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Search: Political Philosophy

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Homo migrans. Miejsce literatury dla dzieci i młodzieży w edukacji empatii

the philosophy of love and compassion represented by Martha Nuss-baum. The assumptions of the humanistic philosophy of love will be confront-ed with the (pre-)school and school practice preparing

Homo migrans. Miejsce literatury dla dzieci i młodzieży w edukacji empatii

the philosophy of love and compassion represented by Martha Nuss-baum. The assumptions of the humanistic philosophy of love will be confront-ed with the (pre-)school and school practice preparing

Mozaika etniczna Ukrainy południowo-wschodniej – wzmianka historyczna i stan obecny na przykładzie Zaporoskiego Przyazowia

Migration and emigration processes have always had and continue to have a significant impact on the socioeconomic and political situation of the whole world. The Zaporizhia Oblast will serve as an

Mozaika etniczna Ukrainy południowo-wschodniej – wzmianka historyczna i stan obecny na przykładzie Zaporoskiego Przyazowia

Migration and emigration processes have always had and continue to have a significant impact on the socioeconomic and political situation of the whole world. The Zaporizhia Oblast will serve as an

Poezja na wosku traconym w brązie – literackie, filozoficzne i muzyczne konteksty rzeźby Lidii Sztwiertni

The theme of the article aims at interpreting the artistic creativity of Lidia Sztwiertnia – the sculptress from Bielsko-Biała – in the context of the philosophy of ‘multiplicity and unity of arts ... Sztwiernia’s sculpture has been underlined here along with its variety rooted in many disciplines – literature, philosophy and music – that results in creating a kind of ‘poetic spectacle’ of form and meaning

Poezja na wosku traconym w brązie – literackie, filozoficzne i muzyczne konteksty rzeźby Lidii Sztwiertni

The theme of the article aims at interpreting the artistic creativity of Lidia Sztwiertnia – the sculptress from Bielsko-Biała – in the context of the philosophy of ‘multiplicity and unity of arts ... Sztwiernia’s sculpture has been underlined here along with its variety rooted in many disciplines – literature, philosophy and music – that results in creating a kind of ‘poetic spectacle’ of form and meaning

Technologie nostalgii. Analiza retrotopii w grze World of Warships

autentycznych i nieautentycznych ze względu na teleologię ich pracy w grze odpowiada w dużej mierze problematyce relacji pomiędzy otium i negotium w For a new critique of political economy Stieglera, gdzie otium ... and offer access to historical practice , New York & London. Crogan P. , 2014 , The Conditions of Production of Video Games: The Nature and Stakes of Creative Freedom in Stiegler's Philosophy of

Zrobić innym trochę miejsca koło siebie. Wyzwania uniwersyteckiej dydaktyki polonistycznej: między presją a misją

The education of teachers at university is a task that is being undertaken at a time of social and cultural changes, external unrest and political transformation that are affecting education itself ... time university teachers are responsible for educating teachers who are resistant to political pressure. The author of the article presents a selection of literary 1 Wiosn 2016 roku kuratorium ma

Klimat – konflikty – migracje. Scenariusze przyszłości

shape the world in an unlimited way and to play out in a virtual manner some key social, cultural and political situations, in order to live well on an overcrowded planet, where water, land and food may

Klimat – konflikty – migracje. Scenariusze przyszłości

shape the world in an unlimited way and to play out in a virtual manner some key social, cultural and political situations, in order to live well on an overcrowded planet, where water, land and food may

Język kaszubski jako element narodowotwórczy

own language, and subsequently to its recognition as a sepa-rate Slavic language. Kashubian was granted the political and legal status of a regional language in 2005. It satisfies mainly those who have

Perturbed Anisotropic Opinion Dynamics with Delayed Information

formation models consider a time delay in the macroscopic description of the system [43–46] for instance as a means to describe a mechanism for observed instabilities in the dynamics of democratic political

Unimodal Maps Perturbed by Heteroscedastic Noise: An Application to a Financial Systems

Université, Université de Toulon , CNRS, CPT, 13009 Marseille , France 2 The London School of Economics and Political Science , London , UK We investigate and prove the mathematical properties of a general

Measuring and Modeling the U.S. Regulatory Ecosystem

Agencies contained within these reports to measure the regulatory ecosystem, in which companies are organisms inhabiting a regulatory environment. While individuals across the political, economic, and ... the US supreme court . J. Stat. Phys . 1 - 27 ( 2015 ) 29. Clark , T.S. , Lauderdale , B.E. : The genealogy of law . Political Anal . 20 , 329 - 350 ( 2012 ) 30. Katz , D.M. , Stafford , D.K. : Hustle

Wizerunki Australii w twórczości i doświadczeniu migracyjnym Adama Fiali. Sytuacja pisarza polskiego na emigracji w Australii

Along the lines of the so-called multicultural discourse and socio-political milieu in Australia, the article is concerned with Adam Fiala’s literary and non-literary imageries of Australia and also

Wojownicy polscy w pierwszej wyprawie krzyżowej. Rozważania na podstawie powieści Krzyżowcy Zofii Kossak

–1099). The article focuses on the possible interpretation of the novel in the spirit of the philosophy of Polish Messianism. The accession to the Crusade forces by the Silesian warriors can be considered

Wojownicy polscy w pierwszej wyprawie krzyżowej. Rozważania na podstawie powieści Krzyżowcy Zofii Kossak

–1099). The article focuses on the possible interpretation of the novel in the spirit of the philosophy of Polish Messianism. The accession to the Crusade forces by the Silesian warriors can be considered

Scaling of the Clustering Function in Spatial Inhomogeneous Random Graphs

(M−1(k))k−2) and γ (k)/(T (M−1(k))k−2) are of the same order, which concludes the proof of (a), using (2.18). Now, we move on to proving (b). The philosophy is quite similar to that of the proof of (a

Wpływ doświadczenia na proces lektury czytelnika. Refleksje dydaktyczne

serve as an inspiring context in research and educational work of a teacher. Gadamer’s hermeneutics has been one of the influential ideas in philosophy and social sci-ences in recent years. The type of

Gender and Public Apology

feminist work on the topic. See Iris Marion Young, “Responsibility and Global Labor Justice,” Journal of Political Philosophy 12.4 (2004): 365-388; Tracy Isaacs, Moral Responsibility in Collective Contexts ... See, for example, Michael Cunningham, “Saying Sorry: The Politics of Apology,” The Political Quarterly 70.3 (1999): 285–293, doi:10.1111/1467-923X.00231; John Borneman, “Public Apologies as Performative