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Role of geriatric intervention in the treatment of older patients with cancer: rationale and design of a phase III multicenter trial

as good 0.5 : does not know Appendix B: Writing and Validation Committees of the Cancer Care Protocol Writing Committee: Catherine Terret (Medical Oncologist, Lyon, Chair), Thomas Aparicio (Gastro

Role of geriatric intervention in the treatment of older patients with cancer: rationale and design of a phase III multicenter trial

AuthorsSearch for Pierre Soubeyran in:PubMed • Google Scholar Search for Catherine Terret in:PubMed • Google Scholar Search for Carine Bellera in:PubMed • Google Scholar Search for Franck Bonnetain in:PubMed ... to Pierre Soubeyran. Appendix Appendix A Table 3 The G8 screening test Full size table Appendix B: Writing and Validation Committees of the Cancer Care Protocol Writing Committee: Catherine

Screening for Vulnerability in Older Cancer Patients: The ONCODAGE Prospective Multicenter Cohort Study

Background Geriatric Assessment is an appropriate method for identifying older cancer patients at risk of life-threatening events during therapy. Yet, it is underused in practice, mainly because it is time- and resource-consuming. This study aims to identify the best screening tool to identify older cancer patients requiring geriatric assessment by comparing the performance of...