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A Philosophy of Israel Education: A Relational Approach

, and pedagogy. This book is based on only three papers, titled, A Relational Philosophy of Israel Education; Making Israel Education Happen; A Culture of Israel Education; and an Epilogue. The subject of ... is written with basic ideas of Zionist Israeli nationalist approach, which calls Theodore Herzl as its hero. Author emphasizes that relational philosophy of Israel Education is based on two Educational

Comparing Turkey and Iran in Political Science and Historical Sociology: A Critical Review

much more effective than democratic practices in sustaining political and economic development.2 Since then, these two countries have offered productive grounds for comparing and testing various ... political science and sociology have benefited much from the analysis of the above mentioned comparative topics. The aim of this essay is to locate and review the comparative works that have been conducted

Almanya’da II. Dünya Savaşı Sonrası Yaşanan Bellek Patlamasına Tarihî Bakış

Memory studies have been carried out intensively in the field of cultural studies and brain research, especially in the last two decades. The changing socio-political and economic balances in the ... according to the socio -political, economic and cultural context of each country. World War II is a historic landmark in Germany's state structure and order as in all Central European countries. After the war

Bir Siyasî İçecek Olarak Türk Kahvesi

relationship between a drink and politics as well as religious culture in Europe since its arrival at the southeastern-most part of the continent, namely Istanbul. I suggest that Turkish coffee was a “political ... -sixteenth century) in Istanbul, because political meanings were often attached to the drink and the places where it was consumed. The first part of the present work shows how a newly introduced drink (Turkish

İvan Bunin’in Arsenyev’in Yaşamı Adlı Romanında Ölüm Teması

The concept of death (disappearance) that emerged with the beginning of questioning the existence of human, in the field of religion, philosophy, sociology, psychology, medicine and etc., including ... more thinking and research. Therefore, death, including literature; has been the subject of interest of researchers in many fields such as religion, philosophy, sociology, psychology and medicine. In

Prens Sabahaddin Düşüncesinin Türk Sosyal ve Siyasal Düşünce Tarihindeki Temsiliyeti: Liberalizm mi? Muhafazakârlık mı?

Congress in 1902, Prens Sabahaddin was considered as one of the forerunners of liberal thought in Turkish political thought. While Prince Sabahaddin thought can be judged in liberalism in view of the ... unconsciously carries some elements of liberal teaching to the context of the country. When Prince Sabahaddin is considered with his admiration to British political and social type, it can be seen that he carried

Lykaonia Bölgesi Kuzeydoğu Kesimi Tarihi ve Yerleşim Yerleri

Lykaonia region is an important ancient settlement area which includes today's Konya province and its surroundings with general lines. In the region, many historical, political, economic, social and ... the area (Fig. 9, 10, 11). As a result, the geography of Lykaonia region and northeastern part was determined, the socio-political and socio-cultural characteristics of the region were attempted to be

Kız-Kadın Kimliğinin Oluşumu ve Kadına Bakış Bağlamında Toplumsal Algıya Yön Veren Atasözleri

belongs to the field of study of folklore actually is about the nation; reflects the gaze of life, perception, philosophy, belief, music, sense of aesthetics, and total cultural codes. However, it is

Security in the Persian Gulf

Gulf as a sub-region has historically encountered political, military, economic and societal threats which were internally and externally redefined according to the changing security dynamics of the ... Has University , Istanbul/ Turkey Gulf1 as a sub-region has historically encountered political, military, economic and societal threats which were internally and externally redefined according to the

Security in the Persian Gulf

Gulf as a sub-region has historically encountered political, military, economic and societal threats which were internally and externally redefined according to the changing security dynamics of the ... Has University , Istanbul/ Turkey Gulf1 as a sub-region has historically encountered political, military, economic and societal threats which were internally and externally redefined according to the

Sa‘di-yi Şîrâzî’nin Yolculuklarının “Gülistân” Eseri Üzerindeki Etkileri

the upcoming Mongol invasion and took a long journey then, wrote up important works containing the political-social events of his time. Among these works, “Bustân” and "Gulistan


in the light of the industrial transformation of the Victorian era and argues that Victorianism and the philosophy of progressivism were severely challenged longing for pre-industrial conditions. ... robber barons, as a thrust from the depths of slum life, and as a campaign by businessmen to prevent workers from securing political power. Behind such seemingly conflicting theories, however, rests a


in the light of the industrial transformation of the Victorian era and argues that Victorianism and the philosophy of progressivism were severely challenged longing for pre-industrial conditions. ... robber barons, as a thrust from the depths of slum life, and as a campaign by businessmen to prevent workers from securing political power. Behind such seemingly conflicting theories, however, rests a


intolerance and the political influence of the church and his priests, and all irrational Christian dogmas. Today, his universal values are still being spoken for and contributed to the development of humanity ... readers in the Philosophy of Enlightenment of the 18th century and its results. In this work, the complicated life story of Zadig was sent to the readers using a tale -like and philosophic narration. Zadig

Writing and the Self: John Fowles’ Autobiographical Non-Fiction

One of the greatest novelists of the twentieth-century English Literature, John Robert Fowles (1926-2005), claims that he has always wanted to write poetry and philosophy. Despite the lack of the ... novels in 1969, The French Lieutenant’s Woman, “Fowles offered a strange collection of short stories in his next published work, The Ebony Tower. Despite his forays into poetry, philosophy, and non-fiction

Witnessing Trauma in Simon Stephens’ Motortown

military service and comes back home with his traumatic memories. Simon Stephens portrays a political play which discloses the tormenting process of Danny’s unsuccessful treatment back home. Stephens also ... -face writers, Stephens’ childhood witnesses a period of conservatism and strict political rules. Contrary to these rules, Simon Stephens discusses the dark and cruel side of the life, spanning children

Lykaonia Bölgesi’nde Roma Dönemi’ne Ait Bir Grup Koloni Iconium Sikkesi

knowledge about the socio- economic life, belief system and political development in the region through these coins which are dated to the Roman period.

Teachers’ Perceptions on Women in STEM: Breaking the Stereotypes

. “Teachers report often avoiding these types of discussions due to concerns about the unpredictability of student reactions, accusations of trying to push a political agenda, and insufficient knowledge or

Türk Etnografyasının Araştırılmasında Saul Matveyeviç Abramzon’un Yeri ve Eserleri

out according to the conditions of the period, it does not remove the fact that Kyrgyz and other Turkic peoples have enormous and eloquent labor in their social, political, economic and cultural

Çeviri Eğitiminde Türkçenin Dil Bilgisi: İşlevsel Yaklaşım

translation process. The necessity of applying functional analysis to the - dık structures, being an inseperable element of the socio-political texts, in the translation process is underlined. The importance of