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Search: Political Philosophy

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Reinventing Black Womanhood: Alternative Media and Identity Discourse in the 2019 Chicago Mayoral Race

to examine the multiple identities of Black women and how such identities determine their representation in socio-cultural and political spaces. The findings from this study show that agency is a major ... ., 2019) . Lightfoot eventually emerged as the winner. Lori Lightfoot’s Black woman identity sets a new tone for the city’s political climate as well as the Black community. It showed a vigorous attempt to

Taylor’ın Liberal Anlayışında Ahlak, Dil ve Politika Teorilerinin Etkileşim Noktaları Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme

century, in which political philosophy has given its placed to making policy, Taylor spares himself from this tendency with the perception he reveals. According to him, it is necessary for the revealed ... , Dil ve Politika Teorilerinin Etkileşim Noktaları Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme. Kilikya Felsefe Dergisi , (1), 65-82 1 Izmir Democracy University, Faculty of Science and Letters, Department of Philosophy

Bir Eksik Demokrasi

-minor. Nevertheless, it is not the case that mainstream political philosophy or professional politics are the only methods for formulating opinions on democracy. “Politics of art” would provide means of ... Nisan 2148-9327 İbrahim Okan AKKIN 0 0 Anahtar Kelimeler: Demokratik-oluş , azınlık, sanat 1 Ardahan University, Faculty of Humanities & Letters, Department of Philosophy , Turkey Orcid Id: 0000

Agonistik Demokrasideki Kayıp Kavram: Bir ‘Modus’ Olarak Egemen

Chantal Mouffe, who has been contributing to the trajectory of political philosophy for almost fifty years mostly in collaboration with Ernesto Laclau, recently published an article to signal what ... CILICIA JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY 2148-9327 AGONİSTİK DEMOKRASİDEKİ KAYIP KAVRAM: BİR 'MODUS' OLARAK EGEMEN Çetin BALANUYE  0 0 Anahtar Kelimeler: Mouffe , Spinoza, Agonizm, Demokrasi, Çatışma 1

Inauthenticity, Delusion, and Victimization: Interrogating Affective Rhetoric Targeting Trans* Youth

has continued to ground anti-trans* activism in the United States. Gender Affirming Healthcare-as-Sterilizing: A Slippery Slope Broader cultural and political discourses around gender and sex/uality ... with trans* identities, but KP-0401 takes one step further to implicate not just youth, but their parents, into this “drift” and the negative affects it contains (p. 65). The political/social/legal

Farabi’nin Eğitim Felsefesi Bağlamında Din ve Felsefeyi Konumlandırışı

Trying to build syntheses between Ancient Greek Philosophy and Islam, Farabi left a very rich intellectual legacy to later periods. It is understood that the thoughts he wrote about education in the ... educational philosophy, politics and moral understanding, the two elements that we encounter prominently in this field are religion and philosophy. Thus, it is revealed that he also applied to the synthesizer

Bilim Felsefesi Bilim Pratiğinden Ne Öğrenebilir?

While studies on philosophy of science focus on the scientific practice itself in global level, the present state of philosophy of science in Turkey, which is an underrepresented field of philosophy ... Ne Öğrenebilir? Kilikya Felsefe Dergisi , (2), 110- 132 2 Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University, Faculty of Literature, Department of Philosophy , Turkey Orcid Id: 0000-0001-5897-7381 While studies on

How Could Aristotle Defend The Self-sufficiency Of Political Life While Claiming The Superiority Of Contemplative Life?

implications for Aristotle?s political philosophy. Arguably, what distinguishes Aristotle?s Politics from Plato?s Republic at a fundamental conceptual level is the insight that the highest form of knowledge that ... of a self-sufficient political life. In The Idea of the Good in Platonic-Aristotelian Philosophy, Hans-Georg Gadamer argues that there is a ?unitary effect connecting Plato?s and Aristotle?s logos

Emmanuel Levinas'ta Komşuluk Kavramı

religions, Emmanuel Levinas is the philosopher who examined this topic from rather a philosophical perspective. Therefore, it is important to understand Levinas’ concept of neighborhood and his philosophy of ... ' concept of neighborhood and his philosophy of otherness which provides a basis for this concept. Thus, an explanation is made about basic thought of Levinas in which ethic proceeds ontology. Moreover, it is

Attika Tragedyası ve Felsefe

The tragedies that emerged in Attica, lived longer than the democratia it nurtured, have basis of classical art as the spokesperson of the Acropolis in context political, ethical and ontological ... Nisan 2148-9327 ATTİKA TRAGEDYASI VE FELSEFE Çiğdem YILDIZDÖKEN 0 İnönü University, Faculty of Science and Letters, Depatment of Philosophy , Turkey Orcid Id: 0000-0001-8521-5710 Öz: Attika

