergebilimin Serüveni

Linguistic philosophy has become one of the most popular study fields that has overstepped the borders of philosophy in the twentieth century. 1960s are the years of vehement discussions between ... second half of the 1960s. This paper aims at describing how semiotics has emerged as a result of debates in the language philosophy by examining the first philosophical texts and current discussions

İdeolojinin Kur’ân Yorumuna Yansıması -Mevdûdî’nin Yûsuf Sûresi 76. Âyetini Tefsiri Özelinde-

Each mufassir has been influenced by the political, social and cultural environment of his time. In addition to this, when his knowledge, ideology, priorities and indispensables for his system of ... interpretations of the Qur'anic verses that are contrary to the historical context of verses. In accordance with the new political environment that emerged in the post-colonial period of Indian subcontinent

Cumhuriyet Dönemi Lise Felsefe Müfredatlarında Din Algısı ve İdeolojik Arka Plan

A top title under which republic, education, philosophy and religion are used together must be interesting for people who are interested in the issue as key concepts in explaining the course of ... Mütefekkir CUMHURĠYET DÖNEMĠ LĠSE FELSEFE MÜFREDATLARINDA DĠN ALGISI VE ĠDEOLOJĠK ARKA PLAN* Osman Zahid ÇĠFÇĠ 0 /Zübeyir OVACIK 0 0 Perception of the Religion in High School Philosophy Curriculum

Emmanuel Levinas Felsefesinde “Başkalık ve Aynılık” Problemi

Western Philosophy, the basis of Levinas philosophy refers to ethical relationship rather than ontology. Due to the fact that this ethical relationship will also be the ground for the relationship between ... only be realized at the level of language, and the basis of Levinas philosophy also rests on the level of ethical language practiced with Other. Furthermore, since ethics also brings the notion of

Hz. Peygamber’in İslâm Tebliğine Karşı Şair ve Siyasî Liderlerin İlk Tavırları ve Şiir Alanında Yaşanan Gelişmeler

Political leaders and poets are important figures of societies. Political leaders hold the financial and administrative power of the society and poets hold the power of emotion and excitement in ... hands. The situation is not different for Arab society just before Islam. Tribal leaders and poets have highstatus. However, the principles of Islam took the various privileges of the Arab political

Eğitime Siyasi ve İdeolojik Yaklaşımlar Bağlamında Köy Enstitüleri ve İmam Hatip Okulları

The main policy of the national education is to train people who have the qualifications that the state needs. Educational practices are influenced by social and political changes. However these ... Mütefekkir 0 Village Institues and Imam Hatip Schools in the Context of Political and Ideological Approaches to Education Abstract 1 Yrd. Doç. Dr., Aksaray Üniversitesi İslami İlimler Fakültesi

Siyasal İletişim ve Din: Birlikteliğin İmkânı

In spite of the influence of the religious thought on the political or social life, the studies that analyze the relation of religion with interpersonal, social and political communication in Turkey ... possible to associate the tendency relating religion to violence, with the latest global “anti-religion” movements which mostly rooted at islamophobic perspective. Yet, using religion in political

İbn Sînâ’da ‘İyi’liğin ve Kötülüğün Ontolojisi

systematic name of Peripateticism in the Islamic Philosophy. In addition to an Aristotelian perspective, which philosophical school or thought tradition had an impact on his thoughts on this matter.

Kneeling But Still Singing: Threshold Identity, Disidentification, and Invitation in U.S. American National Anthem Protest

Driven by a desire to transcend current divisive political and social discourse, this article analyzes Denasia Lawrence’s 2016 U.S. national anthem performance and Black Lives Matter protest ... disidentification) and invitational rhetoric to demonstrate the inherent potentials for political activism in her act. I assert that Lawrence’s embodied performance invites viewers to re/consider the multilayered