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Search: Political Philosophy

154 papers found.
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Między nonkonformizmem a konformizmem, czyli o postawach sprzeciwu wobec systemu autorytarnego na przykładach życiorysów przywódców rolniczej „Solidarności” województwa białostockiego z lat osiemdziesiątych XX wieku

surrounding Białystok. The research is based on the concepts of conformity and nonconformity as defined by sociology, social psychology and philosophy.

Siyasal Kimlik, Hayat Tarzı ve Siyasal Tercih:Malatya Seçmeni Üzerine Bir Araştırma

Political identities are formed through politics in one aspect and identity formation in the other. Political identities are shaped through parties and become functional through political parties ... / Submission Date 02. 07.2019 - KEYWORDS Political Identity, Lifestyle, Political Choice Atıf GİRİŞ Kimlik, Sokrates'in "Kendini tanı!"sından başlayarak, nice ustalardan geçip Freud'a gelinceye kadar

Örgütlerde Politik Davranışların Kariyer Planlama Üzerine Etkisi

In this study, political behaviors in organizations and the effect of these behaviors on career planning are conceptually examined. Individuals in organizations have their aspirations, goals, and ... , Politik Davranış, Kariyer Planlama, Politik Taktik 2 Makale Kabul Tarihi / Date of Acceptance 28. 03.2019 3 Makale Geliş Tarihi / Submission Date 15. 03.2019 - KEYWORDS Organization, Political Behavior

Siyasi Partilerin 2019 Yerel Seçimlerinde Web Sitesi Kullanımı ve Karşılaştırmalı Analizi

structure that allows bidirectional communication with the development of Web 2.0. Together with traditional mass media, political parties benefit from the full range of internet opportunities to interact ... Seçimler 0 1 0 Makale Geliş Tarihi / Submission Date 07. 03.2019 1 Makale Kabul Tarihi / Date of Acceptance 04. 09.2019 - KEYWORDS Political Parties, Political Communication, Local Elections Atıf GİRİŞ

Kamu Politikalarına Karar Verme Sürecini Yol Bağımlılığı Ekseninde Yeniden Düşünme

Public policy is an output of a complicated process which is determined by the preferences of political actors that does not have an agreed definition in the literature that aims to solve various ... ” , Comparative Politics , 25 ( 3 ), 275 - 296 . Hall , P. A. ve Rosemary C. R. T. ( 1996 ). “Political Science and the Three New Institutionalisms” , Political Studies , 44 ( 4 ), 936 - 957 . Hall , P. A. ve

Pathologists’ first opinions on barriers and facilitators of computational pathology adoption in oncological pathology: an international study

sending feedback on CPath clinical performance to the supplier. Social, political and legal factors – Healthcare regulation Considering legal factors, the uncertainty about the liability position of ... change; and Social, political and legal factors. We did not use the Patient factors domain since pathologists are not in direct contact with patients. Toward the end of the interviews, participants had the

Güçlendirmenin Özü “Güç”: Sosyal Hizmet Uzmanlarının İş Yerindeki Güçleri/Güçsüzlükleri

The aim of this study is to examine the power/weakness of social workers in the workplace at three levels: personal, interpersonal and socio-political as in the classification of Miley et al. (2016 ... /Güçsüzlükleri. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Meslek Yüksekokulu Dergisi , 22 (2), 646-662 eol>Power; Empowerment; Personal; Interpersonal; Socio-political - Atıf Güçlendirme, demokratikleşme, sosyal

Değer ve Değerleme Hakkında Kavramsal ve Kuramsal Bir Çalışma

and valuation is examined. The discipline of psychology treats value only as a belief. Philosophy considers the concept of value as a non-absolute concept which changes depending on the object to be

"Nations: the Long History and Deep Roots of Political Ethnicity and Nationalism", Azar Gat, Cambridge 2013 : [recenzj]a

. The Long History and Deep Roots of Political Ethnicity and Nationalism, MPG Books Group, Cambridge 2013, 447 stron Historia to bez w?tpienia jedna z tych nauk, w kt?rych terminologia nie zawsze jest ... , powsta?a ksi??ka zatytu?owana Nations. The Long History And Deep Roots of Political Ethnicity and Nationalism. Dotychczasowym dorobkiem naukowym Azar Gat udowodni?, ?e znakomicie potrafi porusza? si? w

