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Search: Political Philosophy

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An Analysis of Burden Sharing in NATO and the Problem of Free Riding

Anthony Zannella is a Seton Hall University 2019 graduate and a student of the Honors Program. He majored in Political Science and Philosophy. After taking classes that focused on international ... Riding Anthony Zannella Anthony Zannella is a Seton Hall University 3456 graduate and a student of the Honors Program. He majored in Political Science and Philosophy. After taking classes that focused on

Şevâhidü’n-Nübüvve Adlı Eseri Bağlamında Abdurrahman Câmi’nin Ehl-İ Beyt Tasavvuru Ve Ehl-İ Beyt’in Emeviler’le İlişkilerine Dair Bazı Görüşleri

Abd al-Rahmân Jâmî (d. 898/1492) is accepted as one of the important figures of Islamic thought tradition. Along with the books he has written about kalam (Islamic theology), philosophy, Arabic ... poet, about Ahl al-Bayt and political relations of the Umayyad period from his work titled Shawahid al-Nubuvvah. Especially the time that Jâmî lived was a period when the religious policy of the Timurids

Din Felsefesi Bakımından Sigmund Freud’da Bilim ve Din I: Bilimsel Görüşleri, Özgünlüğü ve Bilim Perspektifinden Bilim-Din İlişkisi

The relationship between science and religion is one of the most im-portant issues in the philosophy of religion. Freud is an important scien-tist for the philosophy of religion due to his views ... Faculty Member, PhD., Sinop University Faculty of Divinity, Department of Philosophy of Religion 1 Copyright © Published by Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi, İlahiyat Fakültesi - Ondokuz Mayıs University

Resim ve Etik: Batı Resim Sanatında Ahlaki Temalar ve Örnekler

There are four different approaches in connection with the relationship between art and morality in comtemporary Western philosophy of art. These are radical autonomism, radikal moralism, moderate ... Bilimleri ABD. Prof. Dr., Ondokuz Mayıs University Faculty of Divinity, Department of Department of Philosophy of Religion 1 Copyright © Published by Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi, İlahiyat Fakültesi

Mâhiyetin İ‘tibari Olması Bağlamında Üç İ‘tibar Teorisi ve Tabîî Tümelin Ontolojik Konumu

The distinction between existence and nature is one of the fundamental ontological issues of philosophy. In this way, the subject goes back to Aristotle. As a matter of fact, the issue of the ... an external reality in the context of the predicate of particular beings in the external world. Keywords: Islamic Philosophy, Ontology, Existence, Quiddity, Three İ‘tibari (Mentally-posited) Theory

Volume XXI - 2020 Table of Contents

Department of Political Science and Public Affairs offers a wide range of academic TStates politics, comparative politics, international relations, political philosophy, and programs. Political Science majors ... opinions expressed in the Political Analysis Journal are solely those of the authors and should not be construed as those of Seton Hall University or any departmental subdivisions thereto, the Political

Sophialogos’tan Logosophia’ya Felsefeye Anlam Merkezli Yeni Bir Perspektif

Philosophy which is a combination of two Greek words ‘Philo and Sophia’ is defined as the love of wisdom. The use of this first and etymological meaning seems to be quite explanatory in order to ... Sharon , “Wisdom”, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, erişim: 14 . 06 . 2019 , 20 Aristotle, The Nicomachean Ethics, 108 - 109 ; Nikomakhos'a Etik, 120 - 121

The Politics of Sports

Samantha Russo is a graduating senior majoring in Political Science with a minor in Criminal Justice. After graduation, she is seeking a career in the Criminal Justice field or in politics. The ... political opinions. Aabove San Francisco on the roof of a billboard larger than life stands tall city building while the most recent photos, icon, and header on the Twitter page of this company reflects the

Din Dili

In general, talking about God in the philosophy, and in particular the philosophy of religion, is preliminary and uttermost of the issues. In this article, Janet Soskice after summarizing the ... . , Becoming Divine : Towards a Feminist Philosophy of Religion . Manchester : Manchester University Press, 1998 . Mitchell , B. (ed.), The Philosophy of Religion , London: Oxford University Press, 1971 . Ochs

Musannifek’in Eserlerinin Arap Dil Bilimi ve Dil Öğretimine Katkısı

/1470). In particular, it aims to determine the contributions of his works including grammar, rhetoric, literature, linguistics and language philosophy to Arabic linguistics and language teaching. Our

Why Do States Acquire Nuclear Weapons? A Theoretical Framework in Assessing Nuclear Proliferation in Israel, Iran and Saudi Arabia

Marlene Da Cruz is a senior at Seton Hall University with plans to graduate with a B.A. in Political Science in May 2020. After graduation she plans on attending law school. The objective of her ... political interests, and national prestige. The comparative methodological approach will be employed to understand the significance of nuclear proliferation in Israel, Iran and Saudi Arabia. The case studies

Eşʻarî Geleneğin İsmâilîlik Söylemi Ve Sosyo-Politik Temelleri (Bağdâdî Örneği)

information about the socio-political activities of the Ismāʻīlite groups. By doing so, he aimed to reveal their anti-Islamic structure to people. He also highlighted their negative thoughts about the ... Bk. Vedat Çelebi, “Michel Foucault'da Bilgi, İktidar Ve Özne İlişkisi”, Sosyal ve Beşeri Bilimler Dergisi 2587-1854 YO-POLİTİK TEMELLERİ(BAĞDÂDÎ ÖRNEĞİ) SOCİO-POLİTİCAL BACKGROUND (THE CASE OF

Fârâbî’nin İki Yapıtı

of the Middle Ages. They almost offer us briefly his conceptual world and show us the fundamentals of his political philosophy. It is just for this reason that we added before the translations in ... and Early Medieval Philosophy (Cambridge University Press 1967)’de yer alan çalışmasında bu konuda şunları söylüyor: “Plotinus Aklın Bir’den, Nefsin Akıldan çıkışını ışığın güneştenı, ısının ateşten

The Role of Non-Profit Organizations in the Political Process

The R ole of Non-Profit Organizations in the Hannah J. Greendyk Part of the Political Science Commons Recommended Citation - Article 6 Follow this and additional works at: https

The Role of Non-Profit Organizations in the Political Process

The R ole of Non-Profit Organizations in the Hannah J. Greendyk Part of the Political Science Commons Recommended Citation - Article 6 Follow this and additional works at: https

The Technology Gap Across Generations: How Social Media Affects the Youth Vote

factors go in to determining how a generation of voters will identify politically and how they vote. Some of the factors that influence political behavior include parent-instilled values, inherent political ... Vote Yamiemily Hernandez is a senior at Seton Hall University with plans to graduate with a B.A. in Political Science in May 2019. The objective of her senior thesis was to study how social media affects

Reflections On Some Basic Problems Of Philosophy Of Religion

REFLECTIONS ON SOME BASIC PROBLEMS OF PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION HASAN ATSIZ Yrd. Do?. Dr. When philosophy of religion tries to be scientific, full rational, and universal, it aims to reach a point ... where it would annihilate itself. When religions reminds philosophy of religion that the reality surrounding us requires different mode of thinking, they remind it also that it will remain a mere

Reflections On Some Basic Problems Of Philosophy Of Religion

REFLECTIONS ON SOME BASIC PROBLEMS OF PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION HASAN ATSIZ Yrd. Do?. Dr. When philosophy of religion tries to be scientific, full rational, and universal, it aims to reach a point ... where it would annihilate itself. When religions reminds philosophy of religion that the reality surrounding us requires different mode of thinking, they remind it also that it will remain a mere