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Search: Political Philosophy

236 papers found.
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Evolution for Everyone: How to Increase Acceptance of, Interest in, and Knowledge about Evolution

A success story about teaching evolution: when presented as unthreatening, explanatory, and useful, evolution can be easily appreciated by most people, regardless of their religious and political ... , philosophy, physics, political science, and psychology. The 2003 course was assessed with the help of two experts on evolution education: Dr. Brian Alters, Director of the Evolution and Education Research

Felsefe ve Eleştirel Düşünme

Without knowing the rules and concerns of philosophy, administering its methods, and raising the awareness of philosophical attitude, it is very difficult to educate individuals who can think ... conscious about the elements of this philosophy and know the features of philosophical attitude and thinking. On the basis of the assumption that the theoretical basis of this claim should be laid, the

Foundations of Neuroeconomics: From Philosophy to Practice

emotional influences. Finally, genetics [26,27], computer science [28], and philosophy [21,29,30] contribute to neuroeconomic research. Numerous reviews summarize research at the intersection of these fields


Keywords: ethical, leadership, Organizational, cynicism, teacher, manager EXTENTED ABSTRACT Introduction Ethics is a field of philosophy defined in different ways both in the intellectual dimension and in ... professional organizations should obey or stay away from (TDK, 2006). The concept of ethics is used in philosophy inthe same sense as morality. True and false, good and bad, righteous and flawed acts are about

Sınıf Öğretmenliği Öğretmen Adaylarının Öğretmen Yetiştirme Programındaki Derslerin Gerekliliği ve İşe Vurukluk Düzeyleri Hakkındaki Görüşleri

, Turkish teaching, school experiences, classroom management courses. Minimum order required courses, general physics, history of civilization, general chemistry, philosophy of education, sociology of

Tools and Strategies for Malaria Control and Elimination: What Do We Need to Achieve a Grand Convergence in Malaria?

, intensified mechanisms for information management, surveillance, and response, and continued financial and political commitment are all essential to achieving global eradication.

Reinvigorating the Role of Science in Democracy

Private and political interests routinely conspire to sideline and misrepresent science and evidence in the public policy process. The Center for Science and Democracy, a new initiative at the Union ... no secret that political discourse around the world, with the United States as a prime example, has become increasingly, and even bitterly, partisan. Many governments with parliamentary systems are


düşünülmektedir. INTRODUCTION Immigration, which affects the cultural, political, economic structure and psychological health of the society, has been the subject of many studies. People prefer places where their ... is Syria” (F1). “We were excluded because we were Muslims after the war. We had to leave where we were born” (F5). Forced to join the army is a cause for concern for migrants. Political and social


Students’ Analyses of Political Memes to Support Critical Media Literacy. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, Vol.63(1), pp. 29-40. European Commission. (1998). Education and Active Citizenship in the ... the Growth of Political Malaise: The Case of the Selling of the Pentagon’, American Political Science Review 70(2): 409–32. Ross, A. (2007). “Multıple Identıtıes And Educatıon For Active Citizenship

Preserving a Space for Science in an Age of Democracy

How should scientific advice be incorporated into the political decision-making process? Harry Collins explores this question in his review of The Paradox of Scientific Authority. ... , scientific issuesfrom climate change to biodiversity losshave obvious political components. How is advice treated in an age when experts are increasingly viewed with suspicion and distrust? The Paradox of

Parks and Tourism

To protect biodiversity, parks agencies need political and financial support. Recreational visitors can bring both, but commercial tourism carries risks. ... water. They are also human political constructs, and they are under ever-increasing pressures from growing human populations and resource demands. Visitors may bring them the political capital to survive

Examining The Relation Between Secondary School Teachers’ Beliefs About Their Own Learning and Their Instructional Practices

, philosophy, geography) participated in the study on a voluntary basis. Participants ranged in age from 21 to 57, and their teaching experience ranged between 1 and 31 years. Pseudonyms were used in presenting ... Philosophy teacher. Seven of the teachers worked in a medium SES school and five teachers worked in a low SES school. The teachers’ teaching experience ranged between eight and 30 years, reflecting on his

İdeoloji ve Eğitim: Devlet-Eğitim İlişkisine Farklı Bir Bakış

the society in this way; education is also being used as a tool which includes people into the ideological world of the government and sovereigns of the society, and adapts with the political and the

Bringing Molecular Tools into Environmental Resource Management: Untangling the Molecules to Policy Pathway

questions, practical limitations, and political constraints. ... resource management needs and questions, researchers describe how scientific tools can meet those needs, and managers articulate the political and bureaucratic challenges that must be overcome to incorporate

Çocuk ve Ergenlerde Bilgisayar ve İnternet Kullanımının Gelişimsel Sonuçları

accordance with the nature of use. On the other hand, contemporary scientific approaches try to survive under the influence of outlier political approaches which are either regarding safe Internet use

Going, Going, Gone: Is Animal Migration Disappearing

Many of the world's migratory animals are in decline. This essay explores the unique scientific and political challenges of protecting migratory species while they are still common. ... Political Challenges Most efforts to protect biodiversity have been reactive, responding to rather than anticipating problems. Thus, species are added to the endangered species list when they are perceived to

Bilim Tarihi Tutum Ölçeği: Geliştirilmesi, Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması

. Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi , 10 ( 1 ), 346 - 357 . Höttecke , D. , Henke , A. , & Riess , F. ( 2012 ). Implementing history and philosophy in science teaching: Strategies, methods ... through history . Journal of Research in Science Teaching , 39 ( 9 ), 773 - 792 . Matthews , M. R. ( 1994 ). Science teaching: The role of history and philosophy of science . Psychology Press. MEB ( 2018

The Impact of Educational Films on Attitude and Awareness towards Environmental Problems

Journal of Environmental Education, 10, 11-37. Schusler, T. M. & Krasny, M. E. (2008). Youth participation in local environmental action: developing political and scientific literacy. (Eds: Reid, A ... . , Juahir , H. & Jamaludin , N. S. ( 2009 ). The level of environmental awareness among students to fulfill the aspiration of national philosophy of education . American Journal of Scientific Research , 5

Bilim Tarihi Destekli İşlenen “Canlılarda enerji dönüşümleri” Ünitesinin, Öğrencilerin Bilime ve Biyoloji Dersine Olan Tutumları ve Bilimin Doğası Anlayışları Üzerine Etkisinin İncelenmesi

, Science for All Americans, New York: Oxford University Press. Abd-El-Khalick, F. (2005). Developing deeper understandings of nature of science: The impact of a philosophy of science course on preservice ... . ( 2012 ). Fen ve teknoloji öğretiminde yeni yaklaşımlar . Ankara: Pegem Akademi. Justi , R. , & Gilbert , J. K. ( 2000 ). “History and philosophy of science through models: Some challenges in the case of


affect their future life. The quality of education in preschool level is affected by some factors such as classroom environment, applied program and philosophy, physical environment, the qualities of the