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Search: Political Philosophy

994 papers found.
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Ethopolitical pedagogy: reparative actions from the voices of Afro-Colombian women surviving victims belonging to Afromupaz and La Comadre (Afrodes)

processes of coping with pain. The text highlights the political position against the construction of alternative memory, gestated from below and the pedagogical practices that are installed there and that ... aforementioned groups, who through spaces for listening and participation assume an ethical-political place in the narrative, of relationship, of dialogue and of horizontal co-interpretation, in which one co

Micoahumado, Tarso and Mogotes: From the non violent civil resistance to the construction of territorial peace in Colombia

This article claims the epistemological and political value of three community processes generated within the Colombian armed conflict, which are exercises in nonviolent civil resistance by involving

Militancy in the poetic work of Wilfredo Mujica and Elena Yparraguirre (1994-2010)

Abimael Guzmán, and Wilfredo Mujica, former director of the Former Political Prisoners Association of Peru. This research will allow us to contrast the efforts of the PCP-SL with those of other Latin

The National Typography's books: violence and imaginaries of a Guatemalan anti-communist regime (1954-1957)

formation of communist groups in Guatemala, and the transgressions and vexations they exercised on political power. The structure of this paper is focused on 3 objectives, the first is to present the front

Beyond the heleno-eurocentric vision ofhistory: the place of (Latin) America in transmodern world history

The article tries to contribute to the destruction of the helenocentric and eurocentric vision of universal history that has excluded Latin America from antiquity, from philosophy, politics ... philosophy, politics, education, and religion. Likewise, we will reinforce the thesis that the origin of Greek philosophy is Egyptian, and it is also black. F. Hegel thinks that the history of the absolute

Political tensions and separatist rumours in Colombia approximations between the hegemonic sectors of the north coast and the central Government. 1910-1914

This article discusses the political relations between the elites of the Colombian Caribbean coast and the national government, during the presidency of Carlos Eugenio Restrepo, born in Antioquia ... their power tensions with the central government, were fundamental as political pressure mechanisms, and intervened in the regionalization process of this part of the country. These pressures were

Museum, Pukara and Chullpas of Nama (Tarapacd, northern Chile): Political dialogues on Archaeology and Heritage between Andean people and social reseachers

 ] DeLanda, M. (2006). A New Philosophy of Society. Assemblage Theory and Social Complexity. London, England: Continuum. [ Links ] García, M. & M. Uribe. (2012). Contextos de uso de las plantas vinculadas ... del hombre andino con la fauna altiplánica. Estudios Atácamenos, 7, 335-347. [ Links ] Hale, Ch. & Millamán, R. (2006). Cultural agency and political strugggle in the Era of the "Indio Permitido". In

Violence and political regime in Veracruz, México: 1936-2016

In this work, I intend to analyze the relationships between the changes in the subnational political regime of Veracruz, Mexico's state with the changes that have been observed in the forms of ... development of political regime, especially the electoral regime. Based on the theory of social structuring, the hypothesis that guides the work revolves around the idea that the violence that has been


Studies about the Democratic Party, which had an important place in Turkish political life in the Republican era, were generally carried out by focusing on Adnan Menderes, while Celâl Bayar, who ... ELECTIONS AND POLITICAL Ahmet GÜLEN ÖZ Cumhuriyet devri Türk siyasal yaşamında önemli bir yere sahip olan Demokrat Parti ile ilgili araştırmalar genel olarak Adnan Menderes’i merkeze alarak yapılmış

No One Listens to The Nun. Dominga Gutiérrez and The Prose of Counter-Emancipation

convent, co opted her voice for their political purposes and remained impervious to her own version of events. It also explores the diverse romantic narratives that emerged against the grain in the


Early republican period, the political and social mobility increases as well in Turkey is referred to as the beginning of a transformation phase. The modern and secular human model that the new ... cumhuriyet döneminin hâkim resmi ideolojik söyleminin bazı edebi kişiler tarafından kaleme aldıkları romanlarında neden ve nasıl işlediklerine dair teorik bir çerçevede Early republican period, the political

A comparative approach to the legal freedom of slaves in Cartagena and Mompox during the second half of the 18th century

light of the context of socio-political changes and redefinition in the master-slave relationship; We analyze the percentages of the types of freedom and identify the main actions of the slaves who

Women in the War of independence in the Colombian Caribbean Provinces. 1815-1822

The present article studies the political participation of women in the War of Independence, which gave them the opportunity to participate in the world of the public in various scenarios of the time ... prosecute the political conduct of those who collaborated with the insurgents and the fiscal crisis of the Royal Treasury. This research is based on original documentary sources and emphasizes documents

Recording the party: LGBTI audiovisual culture in Barranquilla

changing political board, seem to enjoy acceptance. The research focuses on the way in which transvestite audiovisual contents question and/or put in tension the concept of heritage, tradition, valorization


The paper focuses on the role of the Ottoman Empire’s support of Galicia against the Russian’s invasion during World War I. The political situation of the Polish territories before the World War I, a ... Europe which became a pattern and a precursor of changes of political systems in many European countries after World War I. But this was perceived as a danger by three surrounding absolute monarchies. They


in the universities. The events sparked by the conflicting ideologies led to a power struggle for dominance between different political opinions and were transformed into a fight between the rightist ... interrupted by these events. With the political system failing to prevent the anarchic movements, a period of chaos overruled in the country. As a result of the failure on the part of the political system to


Spent approximately the last 200 years of our country's political, legal, social and cultural changes phases and the advent of the concept of laicism as a principle to know the process, today's

A Christmas Eve under threat: the lampoons and rumors of 1765 in the town of San Bartolomé de Honda

expressions, the rumors that they provoked, the parallel stories that emerge from the summary trial and the clues which they provide about the economic, political, and social tensions that may have caused them

Party system and efficiency of public goods supply: a formal model

Objective To advance in a theoretical explanation about the effect of party systems and political competition on government performance, relative to the provision of public goods and clientelistc ... number of competing political parties encourages the clientelistic behavior of incumbents. Limitations Despite the paper explains some known empirical facts, it does not present any empirical