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Search: authors:"Po-E Li"

4 papers found.
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ADEPT, a dynamic next generation sequencing data error-detection program with trimming

Background Illumina is the most widely used next generation sequencing technology and produces millions of short reads that contain errors. These sequencing errors constitute a major problem in applications such as de novo genome assembly, metagenomics analysis and single nucleotide polymorphism discovery. Results In this study, we present ADEPT, a dynamic error detection method...

ADEPT, a dynamic next generation sequencing data error-detection program with trimming

B104153I and B084531I. Author information AffiliationsGenome Science Group, Bioscience Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, 87545, USAShihai Feng, Chien-Chi Lo, Po-E Li & Patrick S. G ... . Chain AuthorsSearch for Shihai Feng in:PubMed • Google Scholar Search for Chien-Chi Lo in:PubMed • Google Scholar Search for Po-E Li in:PubMed • Google Scholar Search for Patrick S. G. Chain in:PubMed

Accurate read-based metagenome characterization using a hierarchical suite of unique signatures

A major challenge in the field of shotgun metagenomics is the accurate identification of organisms present within a microbial community, based on classification of short sequence reads. Though existing microbial community profiling methods have attempted to rapidly classify the millions of reads output from modern sequencers, the combination of incomplete databases, similarity...

Enabling the democratization of the genomics revolution with a fully integrated web-based bioinformatics platform

Continued advancements in sequencing technologies have fueled the development of new sequencing applications and promise to flood current databases with raw data. A number of factors prevent the seamless and easy use of these data, including the breadth of project goals, the wide array of tools that individually perform fractions of any given analysis, the large number of...