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Search: Political Philosophy

124 papers found.
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The function of law in political and social conditions of pluralism in the reception of Hannah Arendt

. In o th er words, th e political space, u n lik e in th e philosophy, th e m in d only is not enough for som ething to be considered for th e tru th . We need also some social conditions, am ong w hich ... re tu rn in g in th e A re n d t’s d e lib era­ tions. It is philosophy political p ractice of a n c ie n t Greece. T he a u th o r trie s to find th e re a still u n co n ta m in a te d source of

Activity in primate visual cortex is minimally driven by spontaneous movements

Philosophy of Perception (eds Noe, A. & Thompson, E.) 77–89 (MIT sources of neural variability when the possible sources themselves Press, 1972). are correlated. We disentangled the contribution of the change

Constitutionalisation of political changes in Poland during the years 1989-2011

r in g th e y e a r s 1989-1992 The year 1989 was distinctive for a political transform ation in Poland and other countries of E a ste rn and C entral Europe. It was in th is year th a t the first

The Place and Position of Political Parties under the Slovak Legal System

nowadays, has its origin in the second half of the 19th century which was significantly influen? ced by the development of the parliam entary movement and the spread of the right to vote. Political parties

A political attack on peer review

an outright attack on the peer review process. Of course this is not the first political attack on NIH funding of studies that straddle neuro- and social sciences?recall the attempt two years ago by ... Representatives Toomey and Chocola to withdraw funding from peer-reviewed projects dealing with human sexual behaviors and AIDS. This dangerous trend of political interference with peer review may gain steam

José Luis Gómez-Skarmeta (1966–2020)

passion for science, energetic personality and collaborative philosophy, which he incorporated into a unique way of doing research. Over the course of his career, he published 117 scientific articles with

Addressing racial and phenotypic bias in human neuroscience methods

, WI , USA 1 Department of Philosophy, McGill University , Montréal, QC , Canada 2 Neuroscience Institute, Carnegie Mellon University , Pittsburgh, PA , USA 3 Present address: Division of Depression and

Wolność zrzeszania się jako element społeczeństwa obywatelskiego

Critical Theory , Oxford 1982; Z. A. Pełczyński , The State and Civil Society Studies in H egel's Political Philosophy , Cambridge 1984 . 14 E. Wnuk-Lipiński , Socjologia życia publicznego , Warszawa 2005 ... :] A. Bibic , G. Graziano (red .), Civil Society , Political Society, Democracy, Lubljana 1994 , s. 10 . 11 Z. Pełczyński , Wolność, państwo, społeczeństwo. Hegel a problemy współczesnej filozofii

Genome-edited crops for improved food security of smallholder farmers

to date. Many countries are still uncertain about whether to grow and how to regulate genome-edited crop varieties12. Scientific, political and social considerations impact these decisions, which are

Going home: the challenges and rewards of genetics research in Mexico

political environment, with the government proposing reforms to evaluation systems, public trusts and funding policies, without clarity or inviting input from working scientists. Fortunately, we in developing

Gene–environment correlations across geographic regions affect genome-wide association studies

gene–environment correlations, and these are not entirely attributable to processes that take place within a family but are also attributable more broadly to regional social, economic and political

Global landscape of SARS-CoV-2 genomic surveillance and data sharing

the extent of available metadata from surveillance networks. Different technical, economic, legal, and political barriers may impede the sharing of complete patient-level metadata31, with impact across

Gender and geographical disparity in editorial boards of journals in psychology and neuroscience

unknown whether this extends to journal editing or reflects the values of men and women in neuroscience and psychology specifically. Evidence from the field of political sciences suggests that women faculty

Tolerance in law

by social, political a n d leg al n o rm s t h a t a re th e b u ild in g blocks of lib era l dem o? cracy. If th e concept of d iscrim in atio n w ere th e piv o tal p o in t of th is d iscu s? sion ... d g in g th e co n ten t of social a n d political norm s. The second re m a rk re la te s to th e w ay to leran ce is u n d ersto o d in th is article. V arious d efin itio n s of th e concept w ill

Pamela Sklar 1959–2017

follow-on efforts for the mechanistic understanding of etiology and pathogenesis. Pamela obtained a BA in classics and philosophy at St. John?s College in Annapolis, Maryland, followed by an MD and a PhD

Will tomorrow's medicines work for everyone?

European Americans. Health disparities such as these are one of the greatest social injustices in the developed world and one of the most important scientific and political challenges.

Max Weber's perception of bureaucracy and modern rational models of administration

contemporary German politics1, being one of German’s negotiators at the Treaty of Versailles and the member of the commission charged with drafting the Weimar Constitu­ tion2. Weber’s political ideas have ... which possesses a monopoly on the legitim ate use of physical force, a definition th a t became pivotal to the study of modern W estern political science. His most known contributions are often referred

Konstytucyjna ochrona małżeństwa i rodziny a ekspansja gender

Recently new streams have proclaimed equality or even predominance o f living and upbringing in a way different than marriage. Gender philosophy or ideology representatives have become very active in this ... ? ding gender philosophy/ideology were introduced. Eventually, declamations o f high representatives of the EU and the Catholic Church on the gender philosophy/ideolo? gy were presented. The above

Rethinking grant review

political climate, it is certainly disheartening for an institution that has seen little significant budget growth since 2003. Even more troubling is that the overall grant funding rate has dropped ... feasibility of the proposed research is a major concern for reviewers. With so little money, it might seem to make sense to support the research that is most likely to produce results, but under this philosophy

The concepts of the local self-government in Poland in the first years of regaining independence

difficulties o f political, economic and legal nature there should have been overcome. Polish literature on the subject of the building of local administrative units and local administrative bodies in the inter ... modern principles of local self-government were developed at the time o f the French Revolution and in the second half of the nineteenth century. The democratization o f political systems and the increase