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Romania and the Great War: Political, Territorial, Economic and Social Consequences

which would have acted constantly uniformly cultural elites economic cultural state of Romanians in Transylvania Bukovina Bessarabia. The Romanians in these provinces exactly because of the political ... Romanian historiography there is a debate, there are a divergent opinions, regarding the way in which political elite understood to act in order to fulfil “the national ideal” , Great Romania - cultural

Klucz do sowietyzacji Czechosłowacji. Polityka i propaganda Edvarda Beneša w okresie II wojny światowej oraz publikacja ministra rządu emigracyjnego Huberta Ripki o sojuszu ze Związkiem Sowieckim

The study presents political thinking and practical policy of the Czechoslovak exile President Edvard Beneš and his pro-Soviet-oriented collaborators in the years 1940–1948. His policy enabled the ... . His policy enabled the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia to participate in political power in 1945 and later, in 1948, to seize unlimited power. It deals with Beneš’s authoritarian exile government and

The Communist Party of the United States of America since 1919

allegiance of many influential political and cultural figures. Its membership consisted of Anglo-Saxons as well as immigrants and children of immigrants from eastern and southern Europe. The CPUSA played a ... party was a homegrown political movement. While it respected the Soviet Union and at times took a common political stance on important issues, it was largely independent. Scholars from this camp emphasize

Między ugodą a działaniem. Polska myśl konserwatywna wobec prób odzyskania niepodległości w XIX wieku

The restoration of Polish independence was preceded by numerous debates among the political and intellectual elites. The basic issue discussed in the 19th century was the national cause, to be more ... birth of its modern form after independence had been regained. The agenda of compromise (broadly or narrowly understood) specified the not only political but primarily ideological involvement in the

The Last Days of Peace from within the Axis: Italian Efforts to Avoid the German Aggression Against Poland

spring and summer 1939, an arrangement or agreement betweenPoland and Germany was impossible. The main reason was Hitler’s determined political and economic will to attack and destroy Poland. ... , Africans, or Asians could be safely called a German citizen”6, before reaching chapter XIV. There, the fate of Poland according to the Nazi program was implicitly defined. The exam of the German political

The Communist Party and Celebrations of the Victory Day (9 May) in Yugoslavia 1945–1955

the desirable image of the current international and internal political situation. These celebrations were conceived and designed by the top officers of the Communist Party, in its Agitprop apparatus ... , patriotic and political messages were everywhere. People carefully listened and enthusiastically greeted Tito`s speech on the radio about victory over fascism and national liberation. Performances were

Polityka zasad i celów. Polski obóz narodowodemokratyczny w Rosji w latach 1917–1918

of restoration of an independent, united Polish state. All of its political activities have therefore been subordinated to this cause. One of the movement’s leaders, Stanisław Grabski, discussed the ... the latter to conclude a separatist peace with Germany. In this situation, the National Democracy in Russia focused mainly on publicising the anti-German elements of their political agenda and planning

Aktywność narodowo-niepodległościowa Jana Gwalberta Pawlikowskiego (do 1921 roku)

This article is the first in Polish historiography to attempt to show the political activity of Jan Gwalbert Pawlikowski. Pawlikowski was a member of the Galician intellectual elite. He was a well ... most important political events in Eastern Galicia, and after 1918 he became actively involved in public activity in 2nd Polish Republic. 3 Lwowska Biblioteka Naukowa im. W. Stefanyka Narodowej Akademii

Rewolucja komunistyczna i dyktatura proletariatu w świetle publikacji Centralnego Porozumienia Organizacji Współdziałających w Zwalczaniu Komunizmu – zarys problemu

. The state apparatus as well as Polish political and social organisations, guarding independence, sovereignty and the territorial integrity of Poland as well as in the name of their own particular ... or hysteria of the Polish political groups, but it was in line with the Polish national interest. One of the social agendas conducting anti-communist activities was the Central Agreement of the

Chadecja w PRL? Czy politycy katoliccy byli chrześcijańskimi demokratami?

