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Search: Political Philosophy

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Trans bodies: an essay on norms, singularities and political happening

established normative framework, seeking to locate its political dimensions from some elements extracted from the elaborations of the psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan and the philosophers Judith Butler and Giorgio ... , when revealing something that escapes any attempt of normalization, will subsidize proposals of forms of the political, focusing on the singularities to provoke reflections that can (re)orient our

Trans bodies: an essay on norms, singularities and political happening

established normative framework, seeking to locate its political dimensions from some elements extracted from the elaborations of the psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan and the philosophers Judith Butler and Giorgio ... , when revealing something that escapes any attempt of normalization, will subsidize proposals of forms of the political, focusing on the singularities to provoke reflections that can (re)orient our

Trans bodies: an essay on norms, singularities and political happening

established normative framework, seeking to locate its political dimensions from some elements extracted from the elaborations of the psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan and the philosophers Judith Butler and Giorgio ... , when revealing something that escapes any attempt of normalization, will subsidize proposals of forms of the political, focusing on the singularities to provoke reflections that can (re)orient our

Penalization of abortion: political violence and abuse of memory in Chile

this with deaths, torture and political disappearences of more than a thousand people occured during the dictatorship in our country. This article tries to make a review of the legislative and cultural ... both public and legislative debate saying it is a strategy to allow abortions (not just under certain circumstances, as the presidential motion says), comparing this with deaths, torture and political

Penalization of abortion: political violence and abuse of memory in Chile

this with deaths, torture and political disappearences of more than a thousand people occured during the dictatorship in our country. This article tries to make a review of the legislative and cultural ... both public and legislative debate saying it is a strategy to allow abortions (not just under certain circumstances, as the presidential motion says), comparing this with deaths, torture and political

Contemporary capitalism in crisis and its political form: underfunding and managerialism in Brazilian public health

the dominance of interest-bearing capital, its crisis and its political form specified in the State. The first part analyzes the capitalism crisis in a theoretical Marxist perspective, emphasizing the ... decreasing rate of profit and the expansion of the dominance of interest-bearing capital at the center of economic and social relations. The second part shows the specific political form of capitalism, in

Contemporary capitalism in crisis and its political form: underfunding and managerialism in Brazilian public health

dominance of interest-bearing capital, its crisis and its political form specified in the State. The first part analyzes the capitalism crisis in a theoretical Marxist perspective, emphasizing the tendency of ... decreasing rate of profit and the expansion of the dominance of interest-bearing capital at the center of economic and social relations. The second part shows the specific political form of capitalism, in

The contribution of public health thought to the political economy of health

. Palavras-chave: Pensamento Crítico; Economia Política; Saúde Coletiva; Movimento da Reforma Sanitária Abstract This article retakes the critical thinking of the political economy developed in the ... political economy of health, such as Sonia Fleury Teixeira, Jaime Oliveira, José Carlos de Souza Braga e Sérgio Goes de Paula. The return to this critical thinking contributes to the emergence of questions

The contribution of public health thought to the political economy of health

This article retakes the critical thinking of the political economy developed in the 1980s in the public health discussion, aiming to understand its theoretical contributions and to discuss them in ... political economy of health, such as Sonia Fleury Teixeira, Jaime Oliveira, José Carlos de Souza Braga e Sérgio Goes de Paula. The return to this critical thinking contributes to the emergence of questions

Arendt, Jung e Humanismo: um olhar interdisciplinar sobre a violência

This article is a theoretical essay that reflects on the phenomenon of violence in the contemporary world, grounded on the perspective furnished by Hannah Arendt's political philosophy. Starting from ... , and eventually to asserting the importance of recovering Humanism as a central idea in the way we understand violence and the contemporary world. Keywords: Violence; Political Philosophy; Psychology

Arendt, Jung and Humanism: an interdisciplinary approach to violence

This article is a theoretical essay that reflects on the phenomenon of violence in the contemporary world, grounded on the perspective furnished by Hannah Arendt's political philosophy. Starting from ... , and eventually to asserting the importance of recovering Humanism as a central idea in the way we understand violence and the contemporary world. Keywords: Violence; Political Philosophy; Psychology

Political partisanship and influence from the funding structure on the adhesion of municipalities to health policies: evidence from the project Mais Médicos para o Brasil

Artigo Associação político-partidária e influência da estrutura de incentivos na adesão dos municípios às políticas de saúde: evidências do Projeto Mais Médicos para o Brasil Political ... municipalities starting in 2013. The goal of the program is to provide Brazilian and foreign doctors to regions of the country where these professionals are lacking. This study investigates if political

Political partisanship and influence from the funding structure on the adhesion of municipalities to health policies: evidence from the project Mais Médicos para o Brasil

starting in 2013. The goal of the program is to provide Brazilian and foreign doctors to regions of the country where these professionals are lacking. This study investigates if political partisanship and ... Artigo Associação político-partidária e influência da estrutura de incentivos na adesão dos municípios às políticas de saúde: evidências do Projeto Mais Médicos para o Brasil Political

Political activism of autistic parents in Rio de Janeiro: reflections on the “right to treatment”

about forms of treatments approach the broader context of national health policies for autistic individuals. The laws drawn up by parent-activists along with political figures are highlighted, as well as

Mezhebî Ayrışmanın Politik Sonuçları: Safevî Tarikatının Siyasallaşması / Political Consequences of Sectarian Separation: Politicization of the Safavids Order / النتائج السياسية للتفرق المذهبي: تَسْيِيسُ الطّريقة الصّفوية

. Osmanlıların Kızılbaş Türkmen nüfusa karşı siyasi tutumları onların Sünnîlik ile irtibat kurmalarını zorlaştırmıştır. Political Results of Sectarian Separation Giriş Mezhep, Arapça z-h-b kökünden zaman ve ... Ayrışmanın Politik Sonuçları: Safevî Tarikatının Siyasallaşması 200 ______________________________________________________________ Political Consequences of Sectarian Separation: Politicization of the

The insertion of Brazil in the global aluminum market: incorporating contributions from Political Ecology for Public Health

This article discusses the inclusion of Brazil in the global aluminum market from the theoretical framework of political ecology, political economy of the territory and collective health. The

Development of capitalism in Brazil and the trends of health policy

are in confrontation within the Brazilian State. However, the political domination of a social class through the State can not be explained only by records of state action in a given period, that is, by ... civil society. Thus, this study aims at analyzing the trends of the public health policy, taking into account the current characteristics of the political-economic development of the Brazilian State, but

Austerity measures on fiscal policy: an attempt to dismantle the Spanish National Health System and citizen resistance

organization. Austerity measures imposed cuts on the health care budget, reduced the roll of services delivered, introduced co-payments, and moved the universal coverage back to meritocracy. Critical political