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Search: Political Philosophy

451 papers found.
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Amerykańska filozofia polityczna. Niedokończona debata (AMERICAN POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY. AN UNFINISHED DEBATE)

The author begins by drawing a distinction between an earlier stage of contemporary American political philosophy, informed by the Rawls-Nozick-Walzer debate, and a later stage geared towards social

Wokół własności. Próba uporządkowania stanowisk w filozofii politycznej (PRIVATE PROPERTY. AN ATTEMPT AT CLASSIFICATION THE KEY POSITIONS IN POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY)

In the paper the author proposes a new model of political spectrum. Instead - as so far - arranging political philosophies in two or four dimensional diagrams (from the left to the right, from the

Homo sacer w świecie chaosu. Szkic o związkach Agambena z Nancym i Serres’em (Homo Sacer in the World of Chaos. Essay about Agamben’s Associations with Nancy and Serres)

This paper concerns political philosophy of Agamben, which I consider as variety of philosophy of relations.The important point of reference for Agamben are concepts of Jean-Luc Nancy and Michel ... się on, między Słowa kluczowe; homo sacer; biopolityka; filozofia relacji; chaos; Agamben; Nancy; Serres Keywords; homo sacer; biopolitics; philosophy of relations; chaos; Agamben; Nancy; Serres

Filozofia i chrystologia (PHILOSOPHY AND CHRISTOLOGY)

. van Inwagen, Incarnation and Christology, [w:] E. Craig (red.), The Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, New York: Routledge 1999, s. 725–732; E. Stump, Aquinas’ Metaphysics of the Incarnation, [w ... who understands»” (D.R. Griffin, Process Theology, [w:] Ph.L. Quinn, Ch. Taliaferro (red.), A Companion to Philosophy of Religion, Cambridge, MA: Blackwell Publishers 1997, s. 139. Zapoczątkowany

Filozofia analityczna a filozofia transformacyjna (ANALYTIC AND TRANSFORMATIVE PHILOSOPHY)

2000. It is mostly devoted to the history and sociology of analytic philosophy in American universities after the Second World War. The author argues that analytic movement has failed to keep its promise

Normatywna definicja filozofii analitycznej (A NORMATIVE DEFINITION OF ANALYTIC PHILOSOPHY)

Analytic philosophy cannot be defined as a philosophical school in the world. This is a broad type of philosophy and most prominent ideas popularly attached to the term 'analytic philosophy' are: (1

Odnowa filozofii według Hilarego Putnama (Hilary Putnam's Renewal of Philosophy)

renewal and transformation of philosophy, drawing upon other philosophical traditions, including pragmatism. We should realize that although philosophy overlaps in some parts with science, it cannot be ... : analytical philosophy scientism naturalism enlightenment pragmatism Dewey Wittgenstein Cavell Sellars Amerykański myśliciel Hilary Putnam uchodził przez wiele lat za typowego przedstawiciela filozofii

Czym zajmuje się filozofia religii? ( What does philosophy of religion deal with?)

I take a methodological point view, i.e. my interest is not so much in the religion itself but in the epistemological status of the discipline called philosophy of religion – its subject, main goals ... , filozofia religii, przedmiot nauki i filozofii, definicja religii Keywords: religion, culture, philosophy of religion, the subject of science and philosophy, the definition of religion Z punktu widzenia

Koncepcja znaczenia w filozofii Kazimierza Twardowskiego (THE CONCEPTION OF MEANING IN KAZIMIERZ TWARDOWSKI'S PHILOSOPHY)

Kazimierz Twardowski used to write about meaning although he never presented an exhaustive conception of it. One could distinguish two stages in his work: psychological and anti-psychological. In the first period meaning was understood as a particular psychological product (an element of consciousness), while in the latter - as something we get to by the way of abstracting from...

