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Search: Political Philosophy

186 papers found.
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Leo Strauss and The Recovery of Medieval Political Philosophy

Üni., İlahiyat Fakültesi, Felsefe ve Din Bilimleri Bölümü. RA, Recep Tayyip Erdogan Uni., Divinity Faculty, Department of Philosophy and Religion. Rize / Turkey 1 Ali Sertan Beşer, Leo Strauss'un

Parens, Joshua. Leo Strauss and The Recovery of Medieval Political Philosophy. New York: University of Rochester Press, 2016.

?ni., I?lahiyat Faku?ltesi, Felsefe ve Din Bilimleri Bo?lu?mu?. RA, Recep Tayyip Erdogan Uni., Divinity Faculty, Department of Philosophy and Religion. Rize / Turkey 1 Ali Sertan Bes?er, Leo Strauss'un

Parens, Joshua. Leo Strauss and The Recovery of Medieval Political Philosophy. New York: University of Rochester Press, 2016.

Üni., İlahiyat Fakültesi, Felsefe ve Din Bilimleri Bölümü. RA, Recep Tayyip Erdogan Uni., Divinity Faculty, Department of Philosophy and Religion. Rize / Turkey 1 Ali Sertan Beşer, Leo Strauss'un

Halife Mu‘izz-Lidînillâh Döneminde (341-365/953-975) Fâtımî-Endülüs Emevî Mücadelesi

In the history of Islam, Shiites and Sunnites are two groups that have been in constant struggle with each other due to a number of political and religious motives. The rivalry based on the conflict ... groups that have been in constant struggle with each other due to a number of political and religious motives. Some political events that took place at the end of the period of the first four caliphs

Shared Virtue: The Convergence of Valued Human Strengths Across Culture and History

philosophical and religious traditions in China (Confucianism and Taoism), South Asia (Buddhism and Hinduism), and the West (Athenian philosophy, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) for the answers each provided to ... -ching (pp. 255-276), State University of New York Press, Albany 1998. Lao Tzu, Tao te ching (D. C. Lau, Trans.), Viking Penguin, New York 1963. Leaman, O., Key concepts in Eastern philosophy, Routledge

Felsefe ve Eleştirel Düşünme

Without knowing the rules and concerns of philosophy, administering its methods, and raising the awareness of philosophical attitude, it is very difficult to educate individuals who can think ... conscious about the elements of this philosophy and know the features of philosophical attitude and thinking. On the basis of the assumption that the theoretical basis of this claim should be laid, the

Ajans Gazeteciliği - AzerTac

, the information industry has also grown, gained strength, and ultimately has developed significantly. News agencies that are existing as the result of necessity in political, social and economic fields


All of the changes that man living in community has undergone throughout history take place in the scope of philosophy of culture. Dealing with everything related to human, human society and humanity

Stratejik Bir İnşa Planı Olarak Medeniyetler Çatışması

The Collapse of the Berlin Wall and dissolution of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics has changed the whole global political system. This also has required new paradigmatic approaches especially ... international relations theories. Huntington’s article or thesis, ‘The Clash of Civilizations?” has been asserted to meet this academic or political requirement. After Huntington’s study, that has created deep

Rewriting History in John Arden's Left-Handed Liberty

path to liberty as was officially claimed. Although based on historical documents, Arden's play does not treat history didactically. He is indeed the master of conveying the social and political life of ... political identities. Hence, for instance, King John is reinterpreted as a weakling rather than a tyrant as the conventional reading of historical documents portrayed him. Taking an unconventional approach to


Pragmatics is an ongoing formation process and study area has emerged from the philosophy in the west but has gained an important place in the field of linguistics which receives data from different

Rusya’da Şubat Devriminden Sonra Azerbaycan Siyasi Aydınlarının Örgütlenmesi

After the February Revolution in 1917 the political situation radically changed in the Russian Empire. People put an end to the reign of the Romanovs ... world and called the prison of the peoples. In Azerbaijan, which was one of the provinces of the empire, the political situation was critical. The democratic movement of the peoples of South Caucasus was


Keywords: ethical, leadership, Organizational, cynicism, teacher, manager EXTENTED ABSTRACT Introduction Ethics is a field of philosophy defined in different ways both in the intellectual dimension and in ... professional organizations should obey or stay away from (TDK, 2006). The concept of ethics is used in philosophy inthe same sense as morality. True and false, good and bad, righteous and flawed acts are about

Sınıf Öğretmenliği Öğretmen Adaylarının Öğretmen Yetiştirme Programındaki Derslerin Gerekliliği ve İşe Vurukluk Düzeyleri Hakkındaki Görüşleri

, Turkish teaching, school experiences, classroom management courses. Minimum order required courses, general physics, history of civilization, general chemistry, philosophy of education, sociology of

Edebiyat Tarihinde Resim ve Şiir Analojisi

between painting and literature that has been studied since antiquity. This study is a survey of that concept and some questions it has generated. The study is a review, focusing on classical philosophy, of

Yeni Dini Hareketler ve Şiddet

from violence discourses of some NRMs, then is arranged the factors that lead to NRMs from theological elements to socio-cultural, economical and political causes. Later, it is emphasized the types of


important for Royce, is the main center of his entire philosophy of life. Therefore, the scope of this article is also a lot of loyalty in the examples are given for better understanding, loyalty, loyalty is ... , and even whether Christianity is a love -community will be evaluated in terms of Royce's loyalty ethics. In fact, loyalty is very important for Royce, even it is the main center of his entire philosophy

Osmanlı Toplumunda Ailenin Teşekkülünde İlk Adım: Namzedlik

Characterized as the smallest unit of the social structure, family creates its own typology with the impact of many religious, cultural, economic and political factors within the place and time it

Shared Virtue: The Convergence of Valued Human Strengths Across Culture and History

Psikoloji. - BİRLEŞMESİ Erzincan Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Hinduism), and the West (Athenian philosophy, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) for the answers each provided to questions of moral ... -ching (pp. 255-276), State University of New York Press, Albany 1998. Lao Tzu, Tao te ching (D. C. Lau, Trans.), Viking Penguin, New York 1963. Leaman, O., Key concepts in Eastern philosophy, Routledge

Postmodern Tüketim Anlayışında Dindar Yaşam Biçimleri

. This decentralization affects religious people gradually through political, economic and social changes. Especially certain and specific principles revealed by the religion become like an individual