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Siyaset Kavramının Felsefî Kökenleri

a social philosophy in which there exists no state(govemment), rule or authority in general. It claims to be a social philosophy against all administrative institutionalization. Despite its common

Tarihî Süreç İçerisinde Felsefî Bir Kavram Olarak Anarşizm

a social philosophy in which there exists no state (government), rule or authority in general. It claims to be a social philosophy against all administrative institutionalization. Despite its common

Upanişadların Temel Kavramları, Getirdiği Yeni Yaklaşımlar ve Hint Dinî ve Felsefî Dünyasına Katkıları

presented by Upanishads have deeply affected Hindu culture and philosophy. Thus effects of Upanishad texts on Hindu religious beliefs, culture and philosophy are still prevailing today ... , “Vedic Religion”, Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics (ERE), Ed. James Hastings , (New York, 1951 ), c.XII, s. 602 . 5 Arhur Berriedale Keith , The Religion and Philosophy of the Veda and Upanishads

Marmura’nın Tanrı’nın Tikelleri Bilmesi Problemindeki Düşüncelerinin Analizi ve Eleştirisi

examined God’s knowledge of particulars as a problem of Islamic philosophy. Those critiques of his are generally on two points: Marmura’s first important critique is that in Avicenna’s theory, God knows only ... member of its species. The descriptionof the second particular can be acquired conceptually by the first. His second important critique is that God in Avicenna's philosophy knows particulars with some

İbn Sina Felsefesinde Bir (Vahid) ve Birlik (Vahde) Anlayışı

In this article we took in hand Ibn Sina (Avicenna)’s philosophy about the notions of “One [Vahid)” and Unity (Vahde) and we tried to determine the roots of Ibn Sina’s thoughts. It is obvious that

İbn Sina'nın Aklî Bilimlerin Bölümleri Adlı Risalesinin Çeviri ve İncelemesi

The examination of the divisions of sciences in Islamic Philosophy doesn’t mean to count all sciences. For it requires fistly setting the fields of being corresponding to the knowledge of God, and

Din ve Terör İlişkisinin Din Felsefesi Açısından Tahlili

In this article, religion-terror relation has been examined in a method similiar to which has been put in such issues dealt with in the philosophy of religion as religion-science relation, reason

Aristoteles'in Sanata Dair Düşünceleri

to systematize philosophy. The many sided thinker wrote on logic, grammar, rhetoric, literature critique, natural history, psychology and history of philosophy. Today it seems interesting how often he

Ebu'l Berekat el-Bağdadi'nin Zaman Teorisi

Abu’l -Barakat al-Bagdadi (1152) has a great contribution to historical problems of the philosophy of time. He criticised Aristotelian and periphatic understanding of the concept of time. He argued

Upanişadların Temel Kavramları, Getirdiği Yeni Yaklaşımlar ve Hint Dinî ve Felsefî Dünyasına Katkıları

presented by Upanishads have deeply affected Hindu culture and philosophy. Thus effects of Upanishad texts on Hindu religious beliefs, culture and philosophy are still prevailing today ... Philosophy of the Veda and Upanishads , (Harvard University Press, 1925 ), c.XXXII, s.489; Mascaro , The Upanishads, s.7. 6 Swami Prabhavananda and Prederict Mancester, The Wisdom of the Hindu Mystich The

Felsefî Düşüncede Bir Kavramı (Aristoteles ve Plotinus Felsefelerindeki Bir Kavramının İbn Sînâ Felsefesine Yansımaları)

In this study we took in hand Aristotle and Plotinus’ “The One” philosophy in the notion of “The One

Ebherî'nin Hidâyetü'l-Hikme'sinde Tabiat Felsefesi'nin Temel Kavramları ve Kaynakları

Basic Concepts And Sources Of Natural Philosophy In Ebheri's Hidayat Al-Hikma. Being as a representative of the traditions of ibn Sina, Esiruddin alAbhari lived in the 13 th century and wrote several

Minkarizade Dede Efendi’nin Siyasatnamesi

tradition, same sort of artifacts also en- countered before Islam period with different names. Point of views, propounded in political treatises after Islam period were supported with verses, hadiths and ... means of religon also are good and worse in political field. In this framework artifact of Dede Efendi reflects common language of siyasatname propounded after Islam period. However, Dede Efendi in his

Dini Otorite Bağlamında Gazzâli'de İmamet ve Siyasal Egemenlik Sorunu

In this study we dealt with the views of Abu Hamid al-Gazzâlî about"imamah", state administration, legitimacy of the state, characteristics of the president, political sovereignty and related issues

İbn Sina Felsefesinde Bir (Vahid) ve Birlik (Vahde) Anlayışı

In this article we took in hand Ibn Sina (Avicenna)’s philosophy about the notions of “One [Vahid)” and Unity (Vahde) and we tried to determine the roots of Ibn Sina’s thoughts. It is obvious that

(Batı Felsefesi Çerçevesinde) Epistemolojik ve Etik Açıdan İnanç

Epistemology and ethics of belief is one of the most important and serious problems in philosophy and philosophy of religion. Is there, for belief, any standard or criteion to be rational and, if any

Bilinmeyen Yönleriyle Türk Din Bilgini İmâm Mâturîdî

Sociology of Knowledge, Philosophy and Philosophy of Religion. In XV. century al-Mâturîdî was found out by the Ottomans once again

Bilimler Ansiklopedisi Klasiği Olarak İhvân-ı Safâ Risâleleri

aspect of thought. The Treatises, the first book to collect all sub-disciplines of philosophy between two covers, are also the first initiative with the aim of teaching community with the philosophic and

Din-Siyaset İlişkisi Bağlamında M. A. El-Cabiri'nin Müslüman Geleneğe Yönelttiği Eleştiriler

Religion and politics are very important concepts for human life. As to be known, the most significant political problem is “legality”. Importance of our topic occurs in this point. For, religion has