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Political Economy and Knowledge Production in the Making of the Viceroyalty of New Granada

colonies from foreign incursions. This article explores the particularities of New Granada’s economic governance and argues that colonial officials produced local discourses of political economy to turn ... the eighteenth century and the transition from colony to republic in northern South America through the lens of spatial practices, geographical imagination and political economy; the second one is

Chilean Unidad Popular and Spanish Communism: Analysis, Solidarity and Political Lessons (1970-1973)

the political context of the period and the transnational dynamics that contributed to the conformation of the Spanish vision of Chile.Originality: Although the literature has been interested in the ... Political Lessons (1970-1973) A Unidade Popular chilena e o comunismo espanhol: análise, solidariedade e lições políticas (1970-1973) Pedro Marchant Veloz**  **Pedro Marchant Veloz Máster en

Juan de Dios Romero and the editorial practices of Colombian socialism (1920-1934)

Objective/Context: The article proposes an analysis of the political trajectory and editorial activity of the Colombian socialist Juan de Dios Romero from 1920 to 1934. It shows how Romero ... that positioned the socialist ideology among broader sectors and oriented a common political framework for its action. Methodology: Based on a detailed review of Romero’s private archive and a

Monitor, Produce, Distribute: Chile’s Battle Against Inflation and Scarcity, 1932-1973

political experience with these problems, I show how interactions between consumers and the state created a paradox. On the one hand, consumers came to expect that the state had an immediate duty and capacity ... identify inflation and scarcity as problems driven by individual acts, many consumers, including some of the political left, lost faith in the state’s long-term planning capacity. Conclusions: The

John Paul II in Spain: From Catholic Mobilization to Political Opposition

Objective/Context:in recent decades, religion has established itself as one of the most potent instruments to activate political aspirations. The classical paradigms of secularization failed in their ... -ecclesiastic documents, press reports, and references from Spanish Public Administration-and the methods developed around the study of social movements and the cultural history of the political milieu

Birth, Rise, and Extinction of a Phenomenon of Political Intolerance: The Fight Against Radical Propaganda in New York and Washington D.C. (1918-1920)

interwar period, the main objective is usually to study the repression campaigns organized by legislators and the Department of Justice. This research focuses on the interaction between political leaders and ... Hysteria: The Untold Story of Mass Political Extremism in the United States. Guilford, CT: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015. [ Links ] Chamberlain, Lawrence Henry. Loyalty and Legislative Action: A Survey of

The construction of the minimum wage and nutrition in Mexico in the early 20th century

articulate the history of science and its influence on economic and social accounts.Conclusions: This article shows how political and social projects-like the definition of a minimum wage-depended on science ... A construção do salário-mínimo e a nutrição Joel Vargas Domínguez**  **PhD in Philosophy of Science from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. He is currently professor of the

Exploring Capitalism in the Economy of Early Modern Gujarat: The Structure and Organization of Textile Production and the Market in Surat in the Eighteenth Century

Gujarat in particular. In this context, the paper also examines how the ascendancy of the English East India Company in the political economy of Western India and the region’s transition to a colonial ... political economy of Gujarat and other parts of India underwent a major transformation. In 1759, the eic took over the Surat Castle, became the qiladār (commander of the castle), and took control, at least

“New” Latino wave in Hollywood? Market value in the operational logic of U.S. cinema in the Ibero-American world

-ness,” combined with diplomatic documentation and recent press information, and from a political economy of cinema point of view in particular, this article establishes the correlation between the ... racialization, stereotypes and biases in its view of the “others” it has incorporated. The originality of this study lies in drawing on the less usual theoretical perspectives of the political economy of cinema

Chronicle of an announced death: eta’s discourse in the face of the 11-M attacks (2004) and political negotiation with the Spanish Socialist Workers Party (2005-2006)

Schism of the Basque Nationalist Movement”. Terrorism and Political Violence 5, n.º 3 (1993): 106-134, doi: [ Links ] López Adán, Emilio. El nacionalismo vasco ... Libros , 2018. [ Links ] Zabalo, Julen y Mikel Saratxo. “eta Ceasefire: Armed Struggle vs. Political Practice in Basque Nationalism”. Ethnicities 15, n.º 3 (2015): 362-384, doi:

