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Search: Political Philosophy

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Filozofia zrównoważonego rozwoju a realizacja jej postulatów w praktyce

question, I assumed that the philosophy of sustainable development is a political philosophy, which functions in the sphere of socio-economic life as a fashionable/binding ideology, approved and postulated ... gatunkowej egzystencji, czy też, konsekwentnie respektując te tradycyjne wartości, zmierzać ku samozagładzie. The philosophy of sustainable development and the implementation of its postulates in social

Philosophy of Systemic Sozology

presented in this work has as its characteristic originality under two aspects: meta - objective and objective. In the metaobjective aspect, here called the philosophy of sozology, one should underline the ... iellonian University, where he also received objects included rocks, waterfalls, lakes, his PhD in philosophy in 1924. He conduc-t exceptional animals, giant or uncommon ed scientific research in the field of

Comprehensive classification and categorization of Qanat features: an interdisciplinary exploration using landscape infrastructure concept and semi-systematic review

. Another approach, landscape infrastructure, was introduced in response to environmental hazards and the limitations of technocratic infrastructures, as well as the influence of phenomenology in philosophy ... and Social Science, Environment & Sustainability, Geography, Biology & Aquatic, Heritage & History, Chemistry, Rehabilitation, Archaeology, Disaster Risk, Tourism, Philosophy (See Table2). Semsar Yazdi

Aspekty etyczno-prawne legalizacji marihuany i innych narkotyków miękkich

interdisciplinary issue which requires a reliable diagnosis on the borderline of ethics, medicine, philosophy, law, sociology and political philosophy. The ethical evaluation of the usage of drug and distribution

Eko-filozofia a perspektywa ekologicznego konserwatyzmu

of the beginnings of ecological philosophy as a worldview reflection on the relationship of man to the environment. The author’s attention is focused on the ideological profile of eco-philosophical

The problem of respect in environmental philosophy

 respect in environmental philosophy in a same way as in human philosophy and ethics, e.g., in biomedical ethics or social and political philosophy? Is it just another metaphor that should be modified for ... , law, and our enemies. Respect can be related to etiquette but also connected with ethics. I will focus mainly on the ethical dimension of respect, especially in environmental philosophy and ethics

Hyperaccumulation of lead using Agrostis tenuis

In recent years the quest for a circular economy approach and the upcycling of secondary raw materials have been pushed in the global political agenda. Increased interest has been taken by the

Piotra Lenartowicza filozofia a nauki matematyczne

This article discusses Piotr Lenartowicz’s S.J., philosophy of nature in the context of mathematical natural sciences. Lenartowicz based his philosophical reflections on biology on the thinking of ... istotnym w biologii. Należy zatem uznać, że biologia nie jest w żaden sposób wyróżniona przez filozofię przyrody – jest Piotr Lenartowicz’s Philosophy and Mathematical Science This article discusses Piotr

Społeczno-kulturowe i ekologiczno-zdrowotne funkcje lasu

in the case of people, such a philosophy of perceiving the environment in this way is incomplete, since the human being is not only an organism, but also a person and a social being. Therefore, the

Wykorzystanie aspektów konstruktywizmu w kształtowaniu świadomości ekologicznej

philosophy, based on the natural sciences. It is always worth considering as a priority, the formal and informal education of the whole society, and not only children and adolescents, because it is adults who

Public private partnerships and water and sanitation infrastructure development in Zimbabwe: what determines financing?

the empirical findings and “Conclusion” section concludes the paper. Literature review Despite gaining political independence four decades ago, a period that is long enough for strategic socio ... specifically, the rule of law, control of corruption, regulatory quality, government effectiveness, voice and accountability and political stability collectively or individually influence PPP financing

Wartości organizacyjne wybranych firm w Polsce

-based management and corporate values as such. Managing by values can be considered to be both a philosophy and a realistic, practical process for clarifying an organisation’s beliefs, communicating them

Performance of inhomogeneous Poisson point process models under different scenarios of uncertainty in species presence-only data

study areas are primarily defined by geographic or political boundaries that cover only a subset of a species’ realized niche (Hannemann et al. 2016; ElGabbas and Dormann 2018) . Thus, the realized ... to be spatially truncated because they cover only a subset of the realized niche of species that follow geographic or political boundaries, such as country or continental borders (Thuiller et  al

Kreacjonizm i ewolucjonizm z punktu widzenia modelu poziomów analizy – z odwołaniem do fragmentów twórczości Piotra Lenartowicza SJ

regarding the philosophical and social factors in science and the hardly tenable ones, when one takes into account what modern philosophy of science has to say on the relations between observation, theory and ... that Bylica P. , 2012 , Zarys modelu poziomów analizy w badaniach relacji nauki i religii, Filozoficzne Aspekty Genezy , t. 9 , 221 - 253 . Bylica P. , 2015 , Levels of Analysis in Philosophy, Religion

Toxicological response and bioaccumulation of strontium in Festuca rubra L. (red fescue) and Trifolium pratense L. (red clover) in contaminated soil microcosms

polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon contaminated soils . Sci Rep 8 : 1 - 10 Srikhumsuk P. Plant responses to toxic elements and salt stress of contamination from the petroleum industry . Doctor of Philosophy (PhD

The Nuclear Security Science and Policy Institute at Texas A&M University

Nonproliferation and 16 were Doctorate of Philosophy degrees with a specific focus on nuclear nonproliferation. Over 200 students from both technical and policy backgrounds have taken classes provided by NSSPI at ... specialization in Nuclear Nonproliferation and 16 are Doctorate of Philosophy degrees that specifically focus on nuclear nonproliferation. Over 200 students from both technical and policy backgrounds have taken

The "Double Standard

while others are labeled as “rogue states” and ordered to disarm. The article suggests that a particular proliferator’s political regime could affect the way in which its state is approached by the U.S ... influential factors. Along with the proliferator’s political regime, these factors determine whether the country is necessarily absolved, required to disarm, or heavily punished. The author finds that the U.S

XXIst World Congress of Philosophy

?Philosophy Facing World Problem s". The program gave participants the opportunity to present their work to the philosophical community, and to draw new inspirations from others. The congress was opened by the ... , im portant because students will take part in shaping the future of our world. In my opinion, some of the most significant sections were those that covered ecological problem s, such as philosophy and

The bases and methodology of deep ecology

sources of deep ecology, the basic theses of deep ecology, the political suggestions for solutions of environmental protection crisis, the organizational structures of deep ecology. Streszczenie: Artykuł ... nature corresponded to the princ-i with the study of mutual relations between ples and a programme adopted and dissema man, other living organisms and their en- inated by the philosophy of the movement

Ecophilosophy and the natural environment

, środowisko naturalne ecophilosophy; semantic analysis; environmental philosophy; natural environment - Introduction when speaking about ecophilosophy, have Ecophilosophy, which can also be referred in mind ... a certain specific, accepted by acato as ecological philosophy, ecosophy, ec-o demic standards, undertaking activities and logical humanism, environmentalism, envi- searching for solutions for