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Search: Political Philosophy

103 papers found.
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The function of law in political and social conditions of pluralism in the reception of Hannah Arendt

. In o th er words, th e political space, u n lik e in th e philosophy, th e m in d only is not enough for som ething to be considered for th e tru th . We need also some social conditions, am ong w hich ... re tu rn in g in th e A re n d t’s d e lib era­ tions. It is philosophy political p ractice of a n c ie n t Greece. T he a u th o r trie s to find th e re a still u n co n ta m in a te d source of

Biological reconstruction of bone defect after resection of malignant bone tumor by allograft: a single-center retrospective cohort study

philosophy while choosing the fixation method for allografts. The location of the focus has a direct impact on the therapeutic effect of allograft in repairing bone defects. A significant difference was found

Constitutionalisation of political changes in Poland during the years 1989-2011

r in g th e y e a r s 1989-1992 The year 1989 was distinctive for a political transform ation in Poland and other countries of E a ste rn and C entral Europe. It was in th is year th a t the first

The Place and Position of Political Parties under the Slovak Legal System

nowadays, has its origin in the second half of the 19th century which was significantly influen? ced by the development of the parliam entary movement and the spread of the right to vote. Political parties

Protection of the marginal mandibular branches of the facial nerves by different surgical procedures in comprehensive cervical lymphadenectomy for locally advanced oral and oropharyngeal cancer: a multicenter experience

): 53 - 61 . 17. Coskun HH , Medina JE , Robbins KT , Silver CE , Strojan P , Teymoortash A , et al. Current philosophy in the surgical management of neck metastases for head and neck squamous cell

Wolność zrzeszania się jako element społeczeństwa obywatelskiego

Critical Theory , Oxford 1982; Z. A. Pełczyński , The State and Civil Society Studies in H egel's Political Philosophy , Cambridge 1984 . 14 E. Wnuk-Lipiński , Socjologia życia publicznego , Warszawa 2005 ... :] A. Bibic , G. Graziano (red .), Civil Society , Political Society, Democracy, Lubljana 1994 , s. 10 . 11 Z. Pełczyński , Wolność, państwo, społeczeństwo. Hegel a problemy współczesnej filozofii

Tolerance in law

by social, political a n d leg al n o rm s t h a t a re th e b u ild in g blocks of lib era l dem o? cracy. If th e concept of d iscrim in atio n w ere th e piv o tal p o in t of th is d iscu s? sion ... d g in g th e co n ten t of social a n d political norm s. The second re m a rk re la te s to th e w ay to leran ce is u n d ersto o d in th is article. V arious d efin itio n s of th e concept w ill

Why won’t it Stick? Positive Psychology and Positive Education

Escamilla Santana, Sir Anthony Seldon, Professor Martin Seligman and Professor Kaiping Peng and during the Summit. 3. Specific virtues or values and character-based education lessons based in philosophy or ... -being has severe competition in the political arena. For example, in the Australia, schools are called on to engage with and implement The National Assessment Program—Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN

Max Weber's perception of bureaucracy and modern rational models of administration

contemporary German politics1, being one of German’s negotiators at the Treaty of Versailles and the member of the commission charged with drafting the Weimar Constitu­ tion2. Weber’s political ideas have ... which possesses a monopoly on the legitim ate use of physical force, a definition th a t became pivotal to the study of modern W estern political science. His most known contributions are often referred

Retrospective analysis of 51 intralesionally treated cases with progressed giant cell tumor of the bone: local adjuvant use of hydrogen peroxide reduces the risk for tumor recurrence

surrounding hospitals and referred to us for further follow-up due to their complexity. Another reason will be our philosophy of avoiding extralesional wide resection with endoprosthetic reconstruction in the

Konstytucyjna ochrona małżeństwa i rodziny a ekspansja gender

Recently new streams have proclaimed equality or even predominance o f living and upbringing in a way different than marriage. Gender philosophy or ideology representatives have become very active in this ... ? ding gender philosophy/ideology were introduced. Eventually, declamations o f high representatives of the EU and the Catholic Church on the gender philosophy/ideolo? gy were presented. The above

Therapeutic and prophylactic gastrectomy in a family with hereditary diffuse gastric cancer secondary to a CDH1 mutation: a case series

undergoing a certain procedure and allow the patient to make the decision that best suits one’s life philosophy and goals. Although our article centers on a case series with HDGC secondary to a germline CDH1

The paradigm of tumor shrinkage and rapid liver remnant hypertrophy for conversion of initially unresectable colorectal liver metastasis: a case report and literature review

data of tentative application of TBPVE liver partition for planned hepatectomy (TELPP). Similar to that of ALPPS, the philosophy behind TBPVE is the thorough separation of the left and right hemi-liver

Prediction of suboptimal cytoreductive surgery in patients with advanced ovarian cancer based on preoperative and intraoperative determination of the peritoneal carcinomatosis index

of the design of the study with an overall rate of complete cytoreduction of 19.4% at PDS; actually, these results are not in the general philosophy of treatment of this disease. Intraperitoneal

The concepts of the local self-government in Poland in the first years of regaining independence

difficulties o f political, economic and legal nature there should have been overcome. Polish literature on the subject of the building of local administrative units and local administrative bodies in the inter ... modern principles of local self-government were developed at the time o f the French Revolution and in the second half of the nineteenth century. The democratization o f political systems and the increase

Editorial for “Positive Computing: A New Partnership Between Psychology, Social Sciences and Technologists”

the creation and blossoming of partnerships between many disciplines including linguistics, neuroscience, psychology, philosophy and what was then the newly-formed field of “cognitive sciences

The tradition of ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) as an alternative form of justice in the American legal culture

nature o f civil procedure, the role o f the judiciary, education and legal practice. The adoption of specific perceptions and actions in these areas is of course due to a number of elements of political ... , originally signed in the hypothetical state of nature, where all men were equal and free and their major motivation for the establishment of a political community was not anxious about his own life but more

Четвертый чрезвычайный всероссийский съезд Советов : Брестский мир

political activities of Mensheviks in Russia during the formation of the Soviet power and its first steps on the foreign policy arena. Special attention is focused on political opposition of Mensheviks and ... Bolshe? viks during the Fourth All-Russian Congress of Soviets and on the conclusion of the Brest Peace of 1918. The author of the article analyzes political positions of Menshe? viks and Bolsheviks in

Freedom and happiness in nations: why the Finns are happier than the French

fits that wider pattern. 2. Concepts and measures The terms happiness and freedom are often used in political rhetoric, but are in that context seldom properly defined. Greater precision is required ... available information on choice restrictions in the domains of economic life, political life and private life of citizens (or individuals within that nation). Economic freedom is measured by absence of

Safety and feasibility of pressurized intraperitoneal aerosol chemotherapy (PIPAC) associated with systemic chemotherapy: an innovative approach to treat peritoneal carcinomatosis

], 7–10 months for gastric cancer (GC) [ 3 ], and 6–12 months for peritoneal mesothelioma (DMPM) [ 4 ]. Sugarbaker et al. challenged this oncologic philosophy and suggested that PC, in the absence of