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Search: authors:"Rajeshwar N. Srivastava"

3 papers found.
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Management of Late Onset Perthes: Evaluation of Distraction by External Fixator—5-Year Follow-Up

Background. Hip distraction in Perthes’ disease unloads the joint, which negates the harmful effect of the stresses on the articular surfaces, which may promote the sound healing of the area of necrosis. We have examined the effect of arthrodiastasis on the preservation of the femoral head in older children with Perthes’ disease. Methods and Materials. Twelve children with age...

Management of Late Onset Perthes: Evaluation of Distraction by External Fixator—5-Year Follow-Up

Background. Hip distraction in Perthes’ disease unloads the joint, which negates the harmful effect of the stresses on the articular surfaces, which may promote the sound healing of the area of necrosis. We have examined the effect of arthrodiastasis on the preservation of the femoral head in older children with Perthes’ disease. Methods and Materials. Twelve children with age...

Management of Late Onset Perthes: Evaluation of Distraction by External Fixator—5-Year Follow-Up

Background. Hip distraction in Perthes’ disease unloads the joint, which negates the harmful effect of the stresses on the articular surfaces, which may promote the sound healing of the area of necrosis. We have examined the effect of arthrodiastasis on the preservation of the femoral head in older children with Perthes’ disease. Methods and Materials. Twelve children with age...