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Yeni Medya Çağında Siyasi Bilgi Kaynakları ve Kanaat Önderlerinin Siyasi Tercihlere Etkisi: 16 Nisan Referandum Örneği

Today, people can learn about political issues from many sources through new media. Opinion leaders played an active role in political preferences in the times when the communication tools were more ... Medya, Sosyal Medya, Siyasal İletişim 3 JEL Classification Codes: D72 , D71, D78 4 JEL Sınıflandırma Kodları: D72 , D71, D78 Opinion Leader; New Media; Social Media; Political Communication - Purpose

Politik Kutuplaşma ve Kamu Sektörü İstihdamı

literature on public sector employment. However, as far as we know, previous studies have not addressed the impact of political polarization on the public sector. This study empirically explores the

Muhalefetin Siyasal Alanda İnşası: Rus Muhalif Lider Aleksey Navalnıy’ın Konuşmalarının Retorik Analizi

Political communication is one of the oldest areas in the history of mankind, along with politics, state and power structure. Political communication is especially effective in the process of self ... tools of today. The means of political communication and the methods used also show the characteristics of social structures. Until the fall of the USSR, it has implemented a unique communication system

Türkiye’de Siyasi Partilerin Yerel Katılım Politikaları

Democracy has been tried to be defined with many different concepts since its emergence. The most accepted among these was that it was a political regime and that the self-directed mass of the ... democratic governments, participatory democracy model is adopted as an appropriate model in local organizations to meet the demands of the people to participate in the administration. Political parties, which

Kamusal Alanda Sanat ve Sanat Eserleri

to concentrate around urban areas, it raises urban interest toward art activities. Artistic activities add political and cultural status to the city in terms of both national and international arena. ... in Political Philosophy, EUROSPHERE, Çevrimiçi çalışma makaleleri . No.02 . http// (Erişim tarihi: 01 . 03 . 2020 ). Mutlu , E. ( 2004 ). İletişim


The aim of the study is to reveal the leadership characteristics of political leader Muhsin Yazıcıoğlu and the study is conducted based on qualitative research method. Depending on this method in ... Süleyman Demirel University Visionary Journal, Year: 1308-9552 POLITICAL LEADERSHIP AND MUHSIN YAZICIOĞLU AS A POLITICAL LEADER Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Emre SAVUT 0 1 2 JEL Sınıflandırma Kodları: Z28. 0

Bir Temsil Alanı Olarak Türkiye’de Düşünce Kuruluşları

There are competition and cooperation between Turkey's social segments in social, political, economic, and cultural fields to the extent permitted of democracy and pluralism. Think tanks ... the public policy research industry . Political science and politics 25 (4) , 733 - 740 . McGann , J. G. ( 2005 ). Think tanks and policy advice in the US . Foreign Policy Research Institute, (3) , 4

Test Maddelerinin Bilim Felsefesi Bağlamında Değerlendirilmesi

within the framework of educational philosophy, the concept of measurement and evaluation has not been evaluated philosophically. In this study, based on the historical development of science and


this interest that is increasing due to both economic and political, social and cultural factors, is impossible to discuss without taking the effects of the phenomenon of globalization. Therefore ... Economics and Statistics , 61 ( S1 ), 631 - 52 . Marques , L. M. , Fuinhas , J. A. ve Marques , A. C. ( 2017 ). Augmented energy-growth nexus: economic, political and social globalization impacts . Energy

Anayasal Vergilendirme İlkeleri Kapsamında Vergi Affı

constitutional taxation principles. Since tax amnesty is based on laws, it is examined in the context of constitutional law, criminal law, and tax law. Additionally, the issue of tax amnesty has political ... expenditures. All of these come at a political cost to the power. In order to avoid this political cost, governments provide taxpayers with various benefits in terms of paying the tax. In this study, evaluations

Birleşik Krallık’taki Okullarda Ders Kitabı Kullanımı: Mevcut Durum, Çalışmalar, Gelecek Planları

during the last quarter of the century. The philosophy of differentiated teaching and “teach how to learn” have played a great part in shaping this change. However, the success of Far East countries, where


During election periods, political parties and candidates intensively conduct a variety of political campaigns. These campaigns, where the focus is on the target audience, are prepared through

Japonya’da İslâm Davetçisi Bir Türk: Abdürreşid İbrahim “Dinî Fikirleri ve Stratejisi”

Abdürreşid İbrahim is an extraordinary person in Turkish/Tatar and Ottoman history with his ideas, religious-political activities and travels. Japan has a special place in his long journey to Asia in ... . ( 1407 / 1987 ). el-Câmiu's- Sahîh , Kâhire. Nagata , Y. ( 2001 ). Japonya, DİA, C. 23 : 574 - 576 . Neumann , C. K. ( 2006 ). Political and Diplomatic Developments, The Cambridge History of Turkey The


-presidential and presidential system. However, even if their systems are similar, we can talk about their historical and political structures in their emergence and implementation in integrated government

Yugoslavya’nın Dağılma Sürecinin Araçsalcı Bir Yaklaşımla Analizi

It is impossible to disprove the effect of political elite discourses, symbol manipulations and media on the process of nationalist popularization. Accordingly, ethnic hostility and conflicts are ... instrumentalizations in the collective memory of an ethnic group. This assumption is supported by the conflicts during the dissolution of Yugoslavia, because the attitudes of political elites were quite effective while


‘electronic commerce’ is tried to be examined for university students. Using quantitative method in the research, a total of 240 students from Akdeniz University Faculty of Letters Sociology, Philosophy

Modern Çağ Toplumlarının Geleneksel Sosyal Statüleri, Yeni Doğan Ekonomik Sınıfları ile Modern Çağın Ekonomik Kurumları, Yeni Sosyal ve Ekonomik Düzeni

new age were shaped in line with the interests of the state and the nation and the expectations of the merchant. The philosophy that only one side would benefit from international trade was consistent

Temsili Demokrasideki Siyasal Katılım Sorununun Çözümünde Türkiye ve AB’nin STK’lara Yaklaşımı

In this article, the issue of participation of the civil society in the political sphere in the representative democracy is examined in view of the fact that the elections, which are considered to be ... ensure political participation. Within in this context, the role of NGOs in the solution of problems arising in representative democracy is evaluated and it is identified the difficulties in the

The United States: Is It Still a Superpower?

a historical, security and international political perspective. ... international political perspective. Amerika Birleşik Devletleri Soğuk Savaşın bitmesinden bu yana tek süpergüç olarak kaldı ve dünyayı tek kutuplu bir hale getirdi. İstatistiklere göre Amerika güç kaybediyor ve

Pozitif Bir Bilim Olarak Psikoloji

with in philosophy. The discussion of the mind-body problem, which was intended to solve whether the mind, a non-physical mechanism, interacts with the body as a concrete mechanism, and how this ... occurs, has long been on the agenda in philosophy. The idea of explaining the spirit (mind)-body problem of Descartes using the principles of physics has played an important role in psychology's becoming a