Merchant capital and labor migration in the colonial Indian Ocean world

understanding of the social, economic, and political complexities inherent in Indian Ocean history is contingent upon situating the specialized case studies that characterize this field of study in more fully ... has hitherto focused on questions of supply and demand and the political economy of slavery during the nineteenth century.10 Contextualizing the multi-dimensional relationships that shaped this commerce

The Price of Clemency: Bails and Political Prisoners in the War of the Thousand Days (Colombia, 1899-1902)

Objective/Context: This article analyzes the nature and operation of bail releases for political prisoners during the War of the Thousand Days (Colombia, 1899-1902), as well as the uses that both ... : Governmental Responses to Political Criminality in Mexico and Colombia, 1870s-1910s”. ; Resumen. Objetivo/Contexto: Este artículo analiza la naturaleza y el funcionamiento de las

Prices and Values: New Perspectives on the Cost of Living in Twentieth-Century Latin America

forms of social scientific expertise and knowledge about quotidian economic life; the political contests among a wide range of actors over living standards, inflation, and related concerns; and the impact ... . The Political Economy of the Rise and Fall of the Chicago Boys. Cambridge: Centre for Latin American Studies, University of Cambridge, 1983. [ Links ] Garth, Hanna. Food in Cuba: The Pursuit of a

Colonel Concha in Cauca or the Gestation of a Political Vortex, 1821-1824

for the Republic was very high, since a model of society that the other New Granada provinces rejected survived, aggravated, in a region of capital importance. A political vortex came about where party

The rapist is the truth of the group: Psycho-politics of Sexual Violence in Torture Centers (Chile, 1974-1976)

Objective/Context:To propose an analytical reading of histories about the political-sexual violence unleashed in torture centers of the secret police (National Intelligence Directorate - dina) during ... the first civilian transitional government) and 2014 (when the first lawsuits for sexual torture were filed). Originality: the article offers a psycho-political interpretation of political

Camel Caravans as a Mode of Production: A Prerequisite for the Rise of Merchant Capital in Postclassical Afro-Eurasia. An Interview with Richard W. Bulliet

wheeled transport in the “Middle East” and how the caravan system restructured many facets of socio-economic and political life in the Arid Zone between approximately 500 and 1500 ce.Conclusion: The depth ... from Yemen (see Map 2). Camel caravan trading flourished at Palmyra in Syria, which became a significant political power in the 260s. The caravan god Dusares belonged to the Palmyrene pantheon. I am

The Coloniality of Law in Peru: Legal Positivism, Rape & Racialized Morality in Early Twentieth-Century Courts

then showcase women’s courtroom narratives (alongside other juridical testimonies) that reveal their struggle for political inclusion.Methodology:This article is built from an analysis of primary and ... in the College of Arts at the University of Glasgow, Scotland (UK). She is the author of “Peru’s House of Cards: Odebrecht Scandal Has Engulfed the Country’s Political Class”; The Conversation. June 27

The state’s vision of the Amazon: forest planning in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru between 1968-1978

political and economic independence; the latter that using hybrid seeds and machinery would allow farmers to increase their productivity and income, with which they hoped to open the national economy to the ... . [ Links ] Palti Elias. “The ‘Theoretical Revolution’ in Intelectual History: From the History of Political Ideas to the History of Political Languages”. History and Theory 53, n.º 3 (2014):387-405, doi

From basic necessities to unsatisfied basic needs: a review of the welfare project in 20th century Uruguay through the debate on the cost of living

line.Conclusions: These policy debates transcended political-ideological alignments and were sustained by relatively shared principles of moral economy that varied between the first and second half of the 20th

Deputies of Knowledge: The National Libraries Association and Library Policies in Argentina (1908-1913)

the past of libraries in the region through the conceptual tools of Socio-Cultural and Political History while giving greater temporal depth to research on the genesis of the professional field in