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Mâverdî’nin Hilafet Nazariyesinin Siyaset Felsefesi Açısından Değerlendirilmesi

-Sultaniyya. I am going to evaluate in this work that religious? significance, essential aspects and coherence of M?ward??s theory from the point view of political philosophy by making fllowing determinations ... political philosophy and the basic politic principles of Islam. In addition, even though M?ward? defending that the Four Caliphate Periods, which he regarded it in his theory as a part of religion, he had

Mâverdî’nin Hilafet Nazariyesinin Siyaset Felsefesi Açısından Değerlendirilmesi

-Sultaniyya. I am going to evaluate in this work that religious? significance, essential aspects and coherence of M?ward??s theory from the point view of political philosophy by making fllowing determinations ... political philosophy and the basic politic principles of Islam. In addition, even though M?ward? defending that the Four Caliphate Periods, which he regarded it in his theory as a part of religion, he had

İlahiyat Fakültesi Öğrencilerinin Mobil Öğrenmeye Yönelik Tutumları

of Philosophy of Religion (London: Epworth Press, 1986 ). 11 Harvey Cox , The Seduction of the Spirit (NJ: Wildwood House, 1974 ); David A . Paillin, “Din Felsefesi Nedir?”, çev. Ferit Uslu, Gazi ... Öğrencilerinin Mobil Öğrenmeye Yönelik Tutumlarının Bazı Değişkenler Açısından İncelenmesi: Sakarya Örneği”, 2nd International Congress on Political, Economic and Social Studies (ICPESS ), ed. Fatih Yardımcıoğlu

Teizm-Ateizm Gerilimi: Postmodern Durumlar ve Problemler

second stage, it has been examined the use of the concept of atheism which is expressed as socio-political accusation as well as the philosophical-theological concept in terms of time, ground and mentality ... . Haldane, Atheism and Theism:Great Debates in Philosophy (Blackwell, 2002), 8. 22 George H. Smith, Atheism: The Case Against God (Prometheus Book, 2003), 17. 23 Paul Draper, ?Atheism and Agnosticism?, The

İbn Haldun’un Toplumsal Değişme Kuramı: Hegel, Marx ve Durkheim İle Bir Karşılaştırma

öğrencisi, Çukurova Ü., Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü. 1 Robert Lauer, Perspectives on Social Change (Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon, 1991). 2 M. Saeed Shiekh, Studies in Muslim Philosophy (Lahore: Pakistan ... eleştirdi. Bir tarihçi olarak İbn Haldun, tarihsel yasaların kaçınılmaz yönlerine 10 G. W. F. Hegel, The Philosophy of History (New York: Dover, 1959). 11 Hegel, The Philosophy of History, 9. 12 Hegel, The

Bir Bibliyografya Denemesi: Şah Veliyyullah ed-Dihlevi’yi Konu Alan Çalışmalar

?ndan M. Ikram Chaghatai?nin Shah Waliullah (1703-1762): His Religious and Political Thought adl? eseri ?ah Veliyyullah?? konu alan son m?stakil ?al??malar aras?nda say?labilir.28 ?ah Veliyyullah?a y ... ?n? muhtasar-m?fid bir ?slupla ele almas? n laA cihetinden Aziz Ahmed?in ?Political and Religious Ideas of Shah Wali-Ullah of nu Delhi?70 adl? makalesi dikkati ?eker. o iK E?itim anlay??? bak?m?ndan

Necip Fazıl Kısakürek’in Felsefe Anlayışı

hikmet olur ki bu da insanı kurtuluşa götürür. Anahtar Kelimeler: Necip Fazıl Kısakürek, felsefe, hikmet, akıl. The Sense of Philosophy of Necip Fazıl Kısakürek It is possible to evaluate Muslim’s ... attitude towards philosophy in three category. Some group completely refuse philosophic thoughts, on the other hand the other group accept it the measurement of everything. Some group criticize philosophy

Necip Fazıl Kısakürek’in Felsefe Anlayışı

girse ak?lda bedahete k?le olsa hikmet olur ki bu da insan? kurtulu?a g?t?r?r. Anahtar Kelimeler: Necip Faz?l K?sak?rek, felsefe, hikmet, ak?l. The Sense of Philosophy of Necip Faz?l K?sak?rek It is ... possible to evaluate Muslim?s attitude towards philosophy in three category. Some group completely refuse philosophic thoughts, on the other hand the other group accept it the measurement of everything

Bir Bibliyografya Denemesi: Şah Veliyyullah ed-Dihlevi’yi Konu Alan Çalışmalar

?ndan M. Ikram Chaghatai?nin Shah Waliullah (1703-1762): His Religious and Political Thought adl? eseri ?ah Veliyyullah?? konu alan son m?stakil ?al??malar aras?nda say?labilir.28 ?ah Veliyyullah?a y ... ?n? muhtasar-m?fid bir ?slupla ele almas? n laA cihetinden Aziz Ahmed?in ?Political and Religious Ideas of Shah Wali-Ullah of nu Delhi?70 adl? makalesi dikkati ?eker. o iK E?itim anlay??? bak?m?ndan

Siyasetin Ders İçerikleri (Hadisler) Üzerindeki İzdüşümleri (Cumhuriyet Dönemi Din Dersleri Örneği)

constitutional philosophy of the republic (secular, positivist, nationalist/nation state understanding) and (some) events that (negatively) affect the country on the hadith material in the republican religious ... education books are examined. In this frame, religious books prepared after the law or Tevhid-i Tedrisat were searched and tried to determine the political considerations and the effect of the hadith

