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Search: Political Philosophy

107 papers found.
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The function of law in political and social conditions of pluralism in the reception of Hannah Arendt

. In o th er words, th e political space, u n lik e in th e philosophy, th e m in d only is not enough for som ething to be considered for th e tru th . We need also some social conditions, am ong w hich ... re tu rn in g in th e A re n d t’s d e lib era­ tions. It is philosophy political p ractice of a n c ie n t Greece. T he a u th o r trie s to find th e re a still u n co n ta m in a te d source of

NSF DARE—Transforming modeling in neurorehabilitation: Four threads for catalyzing progress

political influences. But we are seeing a paradigm shift, made possible by innovations in internet connectivity, wearable and ubiquitous sensors, cloud storage/analytics, and, most importantly, social and

Constitutionalisation of political changes in Poland during the years 1989-2011

r in g th e y e a r s 1989-1992 The year 1989 was distinctive for a political transform ation in Poland and other countries of E a ste rn and C entral Europe. It was in th is year th a t the first

Autonomy support encourages use of more-affected arm post-stroke

fulfillment of the requirements for the degree doctor of philosophy (Biokinesiology ) . 2011 . 13. Chen Y-A , Lewthwaite R , Schweighofer N , Monterosso JR , Fisher BE , Winstein C. The essential role of social

Within- and between-therapist agreement on personalized parameters for robot-assisted gait therapy: the challenge of adjusting robotic assistance

population and therapists that were trained based on the same philosophy at the Swiss Children’s Rehab. It might be that including different centers or different populations would lead to different results

The Place and Position of Political Parties under the Slovak Legal System

nowadays, has its origin in the second half of the 19th century which was significantly influen? ced by the development of the parliam entary movement and the spread of the right to vote. Political parties

The NuroSleeve, a user-centered 3D printed hybrid orthosis for individuals with upper extremity impairment

-scanning and 3D-printing technologies can result in orthoses that are lighter in weight, authentic, and formfitting; NuroSleeve’s design philosophy leverages these advantages [ 46, 47, 83, 84 ]. The design

Prosthetic embodiment: systematic review on definitions, measures, and experimental paradigms

underlying bodily awareness. Not surprisingly, prosthetics has become the object of a broader research interest spanning different disciplines, from philosophy [ 15, 16 ] to social [17] and cognitive ... concept of embodiment has also been employed in philosophy to discuss how one experiences one’s self [ 21, 22 ], and in neuroscience when investigating how the brain represents the body in health [ 23

Factors that influence the adoption of rehabilitation technologies: a multi-disciplinary qualitative exploration

manufactures, health care and technology companies, marketing agencies, knowledge translation specialists, insurance bodies, regulatory agencies, political activists and decision-makers, and policy makers [ 22

Wolność zrzeszania się jako element społeczeństwa obywatelskiego

Critical Theory , Oxford 1982; Z. A. Pełczyński , The State and Civil Society Studies in H egel's Political Philosophy , Cambridge 1984 . 14 E. Wnuk-Lipiński , Socjologia życia publicznego , Warszawa 2005 ... :] A. Bibic , G. Graziano (red .), Civil Society , Political Society, Democracy, Lubljana 1994 , s. 10 . 11 Z. Pełczyński , Wolność, państwo, społeczeństwo. Hegel a problemy współczesnej filozofii

TWIICE One powered exoskeleton: effect of design improvements on usability in daily life as measured by the performance in the CYBATHLON race

foam. In total, the device weighs 16 kg including the batteries. Design approach The architecture and design philosophy of TWIICE One exoskeletons is revolving around simplicity, with the underlying

Interaction of network and rehabilitation therapy parameters in defining recovery after stroke in a Bilateral Neural Network

by the brain to compensate for the cell loss caused by the stroke. Trying to capture the essence of this philosophy, we varied the number (or strength) of connections that were available for retraining

Our child’s TBI: a rehabilitation engineer’s personal experience, technological approach, and lessons learned

philosophy, e.g. Bobath, NDT, etc. No one I spoke to fully ascribed to any school of thought. The only consistent philosophy was that encouraging active participation was most important. 4 We were exposed to a

Tolerance in law

by social, political a n d leg al n o rm s t h a t a re th e b u ild in g blocks of lib era l dem o? cracy. If th e concept of d iscrim in atio n w ere th e piv o tal p o in t of th is d iscu s? sion ... d g in g th e co n ten t of social a n d political norm s. The second re m a rk re la te s to th e w ay to leran ce is u n d ersto o d in th is article. V arious d efin itio n s of th e concept w ill

Tracking the evolution of virtual reality applications to rehabilitation as a field of study

, Hacking I, editors. Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association. East Lansing: Philosophy of Science Association; 1978.Google ScholarCasadevall A, Fang F. Field science—the

Max Weber's perception of bureaucracy and modern rational models of administration

contemporary German politics1, being one of German’s negotiators at the Treaty of Versailles and the member of the commission charged with drafting the Weimar Constitu­ tion2. Weber’s political ideas have ... which possesses a monopoly on the legitim ate use of physical force, a definition th a t became pivotal to the study of modern W estern political science. His most known contributions are often referred

Robot-assisted and conventional therapies produce distinct rehabilitative trends in stroke survivors

treatment protocol. Therapy sessions necessarily involve prioritization of activities due to considerations of rehabilitation philosophy and goals, time, cost, cognitive state, fatigue, etc. Of great interest ... necessarily the embodiment of a particular therapeutic philosophy, value system, and approach given the resources and skills available. The specific origins and perspectives of each therapy define the

Robot-assisted and conventional therapies produce distinct rehabilitative trends in stroke survivors

of the nature—and intended and unintended consequences—of each treatment protocol. Therapy sessions necessarily involve prioritization of activities due to considerations of rehabilitation philosophy ... RCT designs (including the choice of the primary outcome measure) are necessarily the embodiment of a particular therapeutic philosophy, value system, and approach given the resources and skills

Konstytucyjna ochrona małżeństwa i rodziny a ekspansja gender

Recently new streams have proclaimed equality or even predominance o f living and upbringing in a way different than marriage. Gender philosophy or ideology representatives have become very active in this ... ? ding gender philosophy/ideology were introduced. Eventually, declamations o f high representatives of the EU and the Catholic Church on the gender philosophy/ideolo? gy were presented. The above

The concepts of the local self-government in Poland in the first years of regaining independence

difficulties o f political, economic and legal nature there should have been overcome. Polish literature on the subject of the building of local administrative units and local administrative bodies in the inter ... modern principles of local self-government were developed at the time o f the French Revolution and in the second half of the nineteenth century. The democratization o f political systems and the increase