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Epistemic Norms for Public Political Arguments

The aim of the article is to develop precise epistemic rules for good public political arguments, by which political measures in the broad sense are justified. By means of a theory of deliberative ... Philosophy 18 ( 1 ): 64 - 100 . Parfit , Derek. 1997 . Equality and Priority . Ratio, New Series 10: 202 - 221 . Rawls , John. 1989 . The Domain of the Political and Overlapping Consensus . New York Law Review

Wittgenstein’s Relevance to Philosophy of Education: personal reflections on meaningful uses of post-foundationalism

Invited to survey my work in Philosophy of Education related to the later philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein, I first investigate how Wittgenstein became a significant thinker in this field. Affirming ... . Genealogy as perspicuous representation. In: HEYES, C. (Ed.). The grammar of politics. Wittgenstein and political philosophy. Ithica; London: Cornell University Press, 2003. [ Links ] PETERS, M. A

Representing the Structure of a Debate

In this article I aim to use the 1948 Russell-Copleston debate to highlight some recent problems I have experienced teaching argument analysis in my philosophy courses. First, I will use argument ... and forth and also the very nuanced points that each man made. In this article I aim to use this debate to highlight some recent problems I have experienced in teaching philosophy. First, I will begin

Norms of Public Argumentation and the Ideals of Correctness and Participation

advocating a preferred normative framework, our main purpose is to illustrate the complexity of this theme. Argumentation; Deliberation; Dialectics; Disagreement; Epistemology; Legal context; Norm; Political ... equality. Both ideals are understood as independent, yet related sources of political legitimacy. The ideal of correctness requires conformity to certain standards. Standards of a substantive kind concern

Argumentation and Identity: A Normative Evaluation of the Arguments of Delegates to the COP26 UN Climate Change Conference

Arguments may sometimes be advanced with a non-standard function. One such function, it is suggested, is the expression of identity, a practice which may play a significant role in political ... study concludes that while further work is necessary both on understanding the relationship between argument and identity in the political arena, and on the application of argument norms to

Teacher Training and Education as a Political and Inclusive Project

awareness of this on the part of an important important sector of the teaching staff. It is urgent to defend education as an inclusive political project aimed at identifying and overcoming the obstacles that ... democratically in schools and be successful at school. This philosophy demands to be optimistic about the possibilities of education and to demand democratic educational policies that contribute to the formation

The Persistent Interlocutor

of philosophy. Pyrrhonians famously claim that our inability to dialectically vindicate our claims against a PI implies scepticism. Adam Leite disagrees (2005). Michael Resorla argues that the debate ... like that of our philosophy teacher and that of Socrates above. Where Rescorla is committed to saying these characters violate the constitutive aim of argumentation, and so engage in the practice

The Making of Argumentation Theory: A Pragma-dialectical View

of means of persuasion in political and some other domains of discourse (e.g. Zarefsky 1995, 2014, 2021) . As for the theoretical background of these analyses of discourses aimed at persuasion:22 18 ... fallacies, these rules prove their problem-validity as a critical testing procedure.34 31 According to the critical rationalist philosophy, the reasonableness of argumentative discourse depends on its

Individual Differences in Argument Strength Discrimination

be allowed to vote in local elections, because it would increase young people’s participation in political debate. (Causal) Argument 2. Sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to vote in local elections ... allowing 16-year-olds would indeed increase their participation in political debate. For arguments from analogy, reasoners should evaluate the relevant similarities and differences between the points of

Two Types of Refutation in Philosophical Argumentation

; and the practice of providing counterexamples to putative definitions familiar from twentieth century analytic philosophy, focusing on the so-called Gettier problem. Moreover, I discuss Lakatos’ method ... even go as far as saying that ‘giving and asking for reasons’ in favor or against different positions is at the very heart of philosophy. (Which is compatible with recognizing that there are also

Values of University Students Portugal/Brazil: socio-political dimension

This study assesses the socio-political values of colleges students (n = 605) Portugal/Brazil, employing a questionnaire on socio-political dimension Values. The results revealed significate ... empowers the implementation of programmes of education for citizenship in academic context. Keywords: Youth; Political Values; Social Injustice; Social Inequalities; Importance to Keywords

The Work on Oneself: musings on Wittgenstein’s legacy for philosophy of art and art education

The present text discusses Wittgenstein’s later works. We attempt to establish the following: (A) Wittgenstein’s later philosophy was first understood by Morris Weitz as an opportunity to develop new ... aesthetics and philosophy of art, although Wittgenstein himself haven’t made those developments. (B) Weitz’s interpretation of Wittgenstein jumpstarts a debate concerned with definitional aspects within these

The Political and Academic Fields and the Discourse on Special Education

The objective of this study was to analyze and discuss permanence and ruptures in the identity of special education and the close relationship between the academic field and educational policies. The contributions of Pierre Bourdieu were used, specifically the concepts of language and field and as a methodology for the analysis of the narratives produced in publications of the...

It’s not (only) about Getting the Last Word: Rhetorical Norms of Public Argumentation and the Responsibility to Keep the Conversation Going

actors in a political debate are not willing to listen to each other and put forward arguments and counterarguments when a new initiative is discussed, and to some extent continue to defend the decision ... widely different views and wishes for society without damaging the possibility for future deliberation or even engagement. Important work has been done with similar aims. The political scientist Danielle

From Theory of Rhetoric to the Practice of Language Use: The Case of Appeals to Ethos Elements

the two millennia of the development of philosophy of language, rhetoric, and argumentation theory. In this paper, we propose a novel methodology for adapting such theories to serve as applicable tools ... The New Ethos, Warsaw University of Technology , Warsaw , Poland 1 Department of Philosophy and Anthropology, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela , Santiago de Compostela , Spain In their book

The Fallacy of Misplaced Presumption

the ‘common people,’ advocacy, and accountability. Anti-elitism is divided into criticism of the political establishment, ... the state as an institution,, ... the political system, and ... media ... conclusions on policy are justified even if they are popular? Are criticism of the political establishment, state, political system, or media justified? Does a referendum, in addition to showing being popular

Problematization of Phylosophy Teaching and Teacher Formation in Brazil

The objective of this study is to enlighten two problems: the first regards the obstacles that oppose acknowledging the broadening of the concept of Philosophy, whereas the second concerns resuming ... , whereas the second concerns resuming the comprehension of the specific nature of philosophical activity. The concepts of humanity and philosophy are approached in a uni-versal perspective, as well as the

Politik Kutuplaşma ve Kamu Sektörü İstihdamı

literature on public sector employment. However, as far as we know, previous studies have not addressed the impact of political polarization on the public sector. This study empirically explores the

Muhalefetin Siyasal Alanda İnşası: Rus Muhalif Lider Aleksey Navalnıy’ın Konuşmalarının Retorik Analizi

Political communication is one of the oldest areas in the history of mankind, along with politics, state and power structure. Political communication is especially effective in the process of self ... tools of today. The means of political communication and the methods used also show the characteristics of social structures. Until the fall of the USSR, it has implemented a unique communication system