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116 papers found.
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Ciało cierpiące i ontologiczne strzępy człowiecze w „Śnie srebrnym Salomei” Juliusza Słowackiego

‘theater of pain’, the phenomenon of vivisection and the ontology of ‘human remains’. The author reads Słowacki’s drama through the prism of Michel Henry’s philosophy of existence.

„Historia sarmatica” w poezji Jerzego Harasymowicza (prolegomena)

. Historism was treated by the writer as a reservoir of motifs and characters, which were a point of reference for the diagnosis of the current political situation in the 70s of the last century.

Oblicza Wolanda. Literackie studium postaci

by Woland, including the multitude of elements referring to particular philosophical, political and ethical doctrines. It all leads to the conclusion that Bulgakov’s devil is a multidimensional and

Historiograficzne próby Lucjana Rydla

Lucjan Rydel authored a dramatic trilogy about King Sigismund II Augustus. He described the 16th century with great erudition as regards the material and political history of the period. He had

Poeci i uczeni w wierszach okolicznościowych Wincentego Pola

of poets and poetry, as well as their role in society deprived of political identity. The second area of discussion are Pol’s works, which are addressed to scholars and, at the same time, emphasise the

„Młodości mej stolica”, czyli Kraków literacki i teatralny we wspomnieniach Tadeusza Kudlińskiego

theatrical Cracow and the author’s views on the philosophy and aesthetics of the theatre. My main objective was to show the great documentary value of Kudliński’s memories – due to their factographic

Bellum civile, bellum externum. Ambiwalencja obrazów wojny w twórczości Horacego

, fratricidal war (bellum civile) in relation to the ancient literary theory and criticism, the phenomenon of political and cultural ‟patronage” and the political events of Augustan period. By analyzing the odes ... and meet the requirements of the ancient literary theory and criticism includes a new political and social situation in the sphere of his work. Słowa kluczowe: Horacy, krytyka, wojna, mecenat

Bellum civile, bellum externum. Ambiwalencja obrazów wojny w twórczości Horacego

, fratricidal war (bellum civile) in relation to the ancient literary theory and criticism, the phenomenon of political and cultural ‟patronage” and the political events of Augustan period. By analyzing the odes ... and meet the requirements of the ancient literary theory and criticism includes a new political and social situation in the sphere of his work. Słowa kluczowe: Horacy, krytyka, wojna, mecenat

Komedia dell'arte: między lokalnością a globalnością

investigating theirrelation to political context that may result in domestication or foreignization.Keywords: Ewa Bal, commedia dell’arte, intercultural transfer, cultural mobility, localism andglobalism of the ... , cultural mobility, localism and globalism of the theatre, Harlequin, evolution of masks, dialectical theatre, drama in political context Bal E. , Lokalność i mobilność kulturowa teatru . Śladami Arlekina i

Za kulisami sądu. Ugo Betti, "Trąd w pałacu sprawiedliwości

comparison of the two performances: the theatrical one, directed by MariaWiercińska (1958), and the television one, directed by Gustaw Holoubek (1970). The firstspectacle was determined by the political

Za kulisami sądu. Ugo Betti, "Trąd w pałacu sprawiedliwości

comparison of the two performances: the theatrical one, directed by MariaWiercińska (1958), and the television one, directed by Gustaw Holoubek (1970). The firstspectacle was determined by the political

Za kulisami sądu. Ugo Betti, "Trąd w pałacu sprawiedliwości

comparison of the two performances: the theatrical one, directed by MariaWiercińska (1958), and the television one, directed by Gustaw Holoubek (1970). The firstspectacle was determined by the political

Za kulisami sądu. Ugo Betti, "Trąd w pałacu sprawiedliwości

comparison of the two performances: the theatrical one, directed by MariaWiercińska (1958), and the television one, directed by Gustaw Holoubek (1970). The firstspectacle was determined by the political

Komedia dell'arte: między lokalnością a globalnością

investigating theirrelation to political context that may result in domestication or foreignization. Keywords: Ewa Bal, commedia dell’arte, intercultural transfer, cultural mobility, localism andglobalism of the ... , cultural mobility, localism and globalism of the theatre, Harlequin, evolution of masks, dialectical theatre, drama in political context Bal E. , Lokalność i mobilność kulturowa teatru . Śladami Arlekina i

Za kulisami sądu. Ugo Betti, "Trąd w pałacu sprawiedliwości

comparison of the two performances: the theatrical one, directed by MariaWiercińska (1958), and the television one, directed by Gustaw Holoubek (1970). The firstspectacle was determined by the political

Za kulisami sądu. Ugo Betti, "Trąd w pałacu sprawiedliwości

comparison of the two performances: the theatrical one, directed by MariaWiercińska (1958), and the television one, directed by Gustaw Holoubek (1970). The firstspectacle was determined by the political

Różne twarze Kurta Suckerta - o twórczości Curzia Malapartego w Polsce

Malaparte in Poland withhistoric events and political situation.Keywords: Curzio Malaparte, Kaputt, Polish press, reception, translation ... domani) w przekładzie Zofii Hertz10. Jest to dość nietypowy utwór w dorobku pisarza: można go przyporządkować do gatunku political-fiction, ukazuje bowiem wizję Europy zdominowanej po II wojnie światowej

Różne twarze Kurta Suckerta - o twórczości Curzia Malapartego w Polsce

Malaparte in Poland withhistoric events and political situation. Keywords: Curzio Malaparte, Kaputt, Polish press, reception, translation ... domani) w przekładzie Zofii Hertz10. Jest to dość nietypowy utwór w dorobku pisarza: można go przyporządkować do gatunku political-fiction, ukazuje bowiem wizję Europy zdominowanej po II wojnie światowej

Różne twarze Kurta Suckerta - o twórczości Curzia Malapartego w Polsce

Malaparte in Poland withhistoric events and political situation.Keywords: Curzio Malaparte, Kaputt, Polish press, reception, translation ... domani) w przekładzie Zofii Hertz10. Jest to dość nietypowy utwór w dorobku pisarza: można go przyporządkować do gatunku political-fiction, ukazuje bowiem wizję Europy zdominowanej po II wojnie światowej

Wizerunek Judyty w poematach Rafała Leszczyńskiego i Wacława Potockiego

said text by Rafał Leszczyński (Iudith). Those differences were influenced not only by political, but also by moral and social factors. The best example and proof of that is the shortened and modest (as ... , z. 2, s. 265–300. 20 Tamże, s. 269. 21 Zob. też: Q. Skinner, The Foundations of Modern Political Thought, t. 2: The Age of Reformation, Cambridge 2014, s. 242, 22 Zob. też: J. Kowalski, A.M. Loba