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Search: Political Philosophy

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Identity and Extensionality in Boffa Set Theory

]: Review of Stewart Shapiro, Philosophy of Mathematics: Structure and Ontology , Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 40 , 283 – 291 . DOI: Google Scholar ... , Philosophy , pp. 561 – 576 . Berlin : De Gruyter . Google Scholar Crossref Search ADS Google Preview WorldCat COPAC   Horsten L. [ 2010 ]: ‘Impredicative identity criteria

No Easy Road to Impredicative Definabilism

theoretical benefits, not least for the neo-Fregean philosophy of mathematics developed by Hale, Crispin Wright, and others. 2 Second, we explicate an exciting idea that we find in Hale’s work, which promises a ... wide-ranging benefits. A particularly important and salient example concerns the neo-Fregean program in the philosophy of mathematics, which makes essential use of properties. A central aim of this

Political direction in Al-Manar interpretation (Discussion and analysis for a group of political issues)

ﺽﺮﻋ) ﺭﺎﻨﳌﺍ ﲑﺴﻔﺗ ﰲ ﺮﻀﺧ ﺩﻮﻤﳏ / ﷲﺍ ﺪﺒﻋ ﺓﺩﻮﻋ ﺒﻋ ﺓﺩﻮﻋ .ﺔﻴﻨﻳﺪﻟﺍﻭ ﺔﻳﺩﺎﺼﺘﻗﻻﺍﻭ ﻡﻮﻠﺳ ﺮﻀﺧ ﺩﻮﻤﳏ / ﷲﺍ ﺪﺒﻋ ﺓﺩﻮﻋ Political   direction   in -­‐‑ M Aan.lﺎﻴaﻛrﺮﺗ iﻝn ﻮtﺒeﻨﻄrpﺳrﺍeﺔﻌtﻣaﺎtﺟioﺓnﺍﺭﻮﺘ(ﻛD ﺩiﺐscﻟuﺎﻃs ... ،siﺔoﻴﻨﻃnﻮﻟﺍaﺡ nﺎdﺠﻨﻟﺍ   ﺔaﻌnﻣﺎaﺟlyﻦsﻳﺪisﻟﺍ ﻝ ﻮ ﺻfoﺃrﲑﺘﺴ  ﺟaﺎﻣ   group   of   politicalﻡﻮ iﻠsﺳsueﺮ)sﻀﺧ ﺩﻮﻤﳏ / This   research   aims   to   study   some   of   the   political-­‐‑ M  iasnsaures   i n itnerp

The Fadaıl Al-Qu'an Genre and Its Socio-Political Significance

, and dissemination of mushafs. Another group of traditions implicitly manifest an increasing concern with the religious and socio-political implications of, among other issues, assigning greater ... implications. Reflections of Socio-Political Concerns in the Literature The first three centuries of Islam were its most intellectually, theologi? cally, and politically intense. That some of the theological

Beauty is not all there is to Aesthetics in Mathematics

Aesthetics in philosophy of mathematics is too narrowly construed. Beauty is not the only feature in mathematics that is arguably aesthetic. While not the highest aesthetic value, being interesting ... I draw attention to the discrepancy in philosophy of mathematics between the two main uses of terms involving ‘aesthetics’ of which I am aware. On the one hand, it is a commonplace to admit or claim

Messianic Legitimacy: the case of Ahmadiyya and Mahdiyya Movements

popularity and doctrinal flexibility, paving the way for eventual political power in Sudan. ... , Department of Philosophy of Religion The ?Ahmadiyya ?anMdah d?iyya ?are ?contemporary ?Islamic ?messianic ?movements ?emerging ?in ? the ?late ?nineteenth ?century ?during ?a ?period ?of ?general ?Muslim

The Applicability of Mathematics as a Scientific and a Logical Problem

This paper explores how to explain the applicability of classical mathematics to the physical world in a radically naturalistic and nominalistic philosophy of mathematics. The applicability claim is ... current philosophy of mathematics has resolved these puzzles. Then I introduce a plan for resolving the logical puzzles of applicability. 1. Introduction Any philosophy of mathematics must be able to

