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Reordenamiento de los primeros temas del programa Filosofía y Sociedad I

: To present suggestions to achieve a different ordering of the first topics of the syllabus for the subject Philosophy and Society I and to create conditions that enable meaningful learning.Methods ... . Results: According to the applied questionnaire, the subject that was liked least was Philosophy, accounting for eight students who mentioned it (53.3%); the reasons were that it is not very applicable

Reordenamiento de los primeros temas del programa Filosofía y Sociedad I

: To present suggestions to achieve a different ordering of the first topics of the syllabus for the subject Philosophy and Society I and to create conditions that enable meaningful learning.Methods ... . Results: According to the applied questionnaire, the subject that was liked least was Philosophy, accounting for eight students who mentioned it (53.3%); the reasons were that it is not very applicable

Reordenamiento de los primeros temas del programa Filosofía y Sociedad I

: To present suggestions to achieve a different ordering of the first topics of the syllabus for the subject Philosophy and Society I and to create conditions that enable meaningful learning.Methods ... . Results: According to the applied questionnaire, the subject that was liked least was Philosophy, accounting for eight students who mentioned it (53.3%); the reasons were that it is not very applicable

Reordenamiento de los primeros temas del programa Filosofía y Sociedad I

: To present suggestions to achieve a different ordering of the first topics of the syllabus for the subject Philosophy and Society I and to create conditions that enable meaningful learning.Methods ... . Results: According to the applied questionnaire, the subject that was liked least was Philosophy, accounting for eight students who mentioned it (53.3%); the reasons were that it is not very applicable

Reordenamiento de los primeros temas del programa Filosofía y Sociedad I

: To present suggestions to achieve a different ordering of the first topics of the syllabus for the subject Philosophy and Society I and to create conditions that enable meaningful learning.Methods ... . Results: According to the applied questionnaire, the subject that was liked least was Philosophy, accounting for eight students who mentioned it (53.3%); the reasons were that it is not very applicable

Reordenamiento de los primeros temas del programa Filosofía y Sociedad I

: To present suggestions to achieve a different ordering of the first topics of the syllabus for the subject Philosophy and Society I and to create conditions that enable meaningful learning.Methods ... . Results: According to the applied questionnaire, the subject that was liked least was Philosophy, accounting for eight students who mentioned it (53.3%); the reasons were that it is not very applicable

Formación doctoral en el Hospital “Dr. Joaquín Albarrán Domínguez”

Introduction: The University of Medical Sciences of Havana focuses its efforts on promoting doctoral training at the institutional level in order to increase the number of doctors of philosophy as ... Teaching Department of the Hospital, aimed at the training of Doctors of Philosophy in Medical Education, made possible the development of scientific research as the practical development of research

Formación doctoral en el Hospital “Dr. Joaquín Albarrán Domínguez”

Introduction: The University of Medical Sciences of Havana focuses its efforts on promoting doctoral training at the institutional level in order to increase the number of doctors of philosophy as ... Teaching Department of the Hospital, aimed at the training of Doctors of Philosophy in Medical Education, made possible the development of scientific research as the practical development of research

Formación doctoral en el Hospital “Dr. Joaquín Albarrán Domínguez”

Introduction: The University of Medical Sciences of Havana focuses its efforts on promoting doctoral training at the institutional level in order to increase the number of doctors of philosophy as ... Teaching Department of the Hospital, aimed at the training of Doctors of Philosophy in Medical Education, made possible the development of scientific research as the practical development of research

Neoliberal Political Law

NEOLIBERAL POLITICAL LAW ZEPHYR TEACHOUT 0 1 0 Copyright © 2014 by Zephyr Teachout. This article is also available at 1 Associate Professor of Law, Fordham University School of Law In the last ... expenditure rules. Another, related possibility is that the members of the Kennedy-Roberts alliance are driven by racial, ethnic, or class concerns. The “us” and “them” within the Court are not political teams

Usefulness of the subject Philosophy and Society for the medical graduates

ARTÍCULO ORIGINAL  Utilidad de la asignatura Filosofía y Sociedad para los egresados de Medicina  Usefulness of the subject Philosophy and Society for the medical graduates   Yoanna Martínez Boloña ... on the principles of our revolutionary government: the Marxist-Leninist ideology, ethics and humanism, all of which are areas of study of Philosophy. Objective: Identify the medical graduates

Revalidación de títulos extranjeros en la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Chile

been growing over the years. Health professionals’ migration to Chile is not due to the brain drain phenomenon, but a consequence of the political and social changes in the region, as well as the Chilean

Revalidación de títulos extranjeros en la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Chile

been growing over the years. Health professionals’ migration to Chile is not due to the brain drain phenomenon, but a consequence of the political and social changes in the region, as well as the Chilean

Revalidación de títulos extranjeros en la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Chile

been growing over the years. Health professionals’ migration to Chile is not due to the brain drain phenomenon, but a consequence of the political and social changes in the region, as well as the Chilean

Revalidación de títulos extranjeros en la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Chile

been growing over the years. Health professionals’ migration to Chile is not due to the brain drain phenomenon, but a consequence of the political and social changes in the region, as well as the Chilean

Revalidación de títulos extranjeros en la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Chile

been growing over the years. Health professionals’ migration to Chile is not due to the brain drain phenomenon, but a consequence of the political and social changes in the region, as well as the Chilean

From Comparison to Collaboration: Experiments with a New Scholarly and Political Form

FROM COMPARISON TO COLLABORATION: EXPERIMENTS WITH A NEW SCHOLARLY AND POLITICAL FORM ANNELISE RILES 0 1 0 Copyright © 2015 by Annelise Riles. This article is also available at 1 Jack G. Clarke ... out the promise of replacing old forms of political and social conflict with “win-win scenarios.”7 The image of these projects is one of fulfilled, empowered people, in charge of their own destinies

The political thinking of the Comandante en Jefe Fidel Castro about human capital training and Cuban medical education

EDITORIAL   Pensamiento del Comandante en Jefe Fidel Castro sobre la formación de capital humano y la Educación Médica cubana   The political thinking of the Comandante en Jefe

The Law and Political Economy of Contemporary Food: Some Reflections on the Local and the Small

THE LAW AND POLITICAL ECONOMY OF CONTEMPORARY FOOD: SOME REFLECTIONS ON THE LOCAL AND THE SMALL AMY J. COHEN 0 1 0 Copyright © 2015 by Amy J. Cohen. This article is also available at 1 Professor of ... , each mode of legal thought is not a political ideology but rather a “consciousness” or “language.”3 That is, modes of legal thought are temporally bounded epistemic perspectives that—in different ways in

International Courts in Atypical Political Environments: The Interplay of Prosecutorial Strategy, Evidence, and Court Authority in International Criminal Law

INTERNATIONAL COURTS IN ATYPICAL POLITICAL ENVIRONMENTS: THE INTERPLAY OF PROSECUTORIAL STRATEGY, EVIDENCE, AND COURT AUTHORITY IN INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL LAW RON LEVI 0 1 JOHN HAGAN 0 1 SARA DEZALAY ... courts’ de facto authority that resulted in sovereign legal accountability for such crimes was developed in national settings for many years during the Cold War before gaining significant political support