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Search: Political Philosophy

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“To combat tyranny and control power” The political uses of freedom of the press in New Granada and Colombia (1810-1830)

freedom of the press in connection with their intention to break ties with the Spanish monarchy. and to forge and establish a new political and institutional order. To this effect, it is argued that, by ... , by claiming it in the terms in which they did and by using it for the political and ideological purposes they pursued, these men not only sought to overthrow the control and monopoly that the crown had

Emancipation of the indian towns of the sierra Cuicateca of Oaxaca during the Colony: from subjects to headwaters between 1668-1771

During the regime of New Spain, a political phenomenon was gestured in the indian towns, the emancipation of the subject towns from their heads of republic. The objective of this article is to make ... republic. Keywords: Colony; indians; Mexico; liberation movement; political history; Author: New Spain; Oaxaca; sierra cuicateca; emancipation; subject towns; head towns. Resumo Durante o regime da

The Indian city of Tehuacán: a conflict for power between Indians and Spaniards, 1660-1808

to keep the indian elite in their right, giving prominence to their merits and services. For this, the renewed studies on political practice are followed from the review of actas, representations sent ... agents in the decisions and developments of the Monarchy is questioned, as is the separation between the so-called repúblicas de españoles and repúblicas de indios Keywords: political power; agricultura

“In Recognition of the Merits and Service of CPT. Mariano Maicá”. Indigenous Arms and Political Order in the Southern Frontier of Buenos Aires During the 1850s

indigenous armed aid due to political confrontations, and the operation of the state order in the frontier, characterized by customary practices and local conditions and contingencies.Keywords : Frontier

“In Recognition of the Merits and Service of CPT. Mariano Maicá”. Indigenous Arms and Political Order in the Southern Frontier of Buenos Aires During the 1850s

indigenous armed aid due to political confrontations, and the operation of the state order in the frontier, characterized by customary practices and local conditions and contingencies.Keywords : Frontier

The 1923 earthquake in Cumbal (Colombia): Oral and written histories as tools of struggle for territory

This article explores the way in which through the stories that are built on the name of a place, specific political intentions of struggle for the territory and the cultural survival of an

The New Spain north reconsidered from the categories ‘Chichimeca’ and ‘Mesoamerica’

changed radically and to the detriment of the socio-political categories: barbarian, savage, brought by the Spanish. Later, we will see that the categories used by academics: Mesoamerican-sedentary-farmer

Indigenous communities and resguardos in the Atriz Valley. A reflection on its territorial reconstitution during the second half of the 19th century

historiographic review and analysis of laws, censuses, demands, communications from state authorities and indigenous, we show that to the rhythm of political conjunctures, civil and judicial lawsuits, sale and

The walk of a warrior people: Facts that marked the history of the Nasa ethnic group from the reservation of Corinto, Cauca

structures of this ancestral people at an economic, cultural, political, warrior, community and organizational level are what have allowed them to survive until today’s sun.Keywords : Social history; struggle

Historical thought and social function of history: the case of the zapotec intelectual Victor de la Cruz

continuity between the historical processes and facts studied in the texts and the ethno-political movement in which he and his ethnic group were immersed in the present. The article allows, from a case study

The core and the links: indigenous strategies and social interaction on the southern border of Brazil (1814-1822)

society in the center-west of Rio Grande do Sul from 1814 to 1822 in the midst of a situation of generalized war and the decline of the missionary socio-political and economic system. Through the analysis

There is only one más: Spanish que/de comparative alternation

spellout . Dordrecht: Springer. Baker , Mark. 1988 . Incorporation. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Bale , Alan. 2008 . A universal scale of comparison . Linguistics and Philosophy 31 : 1 - 55 . https ... : Indefiniteness and islands . Linguistics and Philosophy 43 : 427 - 472 . Chierchia , Gennaro. 1998 . Reference to kinds across language . Natural Language Semantics 6 ( 4 ): 339 - 405 . Chomsky , Noam. 1957

Enslaving to settle, educate and evangelize: the theological and legal justification of chichimeca slavery in the northern bordelands of spanish america in the sixteenth century

the New Laws of 1542, especially in regions where the Spanish political and religious authority was disputed by local populations, such as the Chichimecas tribes. These nomadic groups did not appear to ... frontier of New Spain: 1570-1700 (Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1987) [ Links ] Pagden, Anthony. Spanish Imperialism and the Political Imagination: Studies in European and Spanish-American Social

The Motilon border: interethnic relationships and conflicts in the current Catatumbo region (Colombia) during the second half of the eighteenth century

allow to see this region as a frontier space, where constant conflicts and negotiations shaped interethnic relations, in which its inhabitants were relevant political actors in the definition of power

From the Violence of Peasants to Political Sectarism in Cauca (1938-1953)

“La Violencia en el Cauca” is an unknown phenomenon for Colombian historiography unlike other regions, It had its determinants only in political aspects. And the above was verified using descriptive ... violence based on political situations among peasants. Thus, it can be concluded that in the fifties there was an increase in violence fostered by political sectarianism, distancing this process from other

“A Bare Title of all Authority to Command.” The Chaco Chiefs and the Tucumano-salteña Reduction Experience (18th and 19th Centuries)

did not produce, in this sense, any modification. On the contrary, the latter ended up adjusting to the existing forms of political organization among the Indians. After all, the ones who taught the ... doctrine had to build their leadership most of the time. Key words: Thesaurus: Political leadership; Frontier; Amerindians; Reducciones; Chaco Resumo Este artigo está localizado na fronteira

The Political Economy of Rule of Law Reform in Developing Countries

economics? Developing the rule of law, many insist, is the key. How can Mexico negotiate its treacherous economic, political, and social transitions? Inside and outside Mexico, many answer: establish once and ... for all the rule of law. Indeed, whether it's Bosnia, Rwanda, Haiti, or elsewhere, the cure is the rule of law, of course ... . The concept is suddenly everywhere-a venerable part of Western political

The “Political Instruction” of the Marquis de la Torre: a critical view of the Havana society in the 18th century

This paper aims to present an unpublished manuscript text found in the Municipal Library of Madrid (Spain) which shows the critical-satirical vision from which the Marquis de la Torre, former governor of Cuba, contemplates the Havana society of the last third 18th century. In the previous study, the ideas expressed by the author of the manuscript are analyzed, revealing his...

Manuel Serrano Blanco and the Political Change in Colombia. Journalism, Literature and Race (1897-1953)

The purpose of this article is to analyze the trajectory of a new generation of politicians and intellectuals that emerged in the first decades of the 20th century from the political and journalistic

Political Dispute Between Calarcá-Quindío and Empresa De Fomento y Colonización Burila (1886-1908). At Look at the Territorial Construction of the Colombian State

Artículos La disputa política entre Calarcá-Quindío y la empresa de Fomento y Colonización Burila (1886-1908), una mirada a la construcción territorial del Estado colombiano* Political ... . “The crisis of the Latin American Nation-Satate, The political crisis and internal conflict in Colombia Abril 10-13, (Bogotá: Uniandes, 2002). [ Links ] Tobasuña, Isaías. “Del altiplano cundiboyacense