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Search: Political Philosophy

472 papers found.
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Subsidiarity and education in Chile: historical study of a polysemic political principle

Based on a historical and ideological study of the concept of subsidiarity, this article proposes an analysis of its application in the field of education in Chile. In this way, the role of the jurist Jaime Guzmán is shown as a synthesis of the Catholic tradition with the neoliberal thought, when integrating the subsidiarity in the Chilean juridical system. The ambivalence of...

Activist students of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters and their social experience during the collective action of September 2018

The purpose of this article is to analyze the social experience of activist students enrolled in the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the National Autonomous University of Mexico during the

Educational philosophy and praxis according to Adolfo Sánchez Vazquez

In this paper I try to analyze and assess the educational concept of Adolfo Sánchez Vazquez as an educational philosophy and praxis. First, I review the origin of "educational praxis" concept, a ... concept of educational praxis related to his political and philosophical conceptualization? Key words: educational theory, philosophy of education, student movements, Mexico, higher education, Marxism and

Teacher evaluation as a seduction device: Is refusal also resistance?

This article analyzes teacher evaluation in three stages. The first one deals with a historical-political description of its antecedents, articulations with international organizations and

From teacher training to teacher subjectivation. A necessary epistemic shift in the 21st Century

an ethical-political, pedagogical-intellectual, socio-legal, historical-cultural and communicative-aesthetic actor. Among other things, the article concludes that the educational community must carry

From “totally or very uncultured” to “very knowledgeable”. Academic and institutional transformations at the Universidad Obrera Nacional during the post-Peronist period (1955-1959)

hierarchization” of the university in the post-Peronist political context and what was the origin of these transformations. Based on the thematic approach proposed in this study, this task will be carried out by

University governance: conceptual approaches and extents

exploration of the contemporary sociological and political literature.Keywords : higher education; university governance; institutional performance; complexity; policy regime; Latin America. ... experience in international perspective, Nueva York, Palgrave McMillan, pp. 125-146. [ Links ] Easton, David (1985), “Political science in the United States”, International Political Science Review, vol. 6

El conflictivo nacimiento de la Universidad de São Paulo en la década de 1930

core of the future institution. However, the option adopted in 1934 allocated this position to the newly created Faculty of Philosophy, Science and Letters. This caused a strong reaction by both former ... Polytechnic School and the Faculty of Philosophy, Science and Letters during the tumultuous beginnings of the University of São Paulo. Key words: University, faculty and schools, history of higher education

The commodification of the production and dissemination of knowledge and its effects. The university students submitted subjects

This essay offers a theoretical and political perspective on the expansion of higher education in Latin America that differs from the predominant one in the current academic mainstream. Based on a

Filosofía y praxis educativa según Adolfo Sánchez Vázquez

In this paper I try to analyze and assess the educational concept of Adolfo Sánchez Vazquez as an educational philosophy and praxis. First, I review the origin of "educational praxis" concept, a ... concept of educational praxis related to his political and philosophical conceptualization? Key words: educational theory, philosophy of education, student movements, Mexico, higher education, Marxism and

Filosofía y praxis educativa según Adolfo Sánchez Vázquez

In this paper I try to analyze and assess the educational concept of Adolfo Sánchez Vazquez as an educational philosophy and praxis. First, I review the origin of "educational praxis" concept, a ... concept of educational praxis related to his political and philosophical conceptualization? Key words: educational theory, philosophy of education, student movements, Mexico, higher education, Marxism and

Filosofía y praxis educativa según Adolfo Sánchez Vázquez

In this paper I try to analyze and assess the educational concept of Adolfo Sánchez Vazquez as an educational philosophy and praxis. First, I review the origin of "educational praxis" concept, a ... concept of educational praxis related to his political and philosophical conceptualization? Key words: educational theory, philosophy of education, student movements, Mexico, higher education, Marxism and

Filosofía y praxis educativa según Adolfo Sánchez Vázquez

In this paper I try to analyze and assess the educational concept of Adolfo Sánchez Vazquez as an educational philosophy and praxis. First, I review the origin of "educational praxis" concept, a ... concept of educational praxis related to his political and philosophical conceptualization? Key words: educational theory, philosophy of education, student movements, Mexico, higher education, Marxism and

Filosofía y praxis educativa según Adolfo Sánchez Vázquez

In this paper I try to analyze and assess the educational concept of Adolfo Sánchez Vazquez as an educational philosophy and praxis. First, I review the origin of "educational praxis" concept, a ... concept of educational praxis related to his political and philosophical conceptualization? Key words: educational theory, philosophy of education, student movements, Mexico, higher education, Marxism and

Beyond the Ivory Tower: links between the university and its territories

approach was designed that combines elements of political-organizational analysis, social innovation and local development. Data from primary and secondary sources were integrated. The results suggest that

Political resonancies in an extraordinary chair at the 17 th century Real Universidad de México. Reading of Galen's Methodus medendi

In this analysis, the social and political importance acquired by medicine chairs in the mid XVII century is described, when the visitador NT1 don Juan de Palafox y Mendoza imposed a series of ... Genealogías Resonancias políticas en una cátedra extraordinaria en la Real Universidad de México del siglo XVII. La lectura del Methodo medendi de Galeno1 Political resonancies in an

Filosofía y praxis educativa según Adolfo Sánchez Vázquez

In this paper I try to analyze and assess the educational concept of Adolfo Sánchez Vazquez as an educational philosophy and praxis. First, I review the origin of "educational praxis" concept, a ... concept of educational praxis related to his political and philosophical conceptualization? Key words: educational theory, philosophy of education, student movements, Mexico, higher education, Marxism and

El curriculum vitae: entre perfiles deseados y trayectorias negadas

practical effects (social and symbolic) the curriculum has as a "discourse about oneself". Subsequently three theoretic and political problems implicated in the elaboration of the curriculum forms are

La responsabilidad social universitaria, el reto de su construcción permanente

Through this shared dialogue between authors, we explore the concept of university social linkage and responsibility giving a reinterpretation in the light of various conceptual and political

El curriculum vitae: entre perfiles deseados y trayectorias negadas

practical effects (social and symbolic) the curriculum has as a "discourse about oneself". Subsequently three theoretic and political problems implicated in the elaboration of the curriculum forms are