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Search: authors:"Maggie Kirkman"

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Young people's views on the potential use of telemedicine consultations for sexual health: results of a national survey

Background Young people are disproportionately affected by sexually transmissible infections in Australia but face barriers to accessing sexual health services, including concerns over confidentiality and, for some, geographic remoteness. A possible innovation to increase access to services is the use of telemedicine. Methods Young people's (aged 16-24) pre-use views on telephone...

Young people's views on the potential use of telemedicine consultations for sexual health: results of a national survey

Young people are disproportionately affected by sexually transmissible infections in Australia but face barriers to accessing sexual health services, including concerns over confidentiality and, for some, geographic remoteness. A possible innovation to increase access to services is the use of telemedicine. Young people's (aged 16-24) pre-use views on telephone and webcam...