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Search: authors:"Anna D’Ambrosio"

3 papers found.
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Trading off wage for workplace safety? Gaps between immigrants and natives in Italy

We employ Italian administrative data to analyze the differentials in wages and workplace injuries between immigrants and natives over the 1994–2012 period. Via propensity score reweighting, we construct the factual and counterfactual, marginal and joint distributions of wages and workplace injuries. Examining the differentials along the entire distributions, our approach yields...

The role of openness in explaining innovation performance in a regional context

We investigate the role of search strategy in shaping firms’ innovation performance. Firms use a wide range of external actors and sources to help them achieve and sustain innovation. In particular, the extension (breadth) and the relevance (depth) of such sources determine firms’ ability to extract and exploit knowledge and new ideas and, thus, to be innovative. Using a sample...