“Nedir?” ve “Nereden/Nasıl Anlarız?” Sorularından Performatif Felsefenin Ürettiği “Devinen Bilgi”ye Doğru

A study of the concept of “knowledge-in-motion” presents itself as a promising area of research within performative philosophy. Since any attempt towards attaining knowledge starts from a question, I ... Felsefe, Bergson, Sezgi, Deneyleme 1 Anadolu Üniversitesi , Edebiyat Fakültesi, Felsefe Bölümü , Türkiye 2 Anadolu University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Philosophy , Turkey Orcid Id: 0000

Adorno’nun Bilgi Kuramı Eleştirisinde Husserl Fenomenolojisinin Yeri

Only critical thinking, where freedom is a precondition, needs a solid foundation. The belief that classical modern philosophy will find this foundation in science with increasing interest has made ... University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Philosophy , Turkey. Orcid Id: 0000-0002-3164-5181 Serin, İ. (2020). Adorno'nun Bilgi Kuramı Eleştirisinde Husserl Fenomenolojisinin Yeri. Kilikya

Merleau-Ponty’nin Bedenlenme Fenomenolojisi Bilinç ve Beden Bütünlüğü

subject or embodied mind. The philosophy of Merleau-Ponty, which represents the relationship between subject and the external world on the basis of phenolomelogy of perception, argues that the perception ... Nisan 2148-9327 MERLEAU-PONTY'NİN BEDENLENME FENOMENOLOJİSİ BİLİNÇ VE BEDEN BÜTÜNLÜĞÜ Aysun AYDIN 0 Düzce University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Philosophy Department , Turkey Orcid Id: 0000

Aristoteles’te İyi Yaşam, Kendine Yeterlilik ve Kölelik

Although Aristotle’s theory of good life takes an important place in his political theory, it is not examined thoroughly in relation to his account of slavery. A close reading of this account shows ... Capability: Aristotle on Political Distribution. Julia Annas (ed.) Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy içinde (ss. 145-184). Oxford: Clarendon Press. Schlaifer, R. (1960). Greek Theories of Slavery from

Felsefe İlerler mi?

The question of w hether or not there is progress in philosophy is often discussed based on a comparison of philosophy with science. Such that the progress in science is considered obvious, while if ... Ekim 2148-9327 FELSEFE İLERLER Mİ? Mehmet Cem KAMÖZÜT 0 Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Philosophy , Turkey The question of whether or not there is

With Action Comes Reflection

., & S. Kahn (Eds.). Activism and rhetoric: Theories and contexts for political engagement (pp. 38-48). Routledge. Pelias, R. J. (2013). Writing autoethnography: The personal, poetic, and performative as ... political engagement (pp. 159 - 172 ). Routledge. https://doi. org/10.4324/9781315144535 Bell , L. A. ( 2019 ). Storytelling for social justice: Connecting narrative and the arts in antiracist teaching (2nd

We Don’t Do That Here: Investigating and Expanding Instructional Communication by “Transing” the Communication Classroom

instructional communication and education researchers investigate methods of improving teaching and educational systems at large, many of these investigations neglect to attend to the socio-political context of ... their sexualities in educational spaces. Importantly, however, factors constraining one’s ability to engage in strategic self-disclosure are highly dependent on both socio-political context and the

Alain Badiou: Çağdaş Zamanlarda Felsefe ve İmkânı

trying to submit a philosophical attitude that it will be able to deal with the crisis of philosophy as well as socio-cultural, economic and political problems of era. Consequently determination of what ... period is tries to maintain philosophy and its basis is the idea of truth against the every claim of last. This preservation is nor a conservative attitude or not a nostalgia for the history of philosophy

Kant Felsefesinde Hukuk, Kamusallık ve Yurttaşlık

this subject. This section, when it is considered in itself, may not be sufficient to recognize the privileged place of right in Kant’s philosophy. Yet, when we recite this doctrine and the article "On ... Araştırma Görevlisi Dr 2 Galatasaray University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Philosophy , Turkey Orcid ID: 0000-0002-2973-4142 It is not wrong to say that Kant's theory of right is an area

“Everybody Better Care”: A Qualitative Exploration of Environmental Documentaries and Psychological Distance

political debate. Surveys revealed that viewing the content increased concern and that portrayals of local impacts left viewers feeling motivated to get involved (Banchero et al., 2021) . The above ... /su14105774 Bieniek-Tobasco , A. , Rimal , R. N. , McCormick , S. , & Harrington , C. B. ( 2020 ). The power of being transported: Efficacy beliefs, risk perceptions, and political affiliation in the context of