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Search: Political Philosophy

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The Political Economy of the Opioid Epidemic

Public health problems have a political economy rooted largely in public and private laws that both reflect the distribution of power in society and shape its policy responses. In this Article, we ... stricter constraints on opioid production, distribution, and prescription. Yet these responses have been slow in coming and continue to face practical and political barriers. Although these observations do

Adverse Reactions: Structure, Philosophy, and Outcomes of the Affordable Care Act

package includes a variety of spending offsets and tax increases. Whether by accident or design, community rating strengthened the political prospects of the bill. Even when support for the bill as a whole ... the ACA originates from a place of political strength. That strength served as advocates' rhetorical base during public debateS86 and helped catalyze the bill's passage. The ACA may seem like a mishmash

From Economic Inequality to Economic Freedom: Constitutional Political Economy in the New Gilded Age

economic opportunity are an illusion for most Americans. Such economic inequality magnifies and interacts with chron­ic crises of structural racial injustice and persisting political dysfunction. The urgency ... other entity treats you well, you remain subservient and therefore unfree. The paradigmatic manifestation of domination arises in the history of republican political philosophy around the problem of the

Amend the Constitution To Restore Public Trust in the Political System: A Practitioner's Perspective on Campaign Finance Reform

with seemingly limitless resources. The power to control the political dialogue of campaigns is useful to these special interests because of the resulting power that is gained in the legislative process

“Kendim Yazdım Kendim Yaktım”: Ebû Hayyân et-Tevhîdî’nin (ö. 414/1023) Kitaplarını İmhası

unlimited. Scholarly sources on the history of Islamic sciences and philosophy make similar references to Banū Mūsā, and especially to Abū Ja‘far Muḥammad b. Mūsā (d. 259/873), who would spend his entire time ... related to political ideologies, religious beliefs, and sectarian convictions that were dominant in that society. The second type of punishment, however, was based on more individual, peculiar, and unique

Wael B. Hallaq. Modernitenin Reformu: Abdurrahman Taha’nın Felsefesinde Ahlak ve Yeni İnsan (trc. Tahir Uluç). İstanbul: Ketebe Yayınları, 2020, 451 sayfa.

and the New Human in the Philosophy of Abdurrahman Taha, çok geçmeden Türkçeye tercüme edilerek Mayıs 2020’de Türk okuyucusuna ulaştı. Bu eserde, Faslı düşünür Abdurrahman Taha’nın (d. 1944) modernizm

İnsan Haklarının Felsefi Krizi: İslâmî Bir Perspektif

, was the first scholar to introduce the concept of “ahliyya” i.e. the legal and moral capacity of men, as an important issue of uṣūl al-fiqh (the philosophy and methodology of Islamic jurisprudence), as ... list of al-Dabūsī became in time the core notion of the modern understanding of human rights. John Locke says that in the state of nature before the occurrence of political society, every person has the

Locked In and Locked Out: Applying Charming Betsy to U.S. Felony Disenfranchisement

Political Rights and the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. Although these treaties are non-self-executing, I suggest that they can be marshaled in the fight ... contravenes the United States’ pledge to expand voting rights in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) in 1992.28 Second, this practice conflicts with the country’s commitment to

Tanrı Tasavvuru Açısından Kutadgu Bilig Nasıl Okunabilir?

, İslamla§ma süreci, Tanrı, kelam, tasavvuf, felsefe. Abstract In this article, hasing on its ideal and and political background, I will try to attract the attcntion in reading Kutadgu Bilig. In other words ... (kelam), mysticism (tasavvuf) and philosophy (felsefe) of the thinker (mutefekkir) poet, Yusuf Has Hacih, with comparison. According to Kutadgu Bilig, thought of GOD'S presence means more than opining GOD

Tanrı Tasavvuru Açısından Kutadgu Bilig Nasıl Okunabilir?

