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M. A. Muqtedar Khan. Islam and Good Governance: A Political Philosophy of Ihsan.

awareness. Instead, he argues, Ihsan should be applied to politics and society. He reserves chapter 6 for outlining the historical background of Islamic political philosophy from the Rightly Guided Caliphs to ... structural level but in a process of change, he deliberately dismisses the problems posed by political philosophy. His proposal to turn to love from law draws an imaginary line between laws to morality. He


also covers Weber’s views on the argumentative limits of the social sciences and ethics. The center of Weber’s philosophy of science is constituted by his methodological thoughts on “ethical neutrality ... applying an empirical scientific procedure. However, in contemporary political philosophy, John Rawls proposed such a procedure to resolve conflicts between conceptions of justice. He claims that a


Up until Kant’s critical philosophy, it was not easy to speak of the “world” itself as distinct from “nature”. After Kant, the world began to be considered from a historical perspective. Therefore ... national, social and political institutions.”7 Thus, the world 1 Jan A. Scholte, Globalization: A Critical Introduction (London: Macmillan Press, 2000), 17. 2 David Held and others, Global Transformations

Hüseyin Yılmaz. Caliphate Redefined: The Mystical Turn in Ottoman Political Thought

1258’de Bağdat’ın Moğolların eline geçmesiyle Abbasi halifeliğinin fiilen ortadan kalkması İslam tarihinin en önemli dönüm noktalarından biridir. İslam dünyasında bu dönemden sonra siyaset dilinin ve ideolojisinin yeni ortaya çıkan bölgesel hükümdarlıklar tarafından şekillendiği artık tarih yazımında da bilinen bir durumdur. Son yıllarda Abdurrahman Atçıl ve Guy Burak’ın...

Marc Van de Mieroop. Philosophy Before The Greeks: The Pursuit of Truth in Ancient Bayblonia

Yakındoğu düşüncesinden etkilenmiş olduğu fikri ikinci bir iddia olarak da gündemdedir. Marc Van De Mieroop’un Philosophy Before the Greeks kitabı da felsefenin Yunan öncesi döneminin peşine düşmektedir

Avrupa Parlamentosu’ndaki Siyasi Gruplar Ve Türkiye’nin Avrupa Birliği Üyelik Süreci

The aim of this study is to examine to European Parliament (EP), political groups in the European Parliament, their structures, their development processes, their ideologies, and their ideas ... ideas regarding Turkey's EU membership process in a comparative way. The European Parliament will be discussed as a priority in the study. After the European Parliament is examined, the political groups

Richard Bourke. Empire and Revolution: The Political Life of Edmund Burke.

Edmund Burke üzerine oluşan ikincil literatür, 19. yüzyılda biçimlenen ideolojik karşıtlıklar üzerinden okumaya dayalı modern siyaset düşüncesinin etkisi altında kalmıştır. Burke’ün muhafazakâr düşüncenin kurucusu olduğu, liberal ve yenilikçi söylemlere kapalı bir düşünce yapısını benimsediğine dair yaygın kanı onun Fransız Devrimi düşmanlığına dayanarak oluşmuştur.

“Modern-Premodern” Tartışmasının Ötesinde İbn Haldun’un Düşüncesi

): 20 - 26 . Mahdi , Muhsin ve Ralph Lerner. Medieval Political Philosophy. New York: Cornell University Press, 1963 . Mahdi , Muhsin. Ibn Khaldun's Philosophy of History . Chicago: The University of ... .” Sheldon S. Wolin, Politics and Vision: Continuity and Innovation in Western Political Thought (New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2004), 218-219; siyasetin ilkeleri ile felsefenin ilkelerini buluşturan

İsviçre, İspanya, Kanada ve Malezya Örneklerinde Kamu Yönetimi Pratikleri Eksenli Birlikte Yaşama Modelleri

The efforts of multicultural states to promote political and legal changes in the field of public administration and services in order to create the conditions for a qualified common life, reveal the ... , 29(2), 175-191. Barış AYDIN, Fatih Fuat TUNCER Extended Abstract This study aims to evaluate, what kind of political and administrative endeavors multicultural and multiidentity societies have


