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Search: authors:"Dorothy Figueira"

6 papers found.
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Kwestia religii i literatury: "Narzeczeni

The essay examines the phenomenon of negative reception of religious thematics in the field of Comparative Literature in the US and the difficulties in interpreting I promessi sposi as a reflection on human accountability and its relationship to the idea of theodicy, both in American and Italian academe. Particular attention is paid to the problem of methodological and practical...

Kwestia religii i literatury: "Narzeczeni

The essay examines the phenomenon of negative reception of religious thematics in the field of Comparative Literature in the US and the difficulties in interpreting I promessi sposi as a reflection on human accountability and its relationship to the idea of theodicy, both in American and Italian academe. Particular attention is paid to the problem of methodological and practical...

Kwestia religii i literatury: "Narzeczeni

The essay examines the phenomenon of negative reception of religious thematics in the field of Comparative Literature in the US and the difficulties in interpreting I promessi sposi as a reflection on human accountability and its relationship to the idea of theodicy, both in American and Italian academe. Particular attention is paid to the problem of methodological and practical...

Kwestia religii i literatury: "Narzeczeni

The essay examines the phenomenon of negative reception of religious thematics in the field of Comparative Literature in the US and the difficulties in interpreting I promessi sposi as a reflection on human accountability and its relationship to the idea of theodicy, both in American and Italian academe. Particular attention is paid to the problem of methodological and practical...

Guest-editor’s introduction

Dorothy Figueira 0 0 D. Figueira (&) Athens, GA, USA - This cluster of articles is the fruit of a panel that was organized at the Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association