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Search: Political Philosophy

134 papers found.
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Digital political parties entered the political arena in first quarter of twenty-first century as an alternative to the representation crisis of traditional political parties. The purposes of digital ... in pandemic period. Many political activities are cancelled all through the world because of COVID-19 pandemic and in most countries the elections are postponed to uncertain dates. The governments take

Między nonkonformizmem a konformizmem, czyli o postawach sprzeciwu wobec systemu autorytarnego na przykładach życiorysów przywódców rolniczej „Solidarności” województwa białostockiego z lat osiemdziesiątych XX wieku

surrounding Białystok. The research is based on the concepts of conformity and nonconformity as defined by sociology, social psychology and philosophy.

Comparison Between Abdulhamid II and CUP`s Arab Policies: Shifting from Pan-Islamism to Nationalism

common perception, the major successor of the Ottoman Empire was the Republic of Turkey and thus transformation from traditional social, political and philosophical structures to modernization had been ... , they bestowed equal civil and political rights for nonMuslim and opened the way for their integrations into the social and political structure of the state. In this way, Ottomans` target was to gain the

"Nations: the Long History and Deep Roots of Political Ethnicity and Nationalism", Azar Gat, Cambridge 2013 : [recenzj]a

. The Long History and Deep Roots of Political Ethnicity and Nationalism, MPG Books Group, Cambridge 2013, 447 stron Historia to bez w?tpienia jedna z tych nauk, w kt?rych terminologia nie zawsze jest ... , powsta?a ksi??ka zatytu?owana Nations. The Long History And Deep Roots of Political Ethnicity and Nationalism. Dotychczasowym dorobkiem naukowym Azar Gat udowodni?, ?e znakomicie potrafi porusza? si? w

Savaş, Barış ve Us

Violence Vol. I, (1):87-95. Marcuse, H. (1989). Us ve Devrim Hegel ve Toplumbilimin Doğuşu, Çev. Aziz Yardımlı, İstanbul: İdea Yayınları. May, L. (2008). War Essays in Political Philosophy. Cambridge ... : Barış , Savaş, Akıl, Felsefe, Haklı Savaş, Haksız Savaş Peace; War; Intellect; Philosophy; Just War; Unjust War - 1 Bu makale, 2018 yılında Bursa’da düzenlenen Savaş ve Barış temalı “V. Uluslararası


determined with a detailed portrait of the distinction between. Administrative–Political dikotomi of the thesis the essence of creation, adventure, architect, and basic critiques theorists and schools of

Azar Gat, Nations. The Long History and Deep Roots of Political Ethnicity and Nationalism, MPG Books Group, Cambridge 2013, 447 stron

Imperilled, Hoover 2009. 4 Tegoż, Nations. The Long History and Deep Roots of Political Ethnicity and Nationalism, MPG Books Group, Cambridge 2013, s. 1. tywy. Z każdą kolejną stroną lektury czytelnik z

Azar Gat, Nations. The Long History and Deep Roots of Political Ethnicity and Nationalism, MPG Books Group, Cambridge 2013, 447 stron

Imperilled, Hoover 2009. 4 Tegoż, Nations. The Long History and Deep Roots of Political Ethnicity and Nationalism, MPG Books Group, Cambridge 2013, s. 1. tywy. Z każdą kolejną stroną lektury czytelnik z

Azar Gat, Nations. The Long History and Deep Roots of Political Ethnicity and Nationalism, MPG Books Group, Cambridge 2013, 447 stron

Imperilled, Hoover 2009. 4 Tegoż, Nations. The Long History and Deep Roots of Political Ethnicity and Nationalism, MPG Books Group, Cambridge 2013, s. 1. tywy. Z każdą kolejną stroną lektury czytelnik z

Azar Gat, Nations. The Long History and Deep Roots of Political Ethnicity and Nationalism, MPG Books Group, Cambridge 2013, 447 stron

Imperilled, Hoover 2009. 4 Tegoż, Nations. The Long History and Deep Roots of Political Ethnicity and Nationalism, MPG Books Group, Cambridge 2013, s. 1. tywy. Z każdą kolejną stroną lektury czytelnik z

Francuzi w XVII-wiecznej Rzeczypospolitej

Poles and the newcomers were changeable. As long as they were satisfied with low offices and were not interested in political affairs, they were welcomed in the country. When they began to intervene in

Endeckie postrzeganie miasta. Ewolucja tematyki miejskiej na łamach „Przeglądu Wszechpolskiego” i „Przeglądu Narodowego”

National Democracy, being the political representation of the Polish national movement, is often considered as anti-urban and reactive. However, in reality the Endecja’s attitude to urbanity and ... Dmowski skillfully changed the urban issues into a political matter, placing the argument with the bourgeois of foreign origin, and especially the Jewish one, at the centre of conflict, defining the


Turkey and France, which have very deeply rooted relations, are two important partners in political, economic and cultural fields. Relations between these two important states have been badly wounded ... . Dr., Hakkari University, FEAS, Department of Political Science and International Relations 1 Anahtar Kelimeler: Hollande , Sarkozy, Fransa , Türkiye, Avrupa Birliği Turkey and France, which have

Polacy we współczesnej Republice Łotewskiej. Społeczno-kulturalna aktywność mniejszości polskiej

This article presents the demographic, political and social situation of Poles in the contemporary Republic of Latvia. Based on the results of the Latvian census of 2011 the demographic perspective

İslam Dünyasında Kente Dair Düşünsel Kökler: Farabi ve İbn Haldun’un Kent Kavramsallaştırmaları

economy and politic between 10 th and 14 th centuries. So this level of development in the political and economic area effected the world of thoghts and the precursor ideas has come to light. With in this


nonhuman animals. Carter and McRae state that the romantic period was about many of the conflicts and ideological debates which are at the heart of the world; political freedom/repression, individual ... world” (Cranston, 1994: 59). Coleridge has his own idea of philosophy. Coleridge “thinks that the subject’s mind and its cognitive faculties play a primary function in perception and in the act of

Революционное насилие и обыватель: к вопросу о причинах погрома в Белостоке 1906 г.

city’s atmosphere before the Pogrom. Different aspects of urban activity are investigated. Some of them are: the evolution of worker’s activity from economic strikes to political ones, the origin and ... political ones, the origin and development of illegal political organizations such as Bund, anarchists’ groups and others. What is more, the aspect of terroristic activity and its perception by different

Революционное насилие и обыватель: к вопросу о причинах погрома в Белостоке 1906 г.

city’s atmosphere before the Pogrom. Different aspects of urban activity are investigated. Some of them are: the evolution of worker’s activity from economic strikes to political ones, the origin and ... political ones, the origin and development of illegal political organizations such as Bund, anarchists’ groups and others. What is more, the aspect of terroristic activity and its perception by different

Революционное насилие и обыватель: к вопросу о причинах погрома в Белостоке 1906 г.

city’s atmosphere before the Pogrom. Different aspects of urban activity are investigated. Some of them are: the evolution of worker’s activity from economic strikes to political ones, the origin and ... political ones, the origin and development of illegal political organizations such as Bund, anarchists’ groups and others. What is more, the aspect of terroristic activity and its perception by different


. Or female murders are economic, cultural, political etc. are presented as if they were a direct individual problem, not in relation to structural causes. In some cases, such murders are concealed by ... ANALYSIS METHOD directly as an individual problem instead of structural reasons such as economic, cultural, political etc. In some cases, the essential cause of this kind of murders are concealed by