The efforts of multicultural states to promote political and legal changes in the field of public administration and services in order to create the conditions for a qualified common life, reveal the ... , 29(2), 175-191. Barış AYDIN, Fatih Fuat TUNCER Extended Abstract This study aims to evaluate, what kind of political and administrative endeavors multicultural and multiidentity societies have

Çin’in Covid-19’la Mücadelesi: Sağlık İpek Yolu ve Küresel Propaganda Savaşları

While global pandemic has intensified the economic and technological hard power rivalry between China and the United States, it has also spawned a soft power race over their economic and political ... economic and political responses to the fight against Covid-19. However, the methods used by China to increase its soft power have sometimes turned into propaganda and information and narrative wars have

Investment-Driven Economic Growth in Nigeria: The Role of Oil Rent

environment with incentive such as tax holidays, free license for operation, peaceful economic and political environment. This study further recommends a new paradigm for the Nigeria economy through ... political and ethnic crises distorting economic activities in the nation particularly in the recent past. Thus, in other to encourage domestic investment to produce the desire achievement the government must

Badiou’nun “Felsefe Kavgası”: Varlık-Olay-Özne-Hakikat

This article focuses on the contemporary French philosopher Alain Badiou. Writing his primary works after 1980, his views have become popular in virtue of both the emerging social and political ... ethical-political level, as well as cultural studies and relativistic approaches at social-scientific and philosophical levels. He thus re-invokes philosophy to come into existence by criticizing those

Development and Validation of the Youth Sociopolitical Action Scale for Social Media (SASSM)

young people are building movements that change norms and policies at national and global levels (Anyiwo et al., 2020) and can transcend structural barriers to political participation, such as the ... , in which youth learn about the root causes of systems of inequity; political efficacy, in which youth become empowered to create sociopolitical change; and sociopolitical action, where youth resist

Modern Siyaset Tasavvurunun Paradigmatik Öncülleri

The paradigmatic boundaries of modern political imaginary were drawn in Europe throughout the seventeenth century. Although it went through several intra-paradigmatic revisions, the mainstream ... Makyavelli hak eder.” Leo Strauss, The Political Philosophy of Hobbes: Its Basis and Its Genesis (Chicago: The university of Chicago Press, 1963) , s. xv; ayrıca bkz. Leo Strauss, What is Political

Türkiye’de Siyasal Ayrışma ve Medya: 28 Şubat Sürecinin Merkez Medyada Sunumunun Eleştirel Söylem Analizi ile Çözümlenmesi

been almost always under government control like all other institutions in Turkey. Similar to a political laboratory in which all the aforementioned have occurred, theFebruary 28 Process faces us as a ... AYRIŞMA VE MEDYA: 28 ŞUBAT SÜRECİNİN MERKEZ MEDYADA SUNUMUNUN ELEŞTİREL SÖYLEM ANALİZİ İLE ÇÖZÜMLENMESİ Arş. Gör. Kırklareli Üniversitesi Siyaset Bilimi ve Kamu Yönetimi Bölümü political disintegration


revolutions in terms of similarities and parallels. Benjamin’s concept of history will be evaluated as the possibility of political action. Hegel’s idea of progressive history considers history as the unfolding ... , Image-Space: Temporalizaton of Politics in Walter Benjamin's Philosophy of History and Art (Finland : SoPhi Academic Press, 1998 ), 43 . 12Walter Benjamin, “Tarih Üzerine Tezler,” Son Bakışta Aşk: Walter

Dünya Düzeninin Temelleri: Adalet Dairesi Literatürüne Giriş

moral philosophy. In this literature essay, we discuss the development of the short form of the the Circle of Justice in the Islamic political thought from an historical-descriptive, rather than ... , A History of Social Justice and Political Power in the Middle East the Circle of Justice from Mesopotamia to Globalization (New York: Routledge, 2013), s. 15-39. 3 Uzun formun İslâm kaynaklarındaki en

Monoloğun Ötesinde: Karşılaştırmalı Bir Siyaset Teorisine Doğru

a turn to global, cross-cultural (or “comparative”) political theorizing. I offer geopolitical and general intellectual reasons why the turn seems appropriate today, and I discuss a variety of ... Study of Political Philosophy”, Comparative Political Philosophy: Studies Under the Upas Tree içinde (haz. Anthony J. Parel ve Ronald C. Keith, New Delhi: Sage Publications, 1992), s. 11. 98 ciddiye alan