Catholic Party inside the PRL political system (among others, on the basis of Bolesław Piasecki’s PAX Association); with the activities of the groups relating to the Christian democracy outside the party ... , hasło: Chrześcijańska demokracja [w:] idem, Słownik myśli politycznej, Poznań 2002, s. 52. 5 Różne drogi międzywojennych partii chadeckich opisują autorzy rozdziałów w: Political Catholicism in Europe


In the twenty years of the post-war period two nomenclature periods can be identified – late Stalinism and Khrushchev. They differed by socio-political situation, personnel policies and management


In the twenty years of the post-war period two nomenclature periods can be identified – late Stalinism and Khrushchev. They differed by socio-political situation, personnel policies and management

Симон Петлюра в памяти своих соратников в период межвоенной Волыни

The emergence of Ukrainian political emigration on the territory of the Second Polish Republic was due to the defeat of the Ukrainian revolution. The desire to settle on the territory of the Volyn ... , which reduced the intensity of the psychological adaptation of the emigrants. The figure of Symon Petliura was controversially evaluated by various political environments, however, in the Volyn Voivodship

Między realizmem a nostalgią. Myśl polityczna emigracyjnych środowisk kresowych (1939–1991)

The subject of the article is the political thought of the circles from the Eastern Borderland that functioned among the Polish wartime exiles and then the post-War pro-independence emigrants. In the ... zajmuje się historią Polski i powszechną XX w., autor publikacji O Polskę z Wilnem i Lwowem. Związek Ziem Północno-Wschodnich RP (1942–1955) (2012). Between realism and nostalgia. Political thought of

The Bulgarian 1989

economic, social, political, and ethnic spheres as well as the activities of the main actors from both the ruling Communist Party elite with its internal divisions (ultimately leading to an intra-party coup ... government, since his poems were read on Radio Free Europe. Nevertheless neither Zarkin’s works, with “March of the Bulgarian Political Prisoners” among them, nor his struggle against suppression and his

Polska inna niż PRL. Rozważania programowe O co walczymy? na łamach organu Stronnictwa Narodowego „Walka” w latach 1941–1944

detailed drafts. They presented political, social and economic programme. At the same time, they comprise evidence of how the method of the programme invented by the NP was created during the four years of ... . 14, 27, 84, 87, 112, 113. 48 R. Scruton, The Palgrave Macmillan Dictionary of Political Thought, wyd. trzecie, New York 2007, s. 145. 49 Zob. np.: H.J. Wiarda, Corporatism and Comparative Politics. The

Proces odbudowy krajowego ruchu chrześcijańsko-demokratycznego u schyłku PRL (1986–1989)

understood political thought. The latter part of the article, which should be regarded as the main (fundamental) one, analyses the reconstruction process of the Polish Christian Democratic circles itself. The ... of the Christian Democratic Club of Political Thought, which was supposed to provide infrastructure for the future Christian Democratic movement (with regard to programme, politics and organisation

Prasa szwajcarska o Polakach w dobie I wojny światowej

European culture and thus deserved independence and unrestricted development. The third group of articles familiarised the Swiss readers with the Polish political scene, both in Poland proper and in exile ... image of the Polish political class, which was to augur well for the political life of the reborn country. And finally, the fourth group consisted of articles describing the Polish province and the

Konserwatyzm czy rewolucja? Próba klasyfikacji ideowej środowiska „Buntu Młodych” i „Polityki” (1931–1939)

The article describes the main points of political thinking of writers focused around “Bunt Młodych” (Rebel of the Young) – from 1937 called “Polityka” (Politics) magazine. In the 30s, when many of ... Koźmian with Stanisław Brzozowski’s thought who was one of the most important socialist thinker. In this way Jerzy Giedroyc (editor of the magazines) and his cooperators made an unique political doctrine

Polityka władz Jugosławii wobec Kościoła katolickiego w latach 1945–1971

, Yugoslavia had been liberated mostly by partisans, naturally supported by the Allied Powers. Secondly, taking into account their impact on political reality in the country, they did not follow other communists ... potential or real political enemies. One of the “natural” enemy of the new government was the Catholic Church (CCh), Institution especially strong in Croatia and Slovenia. Thus, the CCh was oppressed by