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Search: Political Philosophy

422 papers found.
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Philosophy of voltage-gated proton channels

In this review, voltage-gated proton channels are considered from a mainly teleological perspective. Why do proton channels exist? What good are they? Why did they go to such lengths to develop several unique hallmark properties such as extreme selectivity and ΔpH-dependent gating? Why is their current so minuscule? How do they manage to be so selective? What is the basis for our...


ve Rousseau: Toplumsal sözleşme kuramı . Kaygı. Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Felsefe Dergisi , 6 , 78 - 89 . Freeman , S. (Edt.) ( 2007 ). Lectures on the History of Political Philosophy ... ). Emile ya da Eğitim Üzerine (Çev: İ . Yerguz). İstanbul: Say Yayınları. Strauss , L. , Cropsey , J. ( 1987 ). History of Political Philosophy . USA: University Of Chicago Press. Tannenbaum , D. , Schultz

On Izydora Dąmbska and Her Philosophy

ORGANON ON IZYDORA DĄMBSKA AND HER PHILOSOPHY I Dąmbska's biography Izydora Dąmbska was born in Rudna Wielka (Poland) on January 3, 1904. She studied philosophy in Lvov in 1922-1927. Kazimierz ... dissertation about irrationalism and scientific knowledge). Her academic career was stopped in 1950, due to political reasons. She worked for Gdansk's City Library (later, the Library of the Polish Academy of


2146-2879 Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi (KÜSBD) İsmail EFE i 0 0 Kirikkale University Journal of Social Sciences One of the fundamental problems of political philosophy is the


Philosophy and literature are two distinct means of activities in which human beings reveal their own existences. Philosophy aims at obtaining a collective view, complete knowledge as to being ... Philosophy and Literature Dr. Emel KOÇ 0 1 0 Gazi Üniversitesi, Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi Felsefe Grubu Eğitimi A.B.D. e mail: 1 Anahtar Kelimeler: Felsefe , Edebiyat, Dil, Kültür, Gelenek

The Philosophy of Hoene-Wroński

ORGANON Roman M urawski (Poznań, Poland) THE PHILOSOPHY O F HCENE-WRONSKI* 15th August 1803, the catholic Feast of the Assumption played a signific­ ant role in the scientific biography o f ... problems stood in the center o f Wroriski’s interests: - the creation o f a new philosophy - achrematic philosophy1 which over­ coming the world of things will reach the Absolute and the creation principles

MEMLÜKLER DÖNEMİ ANONİM HALK EDEBİYATI (Halk Dilinde Şöhret Bulan Haberleri Derleyen Eserlerde)

2146-2879 Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi (KÜSBD) 0 Kirikkale University Journal of Social Sciences One of the fundamental problems of political philosophy is the problem of the

The Philosophy of Stanisław Leśniewski

ORGANON - THE PHILOSOPHY OF STANIS?AW LE?NIEWSKI Introduction Stanis?aw Le?niewski was one of main representatives of the L vovW arsaw philosophical and logical school. His work falls on the ... therein are reflected in his later output. Above all, the method o f practicing philosophy changed radically. The purpose of deliber? ations presented below is a synthetic discussion of the views of Le


Although the European Union was established in 1951 on economic foundations, the process of political integration was gradually started with the cooperation provided in other fields. The three-pillar


happiness with western (Aristotle) definition and Al-Farabi’s view of happiness, which laid the foundation of Aristotle's philosophy. ... . , ( 2007 ). İslam Felsefesi Tarihi, ( Çev: H. T. Başoğlu-Ş. Öçal). İstanbul: Açılım Kitap. Mahdi , M. , ( 1962 ). AlFarabî's Philosophy of Plato and Aristotelestle . New York: The Free Press of Glencoe

Political Theology of Juan Donoso Cortés

Cortes in: Przegl?d Katolicki 19 , 1871 , p. 292 . 4 F. D. Wilhelmsen , Donoso Cortes and the Meaning of Political Power in: Christianity and Political Philosophy , Athens 1978 , p. 139 , quot. from: M ... ORGANON Jacek Bartyzel - Jacek Bartyzel (Toru?, Poland) P O L I T I C A L T H E O L O G Y O F JUAN D O N O S O C O R T E S The term political theology has never been a more adequate


modernism on Turkish modernization and Turkish women have been revealed. As a result of the research, where women has a value in social and political life in  during Modernization it seems that women ... element and women's status has altered in a negative way in social and political life, thus, the conclusion of that is compulsory is done. - Mdefa 5. yüzyılda, Hıristiyan dünyasını Romalı ve Pagan


ways by different disciplines such as philosophy, social sciences, fine arts, education and architecture and which is well beyond the simple definition and which has a multi dimensional phenomenon has

Ancient Tradition Concerning the Pre-Socratic Philosophy

ORGANON - The traditional picture of the origins of the Greek philosophy is the following1: philosophy came into existence as a p u rely th e o r e tic a l study of nature; as a search for the ... . their substance or nature. The history of the Pre-Socratic philosophy is therefore being set up by the representatives of this type o f speculations: the thinkers o f the Milesian school, the Pythagoreans

Vladimir Solovyov : the Philosophy of Godmanhood

ORGANON - VLADIMIR SOLOVYOV: THE PHILOSOPHY OF GODMANHOOD It would be hard to find in other national cultures a thinker described by as many and as different names. Vladimir Solovyov was referred ... philosophy. In that respect, Solovyov was a truly outstanding final word of 19th-century Russian philosophy. But the supreme quality of his synthesis made him the immediate predecessor and intellectual


unauthorized and irresponsible president in the parliamentary system. The responsibility of the President is to be assessed in three respects: political, legal and criminal. Moreover, this responsibility should

Studying Philosophy in Marburg, Years Ago

- W?adys?aw Tatarkiewicz (Poland) STUDYING PHILOSOPHY IN M ARBURG, YEARS AGO* This book is appearing in Polish for a first time, yet it was written in a remote past, if you look at it in terms of a ... in Marburg right away. I first studied in Swit? zerland, in Zurich, and in Berlin as well. At Zurich University, philosophy lectures were few and of poor reputation; like most Polish students I

Do Not Worry About the Future of Philosophy

- DO NOT WORRY ABOUT THE FUTURE OF PHILOSOPHY Krzysztof ?roda: Occasions like this one are usually provoke questions about the first moment, the moment someone made up their minds to become an art ... ? ist, a writer, or philosopher. When did you choose philosophy, and what hap? pened afterwards, how did your life with philosophy go ? After that first illu? mination and enthusiasm, did you also have

Physics and Philosophy in the 20th Century

ORGANON - Michał Heller (Poland) PHYSICS AND PHILOSOPHY IN THE 20th CENTURY* 1. Introductory The mutual relationship between physics and philosophy in the 20th century, a remarkable feature of ... categorical propositions that reflect cursory opinions based on supposedly “commonly known facts”, rather than on any critical analysis of sources. Serious histories of physics and philosophy alike are of

Christoph Clavius, S. J. on the Reality of Ptolemaic Cosmology : "Ex Suppositione" Reasoning and the Problem of (Dis)continuity of Early Modern Natural Philosophy

natural philosophy which I shall call simply science. It should be noted, from the outset, that this debate is at the heart of the very question of whether there really was anything like a Scientific ... admirers. The former could be well typified by Pierre Duhem and his followers, who saw on the Italian's work nothing but the strict continuity of a centuries-old tradition of mathematical natural philosophy