Filozofia egzystencjalna w ujęciu Miguela de Unamuno (THE EXISTENTIAL PHILOSOPHY ACCORDING TO MIGUEL DE UNAMUNO)

The article is an attempt to present the philosophy of Miguel de Unamuno, especially his conception of human life. The author of the article focuses mainly on the characteristics and presentation of

Radykalna interpretacja intencjonalności w filozofii Martina Heideggera (Radical interpretation of intentionality in Martin Heidegger’s philosophy)

. RADICAL INTERPRETATION OF INTENTIONALITY IN MARTIN HEIDEGGER’S PHILOSOPHY Summary The aim of this paper is to present Martin Heidegger’s view on intentionality. We start from initial observations on the

Związek między filozofią indyjską, koncepcjami zbawczego doświadczenia i medytacją [The Connection between Indian Philosophy, Soteriological Experience, and Meditation]

sufficient condition of liberation fromreincarnation in some streams of Indian philosophy. That seems to be the out-come of assigning the crucial religious function to meditation. Meditation wasbelieved to ... . 18 Zob. np. C. Ram-Prasad, Indian Philosophy and the Consequences of Knowledge. Themes in Ethics, Metaphysics and Soteriology, Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing 2007, s. 101–132 (omówienie

Filozofia a dramat, na przykładzie twórczości Jean Paul Sartre’a [Philosophy and Drama, on the Example of Jean-Paul Sartre’s Work]

. Philosopher wanted to show the philosophical truththrough literature, and he was very consistent about it.Being and NothingnessandDramascould be treated as sources of knowledge about his philosophy, just like ... fundamentem poznania egzystencji ludzkiej, bliższej tej, jaką proponuje sztuka, a szczególnie literatura. PhIlOSOPhY ANd dRAMA, ON ThE ExAMPlE Of JEAN-PAUl SARTRE’S WORK Summary As a literary work, Jean Paul

Świadomość i subiektywność we współczesnej filozofii umysłu. Razem czy oddzielnie? (Consciousness and Subjectivity in Contemporary Philosophy of Mind)

In contemporary philosophy of mind consciousness is in the centre of most debates, despite that the notion is far from being clear. The main reason for those ambiguities is a special relation between

Dwudziestowieczna filozofia analityczna. O pewnej próbie całościowego ujęcia (TWENTIETH-CENTURY ANALYTIC PHILOSOPHY. ON A RECENT ATTEMPT OF ITS GENERAL ACCOUNT)

Although analytic philosophy is a major movement shaping contemporary philosophy, there are not too many historical accounts of that movement which would be comprehensive, unified and sufficiently

Filozofia i etyka wobec pytań o kryterium normalności (PHILOSOPHY AND ETHICS IN THE FACE OF QUESTIONS ABOUT CRITERION OF NORMALCY)

philosophy and ethics on the one hand, and the humanistic psychology and existential psychiatry on the other side. Common object of researches are: a normative idea of human nature, a pathology of freedom, and

Rola poznania naukowego w filozofii Karla Jaspersa (The role of the scientific world orientation in the philosophy of Karl Jaspers)

Karl Jaspers’ doctrine was a continuation of the great tradition of Western philosophy, which sought “the being”. In his conception “the being” was conceived in three ways: as objective being (“being ... stanowi inspirację dla nauki, a zarazem „wykorzystuje ją”, by upewnić się o niemożliwości dotarcia do bytu za pomocą obiektywnych środków. THE ROLE OF THE SCIENTIFIC WORLD ORIENTATION IN THE PHILOSOPHY OF

Using Social Media to Reinforce Environmental Learning and Action Taking for School Students

-taking if there was a shared philosophy between the environmental educator and the teacher with respect to the aims of the experiences and the value of action-taking. The importance of teacher attitudes in ... teachers with respect to the philosophy of environmental learning experiences. Social media; environmental learning; action competence Introduction Many teachers engage their students in experiential

Using Social Media to Reinforce Environmental Learning and Action Taking for School Students

-taking if there was a shared philosophy between the environmental educator and the teacher with respect to the aims of the experiences and the value of action-taking. The importance of teacher attitudes in ... teachers with respect to the philosophy of environmental learning experiences. Social media; environmental learning; action competence Introduction Many teachers engage their students in experiential

"Nerwy pańskie tu niewinne" - o problematyce choroby u Fryderyka Nietzschego ["Your nerves are here not at fault" - on the concept of illness in Nietzsche's philosophy]

The article propounds an interpretation of Nietzsche’s philosophy, in which the issueof illness would be instrumental. However, in contrast to any kind of reductionarybiographism, the illness should ... niż bolesnym, tutaj bowiem cierpienie straciło swe prawo. “YOUR NERVES ARE hERE NOT AT fAUlT” – ON ThE cONcEPT Of IllNESS IN NIETZSchE’S PhIlOSOPhY Summary The article propounds an interpretation of