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Search: Political Philosophy

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Conflicting Goals: The Ethics and Accountability of Law Firm Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Policies

Larry Fink champion the importance of ESG as an investing philosophy,20 but BlackRock itself has corporate policies that adhere to ESG.21 BlackRock includes DEI and sustainability goals within its ... it has become “politically ‘weaponized.’” See John Frank, Larry Fink “Ashamed” To Be Part of ESG Political Debate, AXIOS (June 25, 2023), /2023/06/26/larry-fink-ashamed-esg

An Unconstitutional Band-Aid: The Practice of Sitting by Designation in the Federal Judiciary

visiting judges creates a reality where the assignment of judges to different courts is not subject to political accountability. As such, the practice prevents the public from holding accountable those ... Justice could make an appointment under this bill in spite of the will of the people, who would then not be able to hold a lifetenured judge accountable through the political process.21 Despite the initial

Partileşme Sürecinde İdeolojik Söylem: Demokrasi ve Atılım Partisi ve Gelecek Partisi Programlarında Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi Eleştirisi

Increasing political participation with the modernization process, the expansion of human rights and the fact that individuals have more say in management have developed the democratic environment ... ve Muhafazakâr Demokrasi. Alfa Yayınları. Katz, R. S. & Mair, P. (2009). Democracy and the Cartelization of Political Parties. Comparative Politics. Tonkiss, K. (2006). Analysis text and speech

Road to Recovery: Why Rhode Island Drivers Should Be Made Whole from Potholes

requires that injured drivers receive greater compensation, but such a change would raise many fundamental legal, economic, and political questions. If Rhode Island permitted drivers to seek further ... best left for the political process. Part I will discuss the public duty doctrine in Rhode Island, its origins, and its exceptions that have developed from caselaw. Part II will examine Rhode Island’s

Henry v. Media General Operations, Inc., 254 A.3d 822 (R.I. 2021)

American political system. Public officials voluntarily surrender themselves to the public eye and should not be allowed to quell freedom of speech merely because the public, and particularly the press ... guaranteed by the First Amendment are integral to the American political system.

The Law Professor and the Therapist: Beyond Belonging There’s a Place (and Need) for Group Solidarity Among First Generation and Low-Income Students in the Law School Setting

] on the Bench and at the Bar,”18 or whether the levers of political power are instead now firmly in the grip of technology conglomerates and chaebols,19 de Tocqueville’s larger point regarding the ... not want marginalized groups to maintain an outlook shaped by their upbringing, Baró writes “[a] successful political possible for a critically conscious class of lawyers to work with and for clients

Fuoco v. Polisena, 244 A.3d 124 (R.I. 2021)

Councilmember exemplifies the type of speech that the “actual malice” standard was meant to protect from its inception: political discourse.43 In New York Times Co. v. Sullivan, the Supreme Court reasoned that a

Popular Constitutionalism and Political Organization

descriptive strand, and specifically to discussions of how popular views are articulated within the framework of political institutions understood broadly to include social movements and political parties

Students for Fair Admissions Sends Us Bakke to the Drawing Board for Race- Conscious Affirmative Action in Higher Education

racial justice is accommodated only when and for so long as policymakers find that the interest of blacks converges with the political and economic interests of [W]hites.”). 47. Alexis Hoag, Derrick Bell’s

Popular Constitutionalism and Political Organization

descriptive strand, and specifically to discussions of how popular views are articulated within the framework of political institutions understood broadly to include social movements and political parties

From Andy Warhol to Barbie: Copyright’s Fair Use Doctrine After Andy Warhol Foundation v. Goldsmith

Done Gone had used elements of Mitchell’s novel not to comment on her book but to make a political statement about slavery and the Deep South in the Civil War era? This would be a more challenging case

The Founding of the Justice for All Edition

purposed toward political, social, and economic ends that undermine its lofty ideals. To avoid advancing a limited political vision of legal discourse, law reviews must consider a diverse spectrum of legal

Cyber Sit-Ins: Bringing Protest Online by Modernizing the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act

. Expect us.”1 INTRODUCTION These self-consciously cryptic words marked the beginning of Project Chanology, the first mass political action by the infamous hacktivist organization, Anonymous.2 Project ... considerations.10 Therefore, Congress should amend the CFAA to recognize an affirmative defense based on finding minimal automation, minimal damage, and a published political purpose. This change would acknowledge

Forced Disclosures: The Reality Transgender People Face in Entering the Legal Field

against transgender people are increasingly present in modern-day America, illustrated by the political climate (where over 100 antitrans bills have been proposed) and the numerous murders that have ... healthcare in the surrounding areas, and the political and social climate of the law school and surrounding area towards the LGBTQIA+ community are all tip-offs to counselors that the applicant may be

Feminist Teori Temelinde Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitliğinin Türkiye Bağlamında Değerlendirilmesi

, political and economical areas has been emphasized; and women’s current position in the areas of political representation, employment and education within the context of Turkey has been described by making

An Uncomfortable Truth: Law as a Weapon of Oppression of the Indigenous Peoples of Southern New England

-nation agreements for nearly one hundred years, ending in 1871.35 Far more revealing of colonial era political belief was that 32. GETCHES ET AL., supra note 12, at 431. 33. VAUGHAN, supra note 3, at 336 ... dealing with the Indigenous peoples is a direct continuation of the philosophy of the European theocracy and monarchs outlined above. It is a straight line from the Popes to the Kings to colonial

Reclaiming Rights: Combatting Employee-Sided Labor & Employment Legal Accessibility Issues for the New Working Class through Unionization

responsibilities of an exclusive representative— or, in the worst case, to perform them at all.”29 Today, Justice Alito’s philosophy has a firm hold on the United States Supreme Court.30 Regardless, disenfranchised

A “Rhode” Block on the Journey to the American Dream

Truslow Adams.45 Adams recognized that America at that time, much like today, was facing a series of crises: an ongoing economic depression, political tensions at home and abroad, the rise of European

Türkiye’de Yaşanan Teknolojik Afetler (2000-2020) Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme

Today, factors such as rapid population growth, unplanned structuring, rapid and unplanned industrialization, technological developments, political conflicts between countries and regions and wars

Defrosting the Chill: How Facial Recognition Technology Threatens Free Speech

turn to social media for a variety of reasons: connecting to friends and family, staying up-to-date about current events, and more recently, political activism. Given that twothirds (67%) of Americans ... read the news on social media,15 it is no surprise that Americans have turned to online platforms for political debate and discussion. In recent years, Americans utilized social media to engage in