Decolonizing Nationalism: Reading Nkrumah and Nyerere’s Pan-African Epistemology

Black Atlantic shaped their perspectives. Their unfinished work bequeathed to us tools for contemporary struggles to find political and philosophical pathways to social justice and full humanity, on and ... practice and theory were closely intertwined.11 Nkrumah completed a rigorous classical training in Western philosophy, history and economics, as well as practical experiences in the political arena and

José Luis Gómez-Skarmeta (1966–2020)

passion for science, energetic personality and collaborative philosophy, which he incorporated into a unique way of doing research. Over the course of his career, he published 117 scientific articles with


, zorunlu varlık, mümkün varlık, eleştiri   Usage Style of Notion of Existence in Ibn SÄ«nâ and Criticism of ShahristânÄ« Abstract Ibn SÄ«nâ's philosophy has been exposed different assesment and criticism


himself and his philosophy and, in the second section, with the main epistemological and political reasons of this conception of him. I ' m not, however, concerned here with making a comparison between the ... a guide for division and hierarchical classification o f the sciences, leading up to the First Philosophy, metaphysics25. A l - F a r ? b ? has not only epistemological but also political


himself and his philosophy and, in the second section, with the main epistemological and political reasons of this conception of him. I ' m not, however, concerned here with making a comparison between the ... a guide for division and hierarchical classification o f the sciences, leading up to the First Philosophy, metaphysics25. A l - F a r á b í has not only epistemological but also political

Internationalizing the University: Theory, Practice, Organization and Execution

Leading universities around the globe have begun to internationalize their campuses. This effort is being driven by historic political and economic changes, changes in the academic and nonacademic ... Knowledge on Emerging Markets Volume 1 Issue 1 November 2009 LThis effort is being driven by historic political and economic changes, changes in the eading universities around the globe have begun to

Genome-edited crops for improved food security of smallholder farmers

to date. Many countries are still uncertain about whether to grow and how to regulate genome-edited crop varieties12. Scientific, political and social considerations impact these decisions, which are


. Ibn Khaldiin; War; Peace; Philosophy of War and Peace; Political Philosophy - S U M M A R Y ? Odaklan?n?z, tarlalar?m?z bize yetmez olunca, kom?ular?m?z?nkini ele ge?irmek isteyece?iz. Onlar da bizim ... ko?ma ve onlara kar?? ?efkatli olma duygusunu yerle?tirmi?tir. Ge? nelde insanlarda akrabal?k ba?? do?al olarak vard?r. Bu ba??n gereklerinden biri Bk. Fauzi M. Najjar, "Siyasa ?n Islamic Political

Abstractionism and Mathematical Singular Reference

of the form ‘|$NxFx$|’ are semantically idle. The reasoning behind (2.1) leads us to one of the most important questions in the philosophy of arithmetic: what is counting? At first sight, it seems ... encouragements ever since I met him in 2007. His untimely death is an unbridgeable gap for philosophy, and for abstractionism, in particular. I dedicate this paper to his memory. 1In this paper, I will be

Civil Society Organizations and Policy Process in Tajikistan

exploration of the current political situation and the contextual policy environment in which CSOs must operate in order to exist. The article concludes that despite restrictions in their operations, CSOs not ... respond to citizens’ needs, and its impact in resolving the socially significant problems in the post-conflict Tajikistan. This is followed by an exploration of the current political climate and the

Going home: the challenges and rewards of genetics research in Mexico

political environment, with the government proposing reforms to evaluation systems, public trusts and funding policies, without clarity or inviting input from working scientists. Fortunately, we in developing

Reducing Regional Disparities with Integrated Peripheral Zones: Northern Argentina and Zicosur

management. This article introduces the concept of Integrated Peripheral Zones (IPZ), defined as sub-regional integration schemes of neighbouring - and similar - economies belonging to different political ... boundary or periphery. IPZs are sub-regional integration schemes of neighbouring, and similar, regions that had it not been because of historical and political factors would have been closely linked not only

İbn Sînâ’nın Mâhiyet-Vücûd Ayrımının Dekonstrüksiyonu ve Vâcibu’l-Vücûd’un Mâhiyeti

philosophy; and, moreover, offers a tentative resolution of the problems associated with those views, which result from complications revolving around the essence-existence distinction. Of the various ... been crucially missed. The second point concerns the ramifications of this fundamental problem on one of Ibn S?n??s most celebrated contributions to the philosophy of religion and theology: the