Siyasetin Ders İçerikleri (Hadisler) Üzerindeki İzdüşümleri (Cumhuriyet Dönemi Din Dersleri Örneği)

constitutional philosophy of the republic (secular, positivist, nationalist/nation state understanding) and (some) events that (negatively) affect the country on the hadith material in the republican religious ... education books are examined. In this frame, religious books prepared after the law or Tevhid-i Tedrisat were searched and tried to determine the political considerations and the effect of the hadith

Dini Tecrübenin Bilişsel Geçerliliği

, Ithaca and London 1991, 40-41. 12 Cf. W. T. Stace, Mystcism and Philosophy, MacMillan 1960, 5nn. 13 W. T. Stace, Op. cit., 66. 14 E. Underhill, The Essentials of Mysticism, Oneworld Publication, 1999. 15 ... gerekçelendirilmesi için kesin olarak güvenilmezdir. 17 Cf. A. Flew, God and Philosophy, London 1966, 24-139. 224 Şırnak Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi Aslında, birisi muazzam çeşitlilikteki dini

Dini Tecrübenin Bilişsel Geçerliliği

hastal?k; (4) anormal psikolojik durum11 W. P. Alston, Perceivinig God, Ithaca and London 1991, 40-41. 12 Cf. W. T. Stace, Mystcism and Philosophy, MacMillan 1960, 5nn. 13 W. T. Stace, Op. cit., 66. 14 E ... . Her iki durumda da, onlar?n tecr?beleri rasyonel olarak kabul edilen inan?lar?n gerek?elendirilmesi i?in kesin olarak g?venilmezdir. 17 Cf. A. Flew, God and Philosophy, London 1966, 24-139. 224 ??rnak

Klasik Bir Kavramın Modern Dönemde Dönüşümü: Said Nursî’nin Mehdî Tasavvuru

faktörler üzerine yoğunlaşmaktad r. Extended Abstract Throughout its history, mankind has always felt the need to wait for something that will miraculously rescue itself from social turmoil, political and ... thought has been arranged in a way to respond to social and psychological needs by interpreting it in various ways throughout history with the effect of the political and social environment. Our study

Tanrı, Özgürlük ve İnsan Edimi

tüm varlıkların en özgür olanı olacağını ve onun gerçekte özgürce hareket etmenin ne anlam ifade ettiğinin * Çevirisini yaptığımız bu makale, “God, Freedom, And Human Agency” adıyla Faith And Philosophy ... makul2 3 4 5 Tanrı’nın tüm varlıkların en özgür olanı olduğu düşüncesine dair önceki savunmam için bkz. Thomas Talbott, “On the Divine Nature and the Nature of Divine Freedom”, Faith and Philosophy 5

Tanrı, Özgürlük ve İnsan Edimi

Philosophy 26, sy. 4 (2009) dergisinde yay?mlanm??t?r. ** Yrd. Do?. Dr., A?r? ?brahim ?e?en ?., ?slami ?limler Fak?ltesi, Din Bilimleri A. B. D. 1 Bir?ok eylem teorisyeni, i?in do?as?nda fail nedenin hi?bir ... makul2 3 4 5 Tanr??n?n t?m varl?klar?n en ?zg?r olan? oldu?u d???ncesine dair ?nceki savunmam i?in bkz. Thomas Talbott, ?On the Divine Nature and the Nature of Divine Freedom?, Faith and Philosophy 5

Dini Çeşitlilik Karşısında Hıristiyan Düşünürlerin Cevapları ve Tipoloji Problemi

reddedenlerin isimsiz H?ristiyan olarak nitelendirilmeleri de ciddi bir paradokstur.50 46 Hick, John Hick, Dialogues in the Philosophy of Religion, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2001, s. 182 vd. 47 Hick ... , Dialogues in the Philosophy of Religion, s. 188. 48 Hick, John Hick, God and Universe of Faith, Oxford: Oneworld Pablications Ltd., 1993, s. 127. 49 Hick, Dialogues in the Philosophy of Religion, s. 184. 50

Thomas Aquinas’ta Meleklerin Mahiyeti Problemi

, ?ikago: 1952 , s.269. 30 Aquinas, Summa Theologica, s.269-270. 31 Aquinas, Summa Theologica, s.269. 32 Cames Collins, The Thomistic Philosophy of the Angels, a Dissertion.,Washington D.C.: 1947, s.320 ... Thomistic Philosophy of the Angels, a Dissertion .,Washington D.C.: Catholic ?niversity Press, 1947 . ?a?r?c?, Mustafa ??bn Meymun?, D?A, XX, 194 - 199 . Erba?, Ali, Melekler ?lemi, ?stanbul: Nun yay?nc?l?k

Dedication of Lee H. Tate Hall Memorial Law Building

teaching of all other sciences would be useless, since they could never be realized in a wilderness without law. The Law is grounded in a deep philosophy. It is deduced from first principles, born of a love ... obscure his moral sense, his success may reasonably be assured; but, if he allows the lure of political preferment or the opportunities, often presented to a lawyer, of obtaining questionable pecuniary

Din ve Çağdaş Sosyolojik Teoriler(Çeviren: Talip DEMİR)

. Alain Badiou?nun Saint Paul (2003) ve Jacob Taubes?in The Political Theology of Paul (2004) adl? dikkat ?ekici kitaplar? bu konular? uzun uzad?ya incelemi?tir. Bellah??n ?aheseri (Religion in Human ... the Rise of Spiritual Privilege . New York: NYU Press. Habermas , J. ( 2006 ) Religion in the public sphere . European Journal of Philosophy 14 ( 1 ): 1 - 25 . Haddad , Y.Y. ( 2011 ) Becoming American