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Search: Political Philosophy

392 papers found.
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Una lectura teológica de la realidad: ¿A cuáles nuevos saberes recurrir o con qué saberes contar?

theology, namely: 1) empirical practical theologies, more present in Anglo-Saxon countries, which are often in dialogue with psychology and pedagogy; 2) critical practical theologies, such as political and ... liberation theologies, which make praxis the central category of the theological task and that are in close dialogue mainly with sociology, economics and political science; 3) fundamental practical/pastoral

Między nonkonformizmem a konformizmem, czyli o postawach sprzeciwu wobec systemu autorytarnego na przykładach życiorysów przywódców rolniczej „Solidarności” województwa białostockiego z lat osiemdziesiątych XX wieku

surrounding Białystok. The research is based on the concepts of conformity and nonconformity as defined by sociology, social psychology and philosophy.

De pace fidei: de la libertad a la tolerancia

in the cited work, in particular its connection with the philosophy of freedom of the Cusanus and the reflection, with renaissance spirit, which such philosophy finds in the oratio of Pico della ... .), Platonism at the origins ofmodernity: studies on Platonism and early modern Philosophy (Dordrecht, Springer 2008), 9-12.         [ Links ] El asunto, tan discutible, es bien argumentado por J. Hopkins, según

Paul Ricoeur y los desplazamientos de la hermenéutica

The article present's Ricoeur's contribution to the hermeneutic philosophy, on the grounds of some movements brought about by his thought. The first three movements focus on those aspects which ... movements regarding phenomenology: the introduction of the linguistic shifts into philosophy and the introduction of the hermeneutic in the phenomenological method. These three movements ­reflexive

En los comienzos de la filosofía cristiana: La actitud de los escritores eclesiásticos y de los gnósticos ante la filosofía

This article looks into the origins of the Christian philosophy, following the historic-critical and exegetic methods applied by A. Orbe to patristic theology investigation. The author takes the work ... author also determines the conception of philosophy put forward by Justine as belonging to the Christians, which was centred in universal Logos and the resort to the Judeo-Christian typology of the

Hermenéutica y verdad teológica

understanding of the truth, in accordance to the internal rules of theological work, and to account for the main contributions of hermeneutic philosophy, marked by two key, issues fundamental for theology and ... philosophy: language comprehension (point 3) and its occurrence in tradition (point 4). The author deals with both issues, relating them directly to hermeneutics and the theological understanding of truth

"Accende lumen sensibus

article approaches this "experiential (mystical) knowledge" from philosophy and from theology. He begins with some testimonies from the 11th and 12th centuries, especially those referring to the lectio

"Accende lumen sensibus

article approaches this "experiential (mystical) knowledge" from philosophy and from theology. He begins with some testimonies from the 11th and 12th centuries, especially those referring to the lectio

Los presupuestos filosóficos de la teología cristiana según Zubiri

Christianity and, finally, how can characterized -inside this knowledge-relations of Christianity with philosophy

La derivación del derecho positivo desde el derecho natural en Tomás de Aquino: Un estudio a partir de Summa Theofagiae y Sententia Libri Ethicorum

A basic principle of Aquinas' philosophy of law postulates that all positive laws, the rational human laws, are derived from natural law. The natural just is the normative principle that makes ... , 2, 8; In Sententiraum, IV, d. 26, q. 2, a. 2. 14 Cf. J. FINNIS, "The Truth in Legal Positivism", en su Philosophy of Law (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2011), 172 ss.         [ Links ] 15 Cf

La Iglesia chilena desde 1973 a 1993: De buenossamaritanos, antiguos contrahentes y nuevos aliados. Un análisis politológico

The article analises, from a political perspective, the role of the Chilean Catholic Church in the political processes of the years 1973-1993. It first offers an analytic frame for the study of the ... victims, together with the condemnation of the abuses, the proposal of alternative systems, and active political mediation. Thus the Church turned into one of the key agents of the re-democratization. Once

Ejercicios espirituales y trascendencia en Dionisio Areopagita

There is an enigmatic image of Dyonisius Areopagite from his origin, and that enigma has become more profound with time. In his work coalesce neo-platonic philosophy with Christianity and, as a ... Cambridge History of Later Greek and Early Medieval Philosophy, Cambridge, 1967.         [ Links ] (2) P. Hadot, Exercicies Spirituels et philosophie antique, Paris, Études Augustiniennes, 1981, p. 190

La noción de Justicia Social en la Gaudium et Spes

document regarding Social Justice and its fundamental ethical content to show that since they set an idea of political community, and an array of social justice program. ... in the same sphere implies also a fresh and constructive philosophy of man. In fact the Constitution borrows many points explicitly from modern philosophies of existence and of personalism, weaving

Consideraciones sobre la religión en la fenomenología del joven Heidegger

concern with philosophy of religión has to do with a description of the philosophical tendencies dominating in his day, before all else. The article concludes with a brief biographical reference to the

¿Cómo hacer afirmaciones con pretensiones de universalidad a partir de acontecimientos contingentes?: El ejemplo de Cristo en la filosofía

representatives of modern philosophy (Kant and Hegel, for example) have considered the appearance of the historical in relation to the question of destiny and meaning of the universal.

"Nations: the Long History and Deep Roots of Political Ethnicity and Nationalism", Azar Gat, Cambridge 2013 : [recenzj]a

. The Long History and Deep Roots of Political Ethnicity and Nationalism, MPG Books Group, Cambridge 2013, 447 stron Historia to bez w?tpienia jedna z tych nauk, w kt?rych terminologia nie zawsze jest ... , powsta?a ksi??ka zatytu?owana Nations. The Long History And Deep Roots of Political Ethnicity and Nationalism. Dotychczasowym dorobkiem naukowym Azar Gat udowodni?, ?e znakomicie potrafi porusza? si? w

"Inquieta estabilidad", creadora de lazos entre diversas épocas y continentes: La biografía teológica de Elisabeth Gössmann

philosophy- also in Munich. She is a specialist concerning medieval theology and starts her researches on the image of women in the tradition of the Christian faith in the sixties at the time of the Second

Fe y razón en el campo práctico-político: Un estudio desde la correspondencia de san Agustín con autoridades públicas

special attention to politics, and particularly to political aspects of the works directed at politicians, men in active public service or those interested in it. ... ).         [ Links ] 14 Ep. 152, 2. 15 R. Dodaro , «Augustine and the Possibility of Political Conscience» en C. Mayer (ed.) Augustinus - Ethik und Politik Augustinus-Verlag bei Echter, (Würzburg 2009) 223242

¿Continuidad de la cuestión de Dios en el pensar de Heidegger?: La especificidad del planteo heideggeriano tras la crisis de Ser y Tiempo

If we consider that Heidegger has permanently reflected on the meaning that the human experience of God can offer philosophy, even during that phase of his thought in which he rejected the

La relación de Maurice Merleau-Ponty con el cristianismo

The embodied conception of the person is highly relevant in Merleau-Ponty's philosophy. Because of this, he grants importance to the Incarnation of Jesus Christ as a determining factor in