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There is only one más: Spanish que/de comparative alternation

spellout . Dordrecht: Springer. Baker , Mark. 1988 . Incorporation. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Bale , Alan. 2008 . A universal scale of comparison . Linguistics and Philosophy 31 : 1 - 55 . https ... : Indefiniteness and islands . Linguistics and Philosophy 43 : 427 - 472 . Chierchia , Gennaro. 1998 . Reference to kinds across language . Natural Language Semantics 6 ( 4 ): 339 - 405 . Chomsky , Noam. 1957

Cogency, Seriousness, Cohesion, and Importance: Assessing the Strasbourg Case-Law on Religion or Belief

in order to be true to the political view and aims behind the parody. And ‘submits’ could be interpreted as ‘sincerely claims’ or it could be meant as an expression of scepticism, ie as ‘insincerely ... parody. As previously noted, the considerable sacrifice some Pastafarians make by consistently wearing a kitchen utensil shows their commitment to the political view and aims behind Pastafarianism, rather

The Role of Turkish Civil Society in Political Decision Making

For consolidation of democracies, political scientists recognize the normative ideal that civil society should be given an enhanced role in political decision-making. Analysis of the characteristics ... THE ROLE OF TURKISH CIVIL SOCIETY IN POLITICAL DECISION MAKING* Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Eda Kuşku Sönmez 0 1 Avrasya Üniversitesi 0 Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi Cilt 74 , No. 3, 2019, s. 961 - 981 1


WHEN i FIRST HEARD that this book was going to be published, i expected of course to be invited to do a piece for it about my philosophy oflaw. i knew that there must be thousands of people, myself ... included, who would be anxious to know what my philosophy of law is, and i stood ready to yield to popular demand. i must confess that i ..vasdis1?nctlymiffed, in a nice kind of way, when it turned out that

Ibn Khaldun's Philosophy of History : The Rise And Fall Of States And Civilizations

. Yet, when it comes to the relationship of religion and politics, there is a tremendous distance between Ibn, Khaldun's political pragmatism and, let's say, Machiavelli's political philosophy. As ... Khaldun remained essentially and devoutly within the mainstream of orthodox Islamic political philosophy, and his philosophy of history reflects his conviction that -"vhileit is neeesary to know the exaet

‘Doğu Sorunu’ ve ‘Sosyal Adalet:’ Talebi Bağlamında Alman Radikal Solu ve PDS (1990-2007)

this study, the evolution of PDS will be analyzed in terms of structural political economic conditions, social mobilization, social protest dynamics and political institutional conditions. This research ... dissatisfaction, and hence, led to a political change. Under these circumstances, PDS managed to gain the support of dissatisfied social democratic voters by the alternative populist left discourse and program

Türkiye'de Kadınların Siyasal Temsili ve Toplumsal Cinsiyet

and the parliament members were selected by using criterion-sampling technique. To have a group, who were completed all the phases of a political participation progress, the interviews were implemented ... Öncelikleri, 2002–2015”, SİYASAL: Journal of Political Sciences, 26(2): 7–26, DOI: 10.26650/siyasal.2017.26.2.0001 Bandura, Albert. (1977). Social Learning Theory. New York: General Learning Press. Bem, Sandra

Are Fatwas Dispensable? Examining the Contemporary Relevance and Authority of Fatwas in Australia

the practical and methodological issues of how to interpret, contextualize, and apply Islamic law in different social, political, and economic conditions.8 Importantly, the practice of fiqh is reserved ... the shari’a has not been exploited for political purposes by governments and religious fanatics to justify blasphemy laws and silence political dissent.11 3. FATWAS AND JURISTIC AUTHORITY As alluded

Niyazi Berkes’in Çağdaşlaşma Tasarımında Hegelian İlerleme ve Tarihin Sonu: ‘Türkiye’de Çağdaşlama’yı Yeniden Okumak

Çağdaşlaşma” (Berkes, 2014) eserine dayanırken (Berkes, 2014), Hegel analizinde esas olarak Philosophy of History’den (Hegel 2001) yararlanılmıştır. ... ardı etmeden, “Türkiye’de Çağdaşlaşma” (Berkes, 2014) eserine dayanırken, Hegel analizinde esas olarak Philosophy of History (Hegel 2001) ve bu eserin Türkçe'ye “Tarihte Akıl” (Hegel 1991) olarak

1961-1965 Arasında Türkiye Solunda Eğitim Tartışmaları

social inequalities by means of central policies. The left considered the re-structuralizing the educational system as a prerequisite forachieving these goals. This study will examine the political

Devlet Yönetiminde Yetki-Görev-Sorumluluk İlişkisi: Bir Yönetsel Meşruiyet Analizi

political power and that the purpose of the task is to use that power and that the purpose of the modern state is to provide public service. This advocacy is supported by the state analyzes of the people who ... perform a task, but to seize and use power. Within this aim, he makes a task description and fulfills it. It is advocated that; the term authority was a process of seizing and using political power and that

Board Members and Board Characteristics Effect on Bank Performance in Turkey

This study analyzes the effect of board member’s characteristics (political, national and gender) and board characteristics (board size, CEO-chairman duality) on bank performance, with the main ... 2002-2013, our empirical evidence shows that political board directors have a significantly negative impact on bank performance. We found new evidence that not only political board directors inhibit bank