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Search: authors:"Hussam Zaher"

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Large-scale molecular phylogeny, morphology, divergence-time estimation, and the fossil record of advanced caenophidian snakes (Squamata: Serpentes)

). Funding for this study was provided by FAPESP (2002/13602-4, 2011/50206-9 and 2016/50127-5). Conceptualization: Hussam Zaher, Robert W. Murphy, Felipe G. Grazziotin. Data curation: Hussam Zaher, Roberta ... Graboski, Kristin Mahlow, Felipe G. Grazziotin. Formal analysis: Hussam Zaher, Roberta Graboski, Mark Wilkinson, Felipe G. Grazziotin. Funding acquisition: Hussam Zaher. Investigation: Hussam Zaher, Mark