2030 Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Gündemi ve Engelliler: Güçlendirme Kavramı Çerçevesinde Bir Değerlendirme

number of dimensions in this process like social, political, cultural, ecologic and so on. This opinion, first expressed by the Club of Rome in 1968, was accepted by the United Nations also and especially ... içinde, Critical Disability Theory: Essays in Philosophy, Politics, Policy and Law (s . 87 - 106 ), UBC Press, Vancouver. Linton , S. ( 2006 ). “Reassigning Meaning”, (Ed.) L. J. Davis içinde, The

Azar Gat, Nations. The Long History and Deep Roots of Political Ethnicity and Nationalism, MPG Books Group, Cambridge 2013, 447 stron

Imperilled, Hoover 2009. 4 Tegoż, Nations. The Long History and Deep Roots of Political Ethnicity and Nationalism, MPG Books Group, Cambridge 2013, s. 1. tywy. Z każdą kolejną stroną lektury czytelnik z

Azar Gat, Nations. The Long History and Deep Roots of Political Ethnicity and Nationalism, MPG Books Group, Cambridge 2013, 447 stron

Imperilled, Hoover 2009. 4 Tegoż, Nations. The Long History and Deep Roots of Political Ethnicity and Nationalism, MPG Books Group, Cambridge 2013, s. 1. tywy. Z każdą kolejną stroną lektury czytelnik z

Azar Gat, Nations. The Long History and Deep Roots of Political Ethnicity and Nationalism, MPG Books Group, Cambridge 2013, 447 stron

Imperilled, Hoover 2009. 4 Tegoż, Nations. The Long History and Deep Roots of Political Ethnicity and Nationalism, MPG Books Group, Cambridge 2013, s. 1. tywy. Z każdą kolejną stroną lektury czytelnik z

Azar Gat, Nations. The Long History and Deep Roots of Political Ethnicity and Nationalism, MPG Books Group, Cambridge 2013, 447 stron

Imperilled, Hoover 2009. 4 Tegoż, Nations. The Long History and Deep Roots of Political Ethnicity and Nationalism, MPG Books Group, Cambridge 2013, s. 1. tywy. Z każdą kolejną stroną lektury czytelnik z

GDELT Kullanarak Toplumsal Huzursuzlukların Tahmin Edilmesi: Tunus Örneği

Today, social unrest (protests, strikes, conflicts and occupation events) plays an active role in shaping and changing the borders and political structures of many countries. The proactive handling ... forecasting domestic political crises: A graph-based approach” , In Proceedings of the 2014 ACM conference on Web science (pp. 192 - 196 ). ACM. Korkmaz , G. , Cadena , J. , Kuhlman , C. J. , Marathe , A

Serbest Bölgelerde Vergi Uygulamalarının Yeni Düzenlemeler Çerçevesinde Değerlendirilmesi

Free zones are within the political borders of a country, but they are outside from the customs territory for the implementation of customs and foreign exchange legislation. These regions primarily

Francuzi w XVII-wiecznej Rzeczypospolitej

Poles and the newcomers were changeable. As long as they were satisfied with low offices and were not interested in political affairs, they were welcomed in the country. When they began to intervene in

Rekabet Gücü Kapsamında Dünyadaki ve Türkiye’deki Kentlerin Değerlendirilmesi

It is known that new concepts are adopted in the political, economic and administrative fields around the world with the effect of global developments and changes. Sometimes competition is a concept

Endeckie postrzeganie miasta. Ewolucja tematyki miejskiej na łamach „Przeglądu Wszechpolskiego” i „Przeglądu Narodowego”

National Democracy, being the political representation of the Polish national movement, is often considered as anti-urban and reactive. However, in reality the Endecja’s attitude to urbanity and ... Dmowski skillfully changed the urban issues into a political matter, placing the argument with the bourgeois of foreign origin, and especially the Jewish one, at the centre of conflict, defining the


Machiavelli, needless to say, made great contributions to the modem political Science. Also, he has been seeıi as the founder of modem political Science. Thus, he and his works has been captured the