, İslamla§ma süreci, Tanrı, kelam, tasavvuf, felsefe. Abstract In this article, hasing on its ideal and and political background, I will try to attract the attcntion in reading Kutadgu Bilig. In other words ... (kelam), mysticism (tasavvuf) and philosophy (felsefe) of the thinker (mutefekkir) poet, Yusuf Has Hacih, with comparison. According to Kutadgu Bilig, thought of GOD'S presence means more than opining GOD

Pay No Attention to That Man Behind the Robe: Judicial Elections, the First Amendment, and Judges as Politicians

For years, political scientists, historians, pundits, and casual observers have decried the degree to which campaigning politicians avoid discussions of "the issues. ... consulting appropriate legal texts and not simply exerting political will. See, e.g., H.L.A. HART, ESSAYS IN JURISPRUDENCE AND PHILOSOPHY 105-08 (1983). But the fact that some judges exercise their

Minkârizâde Yahya Efendi’nin Fetvalarının Fetâvâ-Yı Abdürrahim Olarak Tedavüle Girişi Üzerine Değerlendirmeler

Fatwa collections with their rich content on the social, cultural, economic, political and religious life of the period to which they belong are among the primary sources for researchers from many

Law as Source: How the Legal System Facilitates Investigative Journalism

Legal scholars have long recognized that the media plays a key role in assuring the proper functioning of political and business markets Yet we have understudied the role of law in assuring effective ... calculation suggests an estimated $70 million in net social benefits from the Post investigation. The evidence documenting the effects of media on business and political markets goes beyond specific case

Text and the City: George Grosz, Neue Jugend, and the Political Power of Popular Media

they also depicted the new artist as someone capable of withstanding or even mastering these shocks and transforming them into instruments of political action. Appearing as they did in the newspaper

Marmara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi Üzerine Bibliyometrik Bir Analiz

%) are in the range of 11-30 pages. 49.7% of the publications are related to Basic Islamic Sciences; 30.4% of them are related to Philosophy and Religious Sciences and 15.4% of them are related to Islamic ... ) 40 times, Islam 25 times, Qur’an (education) 20 times; hadith, philosophy and Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh) 17 times each, religiousness 15 times, language (language/languages) 14 times, law 12 times

Soyun Önemi Bağlamında Yahudi-Haşmoni Krallığı ve Vaftizci Yahya

Abstract: Hasmonean Kingdom (140-37 BCE) was one of the few Jewish independent states in history. However, Hasmoneans were not able to exercise their religious and political authority fully because ... , Göttingen: Vandenhoeck&Ruprecht, 2013 . Finkelstein , Louis, “ The Pharisees: Their Origin and Their Philosophy” , The Harvard Theological Review , 1929 , XII, sy . 3, s. 185 - 261 . Geiger , Abraham, Judaism

Abbâsîler’in Son Dönem Vezirlerinden Ebü’l-Muzaffer Yahya b. Hübeyre (ö. 560/1165)

Since the mid-4th/10th. century Abbāsīds had been under the political and  military domination of the Buwayhids, and the Great Seljuks respectively, for about two  centuries. By the beginning of the ... , began to include the political prevalence of Iraq and attempted to remove the Seljuk infiltration of Bagdad, but these attempts utterly failed. The death of Mas'ūd, Sultan of the Seljuks of Iraq, however

Maha A. Z. Yamani. Polygamy and Law in Contemporary Saudi Arabia. Reading, UK: Ithaca Press, 2008, 275 pages.

Saudi history and the impact of the political system on current local marriage matters in general and polygamy in particular. The goal of the book is to contextualize the legal marriage contracts in Saudi ... husbands seeking to adhere to tribal values or looking for political alliances and long-term advantage contribute to increase of polygamy, and this happens with the assistance of Najdī women who approve

Polygamy and Law in Contemporary Saudi Arabia

Saudi history and the impact of the political system on current local marriage matters in general and polygamy in particular. The goal of the book is to contextualize the legal marriage contracts in Saudi ... husbands seeking to adhere to tribal values or looking for political alliances and long-term advantage contribute to increase of polygamy, and this happens with the assistance of Najdī women who approve

“Mısır Ahvali”: II. Meşrutiyet’ten Cumhuriyet’e İslâmcı Basında Mısır

in Egypt and to have tried to stay in tune with the latest news by publishing articles and series about Egyptian political life. Ömer Rıza Doğrul, Tāhir al-Mawlawī and Abd al-Ghanī Saīd in Sabîl al ... . Meşrutiyet Dönemi, İslâmcılık to have tried to stay in tune with the latest news by publishing articles and series about Egyptian political life. Ömer Rıza Doğrul, Tāhir al-Mawlawī and Abd al-Ghanī Saīd in